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Everyday uses of materials

Everyday uses of materials

Make a water container out of a paper towel to get children thinking about the importance of understanding material properties. Look closely at some great new vocabulary to describe materials and make a large glossary for the classroom. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Ethiopian Inspiration

Ethiopian Inspiration

Think big and create a class mural based on the work of Afewerk Tekle. Children work collaboratively to plan and paint a mural with a biblical subject in the same style as Tekle.
Rock detectives

Rock detectives

Revisit vocabulary about properties of materials. Explore ‘what we know’ and ‘what we would like to know’. Go for a walk to identify how materials that come from rocks are used around the school. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Researching Roman mosaics

Researching Roman mosaics

Children research the internet and non-fiction texts and look for information about Roman mosaics. They talk about the images that Romans used in creating these, and then use a software package to create their own mosaics. Some chn do further research. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Poverty and Food Security

Poverty and Food Security

Children think positively about ways in which we can help to improve the lives of people who lack food security. Thinking about our responsibilities as world citizens, children discuss ways of campaigning to change the causes of lack of food in Africa.
World Trade Game

World Trade Game

Through playing the Christian Aid Chocolate Trade Game (need internet) children come to understand, in a fun way that world trade rules are unfair to developing food producing countries. They think about human causes of food security issues.
Revise forces

Revise forces

Forces are everywhere, there is a force driving everything that moves. Children get to grips with real life examples in this session as they develop their understanding of gravity and begin to measure forces using forcemeters. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Sexual health

Sexual health

Session 1 - Have discussion about contraceptives as a way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy, but also explain that they can help protect against sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Use drama to practise saying no to peer pressure for smoking, alcohol or drugs. Children design warning labels. Session 2 - Discuss one sexually transmitted disease / infection in more detail – HIV / Aids. Ensure children understand difference between having the virus and the syndrome. Watch a video by children living with an HIV mother and discuss stigma involved with HIV / Aids. Look at statistics and discuss Memory Books and World Aids Day. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Collate findings

Collate findings

Finish the investigation started in Session B. Use the results to try and answer the questions about what plants need. Match vocabulary to meanings to make a glossary. Assess what has been learnt. Suitable for Y2 pupils.
Fair Trade

Fair Trade

Children consider arguments for buying fair trade produce and look at relevant websites including Christian Aid and Oxfam. Children think about how fair trade does not address causes – unfair trade rules and greedy practices. How can we campaign to change these?
Seed dispersal

Seed dispersal

Some seeds rattle, some roll, others are just bursting out all over the place! Children discover that plants disperse many seeds in different ways, what clues do their sizes, shapes, weights and textures give us about how they spread? Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Adaptations of life in the Rainforest

Adaptations of life in the Rainforest

The rainforest ecosystem is one of the oldest on the planet. Animals living there have adapted to suit their habitat. Children find out more about animals who use camouflage, sharp claws, long beaks or tails to survive in the jungle. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

Trip to Tropical Plant Centre

In this session children get up close and personal with tropical plants on a visit to a botanical garden, zoo or even a large garden centre. Children find out more about conditions for growth and the life cycles of different plants. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Endangered Animals 2

Endangered Animals 2

In this session children are shown how to use search engines to search for images, and be selective about those that they choose. Children then continue to collect key word notes about their animal or plant.
Explore hearing

Explore hearing

Discuss how sound enters the ears and the information is passed to the brain. Investigate the sounds animals make and why; relate to animal treatment. Activity to help children discriminate sounds in a group. Draw animal pictures and label with the sounds they make. Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
Where in the World?

Where in the World?

Discover where in Africa your link school is (or use a child described in a book as your link). Imagine you are going to visit and plan the journey you would make. Draw the route on maps or create a journey timeline including distances, mode of travel, etc. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
We Are Britain

We Are Britain

We all have at least one thing in common – we live in Britain! Chn meet lots of different chn from all over the UK courtesy of We are Britain by B. Zephaniah. They see people move around the UK & other countries é they think about their own histories. Suitable for Years 1 é 2.
Paper investigation

Paper investigation

Children will plan and carry out an investigation about paper in small groups or pairs, testing questions they have thought of themselves. They will select the equipment and have a go at explaining results and drawing conclusions. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Street Model

Street Model

Building on previous session, children make a model of a street near the school (or from imagination). Class is split in two – one group make a ‘then’ model and one a ‘now’ model – using junk modelling techniques. Display along with leaflets previously made.
Describing Your Place

Describing Your Place

Listen carefully to some children in Ghana describing their home town or use descriptions from your link school friends of their town. Imagine the teacher and some children from your link school are going to visit your town! Describe the places they should visit. Suitable for years 5 and 6.