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Nazi Germany: The Nazis in the Golden Twenties

Nazi Germany: The Nazis in the Golden Twenties

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and two Word Documents that examines Hitler’s reorganisation of the Nazi Party in the 1920s after his release from prison. The lesson also considers how popular the Nazi Party was by 1928 as a result of these changes. Activities include Quick Quiz Starter activity on prior learning; the Munich Beerhall Putsch. Source analysis exercise to identify Hitler’s change in approach to gaining power after the failure of the Putsch. Gapfill on the key ideas in Mein Kampf. Connection activity linking changes to the Nazi Party during the Golden Twenties with their purpose. Plenary discussion on the extent the Nazis became popular between 1924-1928 based on statistical evidence such as book sales, seats in the Reichstag and party membership figures. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 3 Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918-45. Lesson Length: 45min depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
The British Empire: The Partition of India

The British Empire: The Partition of India

PowerPoint (with 7 slides) and one Word Documents that examine the reasons the partition of India resulted in violence. Activities include Quick quiz starter activity on Gandhi and events in India before 1945. Matching activity on the attitude to Indian independence of the British, the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress after 1945. Analysis activity to identify flaws in Britain’s approach to partition with a focus on the roles of Mountbatten and Radcliffe. Map analysis exercises on why population distributions made the task difficult. Map analysis activity on the problems the final decisions on partition created; East Pakistan, Kashmir, the Radcliffe Line. Discussion based exercise with source prompts on why partition provoked communal violence. Source analysis activity on the causes of Gandhi’s assassination. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the British Empire. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Henry VIII: Foreign Policy 1509-1513

Henry VIII: Foreign Policy 1509-1513

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examines the extent King Henry VIII was successful in achieving his foreign policy aims between 1509-1513 by going to war against France & Scotland. The extent to which Henry achieved glory through war, conquered territory in France and prevented Scottish interference are all considered. Activities include Ranking activity on the relative importance of Henry’s aims to the King himself. Comprehension / highlighting activity to identify evidence of success and failure from the events of 1509-1513 in Henry achieving his aims. Table to be completed in which students judge the extent of Henry’s success in achieving his aims during every stage of of his foreign policy including the Battle of the Spurs, the sieges of Therouanne & Tournai and the Battle of Flodden. Plenary activity in which pupils consider Henry’s achievements in comparison to the early campaigns of King Francis I and Emperor Charles V. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr 30min depending on pace.
Medieval World: Sutton Hoo

Medieval World: Sutton Hoo

Two lessons made up of two PowerPoints (each with 5 slides) and two Word Documents that examines what was buried at Sutton Hoo, whether the Saxons responsible were barbaric or civilised, whether the focus of the burial was Christian or pagan and who specifically was likely buried in Mound 1. Activities include Lesson 1 Starter activity in which students work out what was buried at Sutton Hoo based on a photograph from the 1939 dig. Analysis of a source to identify the meaning of the term ‘barbaric’. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to complete a table on whether the culture responsible were civilised or barbaric. Discussion, based on the objects, on what type of person was buried in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo. Lesson 2 Starter activity in which students analyse an image of a pagan burial to consider differences with modern burial practices. Reading and comprehension exercise to understand the meaning of the term pagan. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to determine whether the culture responsible were pagans or Christians. Discussion of why objects from both faiths were found in Mound 1. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 in conjunction with a timeline to identify who was most likely buried at Sutton Hoo. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World. Lesson Length: Two 1hr lessons depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Mid-Tudor Crisis: Female monarchy & Queen Mary I

Mid-Tudor Crisis: Female monarchy & Queen Mary I

PowerPoint and two worksheets that examines the role of gender in Mary’s reign looking at Wyatt’s Rebellion, the marriage to King Philip II, John Knox’s attack on female monarchs. Activities include Source analysis of the the Monstrous Regiment of Women by Knox Evaluation of the key events of the reign to determine whether or not gender caused Mary’s problems or limited her ability to deal with them. Source analysis of the marriage treaty between Mary & Philip. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Duration: Two 1hr lessons approx.
Mid Tudor Crisis: Economics

