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Stuarts - Was James I a Popular King?

Stuarts - Was James I a Popular King?

This lesson contains: Background information about James’ ascension to the throne and some of the issues his reign might cause, such as him being Scottish, the son of an executed traitor, having a wife that favours Catholicism and his beliefs about Divine Right of Kings. Students discuss each point as you move through the slides. An activity to study two quotes by different historians who see James differently. Students will return to these quotes later as they decide whether James was a popular king or not. A short video from YouTube about James’ life and reign for background information. A main activity for the students to study a double sided information page containing lots of information about James. Students complete the worksheet to show his policies and decisions about different matters. This task is extended by considering things that would have made James popular, and things that wouldn’t have. A plenary to return to the quotes and to choose which side they are on by writing up their own judgements about James. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
Stuarts - What Really Happened in the Gunpowder Plot?

Stuarts - What Really Happened in the Gunpowder Plot?

This lesson contains: A starter task that has questions that can be amended or altered based on what you have been previously teaching. Background information about James (in case you have not previously done a lesson him). There is also a slide to get the students engaged by showing that the Gunpowder Plot has lot of exciting elements in it. A discussion about the importance of Parliament, before students study an information sheet about the Plot itself and complete a fact file table to record and comprehend the main facts of the event. A few slides on the consequences of the plot and then a few slides to show what happened to the plotters. The main activity to discuss the two main theories about the plot, whether it was a genuine plot, or whether Robert Cecil knew about it all along. The students then use a number of sources to analyse the event and make a judgement about what it shows about the guilt of the plotters. Students note down suspicious information, then make a judgement about whether the plotters were framed. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
Civil War L5 - Why Did Charles Lose the Civil War?

Civil War L5 - Why Did Charles Lose the Civil War?

This lesson contains: A starter task that has questions that can be amended or altered based on what you have been previously teaching. A video from YouTube which summarises the main events of the war. Students then use the information provided to find out about 4 such battles. The worksheet contains questions to elicit the key information. Students can extend their thinking by discussing what either side might have done differently to get a decisive victory. A chance to take a detailed look at Naseby, the battle which turned the tide of the war. Students are introduced to the location and the alignment of the troops. There is a video summary of the battle and how it was fought, and then the PPT provides a ‘talk through’ opportunity with animation to show the progression of the battle. A task to use the information to complete their worksheets and answer the questions. A final task to colour-code the main reasons why Charles lost the war, and then do a write up to say what the main reasons were. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
Civil War L4 - How Organised Was the New Model Army?

Civil War L4 - How Organised Was the New Model Army?

This lesson contains: A starter task that has questions that can be amended or altered based on what you have been previously teaching. An overview of the situation so far in the war and that neither side had won decisive victories. Students are then introduced to the new leaders Fairfax and Cromwell and the idea of a new ‘model army’, why it was created and what the intention was. An activity to then use an information sheet to answer questions on the key information about the new army and then to explain how the new types of troops might help them win. A task to study the rules laid out for the army. Students use the questions on the board to write about what made them religious, disciplined and brave. Students summarise the key provisions while doing so. A plenary to recount key words. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Medieval - How Did Henry II Deal with Church Challenges

KS3 Medieval - How Did Henry II Deal with Church Challenges

This lesson includes: A starter activity to recap previous learning. An on-board introduction to Henry II becoming king and the kings that came before him starting with William I. Students learn about the Angevin Empire and the extent of Henry II’s power. An on-board explanation of the rising power of the Church and Henry’s frustrations with Church courts. Students find out about the ways criminals could escape justice through Sanctuary and Benefit of the Clergy. This is followed by an exercise to summarise what they have learned so far. An activity to read the story of Henry and Becket and to complete a questions on the timeline worksheet provided. This is extended by asking students to identify 1-2 moments where both men were responsible for the falling out. A plenary for students to reflect on the mistakes made and how things may have gone differently. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - How Did Becket's Murder Affect Henry's Power?

KS3 Medieval - How Did Becket's Murder Affect Henry's Power?

This lesson includes: A starter to recap the previous lesson on the breakdown of Becket’s relationship with Henry. A chance to study the image of Henry being whipped and have students guess/discuss what is going on. A recap on the board of the breakdown in relations between the two men, and how the final scene played out when Henry called out about the ‘troublesome priest’. Students then read 3 sources and answer a series of questions about the death of Becket using the sources to extract the information. They write which source told them the information at each point so that they can grasp the importance of studying multiple sources. A short video from YouTube to followup on the death of Becket and it’s implications. A main activity to study the consequences of the death of Becket and write out the impact it had on the king, Becket’s memory, the Church etc. so assess how it affected the king’s power. A plenary to update a progress sheet Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - How Did Parliament Challenge Henry III?

KS3 Medieval - How Did Parliament Challenge Henry III?

This lesson includes: A starter which can be edited to fit whatever you previously taught. An on-board introduction to Henry III’s reign and his family tree as well as anticipating whether he can learn from John’s mistakes. The teacher takes the students through a few slides with mistakes Henry also made and they weigh up how similar he is to his father. There is an activity to summarise what they have learned. An on-board introduction to Simon de Montfort and the Provisions of Oxford. Students use the on-board information to complete some questions on this. A main task to read an information sheet about the 2nd Barons War and the eventual death of de Montford. The students complete some comprehension questions and then analyse the text to draw out facts about how the parliament worked. This is done on the worksheet provided and has a summary of the equivalent workings of today’s parliament. A plenary to update the optional consolidation table for the whole scheme of work on Medieval Power. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files