Sentence Writing Intervention
A sentence writing booster/intervention that can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who are struggling with writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks and introduces children to 35 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw. Each week covers reading the focus high frequency words, writing the focus words, cutting and sticking words to make a sentence and then writing a dictated sentence. I have used this activity to encourage children to write sentences with capital letters and full stops and to hold and repeat the sentence in their head.
The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences.
HFW Reading Intervention
A reading intervention that covers 100 high frequency words/HFW. The words are split into 13 sets with five activities for children to complete for each set. The activities are - read the words, find and colour the star words, match and colour words starting with upper and lower case letters, read the sentences including hfw and use the picture to fill in the missing word and read the sentences and draw a picture to match the sentences.
Please note that the sets do not contain equal numbers of words due to needing to construct sentences that make sense.
Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children.
A set of spellings lists covering all of the Year 1 common exception words.
Each spelling list contains 5 words for the class to learn per week with nine weeks worth in total. Each week includes an activity for children to practise writing the spellings and an activity for children to fill in the missing words using the spellings for that week. These sheets can be sent home as home learning.
Please see my activity for supporting children to spell CEW at
A set of ten pictures each with sequencing and prediction activities.
For the prediction activities, children need to answer questions about the picture eg what do you think happened before the fish found the treasure chest or what do you think will happen next.
For the sequencing activity, children need to sequence sentences about the picture or complete sentences explaining what they think happened in the story.
This PowerPoint encourages lots of discussion and talk from the children.
Aimed at Key Stage 1 children
Four PowerPoints focusing on the four different seasons. The PowerPoints include questions for the children to answer and facts for the children to learn about the four seasons.
There are also five worksheets for the children to complete for each season. These worksheets include questions for children to answer about the season, a missing word activity for each season, drawing activities and a months of the year activity for children to indicate when each season occurs.
The PowerPoints and worksheets are aimed at Key Stage 1 children.
A sentence writing booster/intervention with a focus on using adjectives in sentences. The sheets can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who need support to improve their writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks, introduces children to new adjectives and also introduces children to 31 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw.
Each week covers -
reading the focus high frequency words
practising to write the focus words
introducing the children to new adjectives for children to discuss the meaning of
writing sentences including adjectives
filling in missing key words and adjectives in sentences
There are 7 activity sheets for the children to complete each week.
I have used this activity to encourage children to use adjectives in their written work.
The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences.
**Spring PowerPoint and Worksheets
A Powerpoint all about spring.
The Powerpoint shares seasonal facts about spring and includes questions for children to answer.
There are also five worksheets about spring for children to complete. The worksheets cover filling in the missing words in sentences about spring, designing an umbrella, answering questions about the season spring, spring months and drawing a spring scene.
Summer PowerPoint and Worksheets
A Powerpoint all about summer.
The Powerpoint shares seasonal facts about summer and includes questions for children to answer.
There are also five worksheets about summer for children to complete. The worksheets cover filling in the missing words in sentences about summer, designing a flower, answering questions about the season summer, summer months and drawing a summer scene.
Aimed at Key Stage 1 children however the Powerpoint and some of the worksheets could be used with Reception children.
Two sets of alphabet loop cards. One set covers finding capital letters and the other set covers finding lower case letters.
Each set of loop cards includes 26 loop/follow me cards.
Each card features a capital or a lower case letter and a who has __ question. Children must listen carefully to the who has question and see if they have the matching capital or lower case letter. These cards help children to think about letter names and to recognise capital and lower case letters. These cards can be started on any card.
Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
Classroom Behaviour Chart
A classroom behaviour chart for teachers to use to spot positive behaviours. The chart includes 8 positive classroom behaviours, these behaviours are -
excellent attitude
fantastic lining up
superb effort
brilliant tidying
wonderful kindness
good listening
super sitting
beautiful manners
There is also a set of alien name tags. The children can choose the colour alien that they would like and their name can be added. When the children are spotted displaying one of the positive behaviours they can add their alien name tag to that picture on the chart.
The chart encourages children to engage in the positive behaviours and children enjoy having their name on the chart and being praised for their positive behaviour.
Classroom Behaviour Certificates
A set of 8 classroom behaviour certificates for teachers to use when they spot a pupil displaying one of the positive behaviours from the Classroom Behaviour Chart.
The certificates encourage children to engage in the positive behaviours and children enjoy being praised for their positive behaviour.
Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage One children.
A set of 8 classroom behaviour certificates for teachers to use when they spot a pupil displaying one of the positive behaviours. The certificates are for -
excellent attitude
fantastic lining up
superb effort
brilliant tidying
wonderful kindness
good listening
super sitting
beautiful manners
The certificates encourage children to engage in the positive behaviours and children enjoy being praised for their positive behaviour.
Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage One children.
A short story about worries.
The little girl in the story has a worry that starts in her tummy and keeps growing and growing until she shares her worry with other people.
The short story can be used during an assembly or as a discussion point during a PSHCE lesson.
Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children
A set of 16 positive affirmation sentence starter cards.
These cards include positive affirmations such as I am caring because and I am brave because. Each card starts with I am and children have to complete the sentence. The cards encourage children to talk about themselves in a positive manner.
The cards can be printed and laminated or displayed in the classroom or can be viewed on the interactive whiteboard. Children can choose a card to respond to or all children can respond to the same card.
Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children but could also be used with Key Stage 2 children
A set of 8 common noun games.
These games help children to identify, describe and talk about nouns. The games include lots of colourful, interesting pictures. There is also a poster that explains what a noun is.
Aimed at KS1 children but could be used with lower KS2 to recap common nouns.
A set of 11 number bond scavenger hunt cards for making 10. Children have to solve the problem and identify the missing number in the number sentence, children then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity.
Aimed at KS1.
A set of 21 number bond scavenger hunt cards for making 20. Children have to solve the problem and identify the missing number in the number sentence, children then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity.
Aimed at KS1.
A set of 30 pictures each with a question to be answered for example describe the bear, who lives here? Children to answer the question using all of the skills that they have learnt in English.
This activity book could be used with KS1 or KS2 and the teacher could add a challenge for example you must include a question, you must use commas in a list.
The activity book gives the children an opportunity to write freely and demonstrate their abilities.
A colour mixing powerpoint that teaches children the primary colours and how to mix colours to make green, purple and orange.
The powerpoint is accompanied with 6 activity worksheets covering primary colours, colour mixing and colour word writing.
Aimed at early years and KS1.
A set of 13 multiplication scavenger hunt cards for x5. Children have to solve the five times table problems and then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity.
Aimed at KS1.
A set of 18 Prove It Maths Cards aimed at KS1.
The cards provide children with a problem that they must prove based on number, shape, measure and money. Some number cards have a space for the child or adult to add an appropriate number, number sentence or amount of money for the child to solve/make.
A set of 13 multiplication scavenger hunt cards for x2. Children have to solve the two times table problems and then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity.
Aimed at KS1.
A set of 13 multiplication scavenger hunt cards for x10. Children have to solve the ten times table problems and then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity.
Aimed at KS1.