Mid Tudor Crisis: Economics

PowerPoint (with six slides) and two Word Documents that examine what caused the mid-Tudor economic crisis. The lesson focuses on economic problems including debasement, enclosure, unemployment, population growth, war, declining trade, inflation, disease and famine. It considers the social consequences of these problems, government attempts to deal with them and ultimately who was responsible. Activities include Quick quiz focused on events from the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII that link to economic problems in the mid-Tudor period. A reading and comprehension task that requires students to connect the economic problems with the correct social impacts & government attempts to deal with them. A connection task requiring students to consider the interrelated nature of mid-Tudor economic problems. A judgment task to determine who or what was responsible for each economic problem. A judgment task to determine which figure in Tudor government was most responsible for the Mid-Tudor economic crisis. A reading and evaluation exercise to determine the utility of common contemporary commentators on the mid-Tudor economic crisis. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Duration: 1hr lessons approx. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Jack the Ripper Lesson Bundle

Jack the Ripper Lesson Bundle

4 Resources
A four lesson bundle on Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders of 1888. The lessons consider the nature of Jack’s victims, the suspects investigated by the authorities, the failure of the police investigation and the consequences of the murders including social change and how the murders should be remembered. The bundle includes four PowerPoints and eight word documents of activities. Each of the lessons is designed to last approximately 1hr depending on learning pace.
Jack the Ripper: The Police

Jack the Ripper: The Police

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and one Word Document that examines the reasons why the police failed to catch Jack the Ripper in 1888. The lesson includes information on police failings (such as a lack of detectives, lack of co-operation between forces), issues with the environment of Whitechapel (alleyways, migrant populations, adversarial relationships with the police), and lack of technology (DNA, CCTV, fingerprinting). Activities include Ranking activity on the likely effectiveness of various tactics used to try and catch Jack the Ripper. Source analysis question on why the police did not offer rewards during the investigation. Source analysis exercise on the utility of a witness statement in aiding the police to solve the Whitechapel Murders. Evidence organisation task to identify three or four larger factors that help explain why the police were unable to catch Jack the Ripper. Source analysis task on the reasons Charles Warren lost his job as Metropolitan Police Commissioner. Concluding discussion / paragraph on whether police failings were the most important reason why the murders were never solved. Designed for the teaching of Key Stage 3 History. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
The First World War: The Battle of the Somme

The First World War: The Battle of the Somme

PowerPoint (with 9 slides) and two Word Documents that examines whether the Battle of the Somme was a victory or defeat fro the British army. Activities include: A quick quiz on the opening stages of the First World War. A chronology exercise in which the stages of General Haig’s plan of attack are put into sequence. A matching exercise in which British errors are connected with the correct explanation. A ranking exercise on Britain’s biggest error during the Battle of the Somme. A sorting exercise on British successes and failures. A concluding paragraph / plenary discussion in whether the Battle of the Somme was a victory or defeat for Britain. A re-evaluation of that judgment after the tactic of attrition is introduced and considered in the context of the Somme. A past paper exam style question (8 marks) on the Battle of the Somme. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 A1 The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-1918. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Henry VIII: Wolsey's Peace Policy

Henry VIII: Wolsey's Peace Policy

PowerPoint (with six slides) and a Word Document that examines the extent of success Thomas Wolsey achieved in placing his master, King Henry VIII, and England at the centre of European diplomacy between 1514 and 1520. The lesson considers the treaty of Saint Germain en Laye, signed with France in 1514, the Treaty of London in 1518 and the Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520. Activities include Starter activity discussing why English foreign policy switched from war to peace in 1514 based on prior learning. Analysis of the terms of the Anglo-French treaty of 1514, and the events that occurred soon after, to identify supporting evidence for various interpretations offered about the territorial, economic and diplomatic success England enjoyed as a result. Evidence sorting activity to determine the extent the Treaty of London was a success for King Henry VIII and Wolsey given their aims. Source analysis exercise to consider whether the Field of the Cloth of Gold achieved English aims. Plenary ranking activity to stimulate discussion on the practical benefit for England of the three different examples of Wolsey’s peace policy considered over the lesson as well as the reputation benefit to King Henry VIII. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Mid-Tudor Crisis: The Lady Jane Grey Plot

Mid-Tudor Crisis: The Lady Jane Grey Plot

PowerPoint (with 8 slides) and three Word Documents that examines the Lady Jane Grey Plot including why Edward VI named Jane over Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, Mary Queen of Scots or Francis Grey, the role of the Duke the Northumberland, the reasons why the plot failed and the issue of who was the rebel; Jane or Mary. Activities include Starter activity connecting Henry VIII’s Acts of Succession with the correct description (based on prior learning) Analysis of the Tudor Family tree to complete a table on the suitability of potential heirs to Edward’s throne in 1553. Analysis of Edward’s Device for the Succession to consider how the document changed and why. Source analysis to identify the Duke of Northumberland’s motives in supporting Lady Jane Grey. Comprehension activity on the events of the plot to identify causes of failure and three overarching factors Evidence based discussion / debate on who was the rebel in 1553; Jane or Mary? Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr x 2 depending on pace.
The First World War: The sinking of the Lusitania

The First World War: The sinking of the Lusitania

PowerPoint (with 9 slides) that examines whether the Germans were justified in sinking the Lusitania during the war at sea during the First World War. Activities include: A quick quiz on previous learning focused on examples of other civilian deaths in the various topics we cover. Feel free to edit to fit your circumstances. A source based analysis activity on why Germany targeted Britain with unrestricted submarine warfare. A source based analysis activity on whether Germany adequately warned passengers of the dangers of journeying to Britain by sea during the war. A source based analysis activity on whether the nature of the Lusitania’s cargo justified Germany’s actions. A discussion activity on how the second explosion helped Germany justify its actions. A source based analysis activity on the extent of British responsibility for the sinking of the Lusitania. A timeline analysis activity to consider the extent the sinking damaged the German war effort. Concluding discussion on the extent the Germans were right to sink the Lusitania. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 A1 The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-1918. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
The Stuarts: The Great Plague

The Stuarts: The Great Plague

PowerPoint (with 7 slides) and one word document that examine contemporary beliefs about the causes of the Great Plague of 1665, the effectiveness of responses to the plague and reasons for the end of the outbreak. Activities include Source analysis exercise on Samuel Pepys’ diary to identify the cause of his concerns. Quick Quiz activity focused on the Black Death (prior learning). Matching exercise on causes of the spread of the Plague, both accurate & inaccurate. Source analysis of a Daniel Defoe extract. Analysis of responses to the outbreak to determine what they suggest people believed was the cause. Judgment on the effectiveness of these actions. Analysis of a map to determine the importance of the Great Fire of London in ending the outbreak. Analysis of the monthly death statistics to identify alternative reasons for the end of the outbreak. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of Stuart Britain / Early Modern Europe. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
The Tudors: Mary, Queen of Scots

The Tudors: Mary, Queen of Scots

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and three Word Documents that considers the reputation of Mary, Queen of Scots, the threat she and the plots that surrounded her posed to Queen Elizabeth I and the controversies that surrounded her execution. Activities include Reading and highlighting activity on Mary’s life before her arrival in England to identify whether she was a victim of circumstance or a villain. Comparison activity to determine why Mary was a threat to Queen Elizabeth I. Reading and comprehension task to identify the reasons why the Revolt of the Northern Earls, Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington Plots failed. Matching task on why Elizabeth was reluctant to execute Mary, Queen of Scots. Discussion based activity on the extent Elizabeth was responsible for Mary’s execution. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Medieval World: The First Crusade

Medieval World: The First Crusade

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and two Word Documents that examines the causes and outcome of the First Crusade. Activities include Starter activity in which students match definitions to different types of conflict. Discussion of an annotated image of central Jerusalem to identify why the city was fought over. Source analysis activity to determine how Pope Urban II motivated people to go on crusade with judgments made on whether these motivations were selfish or selfless. A reading and comprehension exercise to identify reasons the first crusade was successful. Ranking exercise to identify the relative importance of key factors. Plenary discussion on whether the First Crusade took place for selfish reasons in the light of the events that occurred. Extension map analysis of the Middle East after the First Crusade to determine whether the crusader states were in a strong or weak position. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site
The First World War: Trenches

The First World War: Trenches

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and two Word Documents that examines the development of trenches during the First World War, their structure, the conditions that characterised them and the development of stalemate as a result. Activities include: Source analysis starter activity of a photo from the Battle of the Marne about the nature of fighting in the First World War. A reading and comprehension task on the establishment of trenches. Pupils to find evidence to support various statements. Labeling task on a diagram of a trench cross section. Source analysis task to identify key aspects of life in the trenches; trench foot, boredom, rats, lice, mud, shell shock, etc. Consolidation task in which pupils match key trench terminology to definitions. Plenary discussion with picture source stimulus about why trench warfare led to stalemate on the Western Front. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 A1 The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-1918. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Weimar Germany: The Munich Beerhall Putsch

Weimar Germany: The Munich Beerhall Putsch

PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and one Word Document that considers what caused the extent the Munich Beerhall Putsch was a failure for the Nazis. Activities include Quick Quiz on previous units studied at GCSE - feel free to change to suit your context. Analysis of a timeline to identify why the Weimar Government was particularly vulnerable in November 1923. Reading, comprehension and highlighting activity on successes and failures of the Putsch for the Nazis. Ranking activity on the consequences of the Putsch for the Nazis. Source analysis exercise to establish the consequence of Hitler on trial. Discussion based comparison activity on the most threatening revolt faced by the Weimar Government. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 3 Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918-45. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
The Tudors: Early Modern Europe

The Tudors: Early Modern Europe

PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and three Word Documents that introduces the Early Modern period and contrasts it with the medieval period by considering changes in art, exploration & discovery, warfare, the status of women, architecture, astronomy, anatomy and the spread of knowledge. The lesson doesn’t reference the Tudors in any great depth but might be a useful introduction to a Tudor course or act as bridge between a medieval and early modern unit. Activities include Word association starter activity on the medieval period Source analysis activity to identify developments in various aspects of life in the early modern period and then judge the extent of change having compared to the medieval period. Discussion based task on why the fall of Constantinople in 1453 is sometimes seen as the start of the Early Modern period. Timeline analysis task to consider why dating the start of the early modern period is difficult. Analysis of two Asian sources to consider the limitations of the concept of an early modern period . Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Early Modern period. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
China: From Mao to Deng

China: From Mao to Deng

PowerPoint with eight slides and one Word Document that examines the transfer of power from Mao to Hua Guofeng to Deng Xiaoping between in 1976 and 1978. The lesson also considers the fall of the Gang of Four. Activities include Quick Quiz of prior learning focused on the demise of leaders in other parts of the course. Feel free to edit to fit your own topics. A decision making exercise looking at the events of 1976-1978 from various perspectives to determine how and why power shifted from Mao to Hua to Deng. Source analysis exercise on Hua and Deng’s respective attitude to reforms to determine why Deng emerged as China’s paramount leader. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: 1789-1847 Bundle

German Nationalism: 1789-1847 Bundle

6 Resources
Six lessons covering the start of the OCR Y314 German Nationalism A Level Unit. The bundle is made up of six PowerPoints (one for each lesson) and eight supporting Word Documents. The lessons are as follows - The Holy Roman Empire in 1789 The Romantic Movement Napoleon and Germany The Congress of Vienna Prince Metternich The Zollverein Lessons are designed to last approx. 1hr depending on pace and contain a variety of different learning activities.