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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Development 3: Write Your Script

Development 3: Write Your Script

This resource will help young people to refine their final film ideas into a script. This includes an overview of script conventions and tips and activities exploring visual storytelling in scriptwriting. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae'r adnodd yma i helpu'r bobl ifanc addasu'r syniadau ffilm terfynnol i mewn i sgript. Mae hyn yn cynnwys trosolwg o strwythr sgriptiau a syniadau a gweithgareddau sy'n archwilio arfau dweud straeon gwelwldol mewn sgriptiau. Awgrymir defnyddio'r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i'w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Development 2: Write, Test & Pitch

Development 2: Write, Test & Pitch

This resource will help young people to develop their film ideas further and refine this into a short summary. The summary can be used to describe ideas to crew members or other interested parties through the process of pitching.The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult.This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma i helpu bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu syniadau ffilm ymhellach a’i gwtogi i grynodeb byr. Gall y crynodeb ei ddefnyddio i ddisgrifio syniadau i aelodau'r criw neu uniogolion sydd â diddordeb drwy'r broses pitsio. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Development 1: Develop Your Film Idea

Development 1: Develop Your Film Idea

This resource introduces young people to the development stage of film production. It includes top tips and activities covering themes, premise, character development, genre and different types of story structure to help them develop their film ideas. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn cyflwyno'r camau o ddatblygu o gynhyrchu ffilm i bobl ifanc. Mae'n cynnwys awgrymiadau a gweithgareddau sy'n cwmpasu themâu, syniadau, datblygu cymeriadau, genre a gwahanol fathau o strwythur stori i'w helpu datblygu eu syniadau ffilm. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

This resource contains a guide to seven films, which have been specially selected to be accessible to learners aged 7-19. The guides include discussion questions and activity ideas to encourage learners to ask and answer questions about films that reflect different cultures and ways of life around the world. The flims and languages featured in the resources are; Wadjda (Arabic), La Famille Belier (French), Max Minsky und Ich/ Max Minsky and Me (German), La Juala de Oro/ The Golden Dream (Spanish), Goodbye Lenin! (German) and Carlitos y el Campo de los Suenos/ Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime (Spanish). Visit the Into Film website to download the accompanying European Day of Languages PowerPoint presentation with accompanying clips.
Love Languages - Spanish

Love Languages - Spanish

A resource to support teachers to work with short and feature length films to develop pupils' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The resource contains clips, stills and activity materials to deliver engaging and innovative lessons to learn language through active film watching, filmmaking and creative work. The resource includes stimulus material to develop language skills on the topics of sport, colours, the body, emotions and storytelling, and to integrate language learning across the curriculum. Not yet Into Film? find out about our free film clubs at www.intofilm.org/clubs. Did you find this resource useful? if so, leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it.
Scotland on Film/ Alba air an SgaIlean

Scotland on Film/ Alba air an SgaIlean

A resource produced in partnership with Education Scotland, Scottish Book Trust and LGBT Youth Scotland. The activities in this resource are designed to encourage educators and young people to explore Scotland through film, focusing specifically on two central themes: Language and Identity. From classic cinema through to modern day representations of Scotland on film, the resource touches on history, myth, and culture. It also uses film with accompanying Scots language texts, encouraging learners to explore the language in historical and modern contexts. The sections on identity cover many aspects of what it can mean to be Scottish from personal identity, including LGBT, to rural and city living. Not yet Into Film? Find out more about our free Into Film Clubs at www.intofilm.org/clubs Goireas air a riochdachadh ann an compàirteachas le Foghlam Alba, Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba agus Òigridh LGDT na h-Alba. Tha na gnìomhan sa ghoireas seo air an dealbhadh gus luchd-teagasig agus òigridh a bhrosnachadh Alba a rannsachadh tro fhilm, ag amharc gu sònraichte air dà phrìomh theama: Cànan agus Fèin-aithne. O hfilmichean clasaigeach gu riochdan na h-Alba là an-diugh air an sgàilean, tha an goireas a' buntainn ri eachdraidh, ùrsgeul agus cultar. Tha e cuideachd a' cleachdadh film an cois theacsaichean sa Bheurla Ghallta, a' brosnachadh luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhith a' rannsachadh a' chànain ann an coitheacsan sean is ùra. Tha na h-earrannan mu fhèin-aithne a' deiligeadh ri iomadh feartan a tha e a' ciallachadh a bhith nad Albannach, a' toirt a-steach dòighean beatha LGDT, dùthchail agus anns a' bhaile mhòr. Tha Shorts 2016 - an cruinneachadh de dh'fhilmichean goirid le Comhairle Bhreatainn, le Take Your Partners ann, ri fhaotainn air iasad o stòras Into Film. Ma dh'fheumas tu e, cuir fios gu Jo Spence Co-ordanaiche na h-Alba aig jo.spence@intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? If so, please leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it.
Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

This engaging resource, inspired by STUDIOCANAL's new animated take on a classic tale, features a series of activities for use in your classroom to inspire pupils to think creatively and demonstrate outstanding communication and problem solving skills. Activities encourage children to engage with the quirky colourful characters in Robinson Crusoe, including Tuesday the Parrot, Scrubby the Goat and Rosie the Tapir, exploring their personalities and their island home using verbal and non-verbal communication effectively. Activities can be used in their entirety or as engaging starter or extension activities in an existing lesson or workshop.
Bill: Green Light to Opening Night Part 1

Bill: Green Light to Opening Night Part 1

A series of five videos that go behind the scenes and explore the making of the film Bill, a fictional take on the young William Shakespeare’s search for fame and fortune. In part one of this five-part Green Light to Opening Night series, we learn about pre-production, including pitching, commissioning, screenwriting, the first script read through and the role of the director. We also meet some of the lead actors and one of the writers of the film. A resource designed to accompany behind the scenes film has been designed to work across a range of curriculum areas and subjects for students aged 9-13. It comprises of a set of teachers’ notes with activity outlines and worksheets for classroom use and a PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips from the film and the Behind The Scenes film which can be downloaded at www.intofilm.org/bill This film is now available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18539
Bill: Green Light to Opening Night Part 2

Bill: Green Light to Opening Night Part 2

The second film of five in the Bill: Green Light to Opening Night series, covers the production of the film. Into Film’s team of Young Reporters visit the unit base on location to meet the Co-Producer and the First and Second Assistant Directors. They also learn about: • scheduling and shooting films out of sequence, • the hair and makeup and costume production • trailers, the challenges of re-creating Tudor looks and clothing. A resource designed to accompany behind the scenes film has been designed to work across a range of curriculum areas and subjects for students aged 9-13. It comprises of a set of teachers’ notes with activity outlines and worksheets for classroom use and a PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips from the film and the Behind The Scenes film which can be downloaded at www.intofilm.org/bill This film is now available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18539
Spotlight on Music - Primary

Spotlight on Music - Primary

A resource containing activity and lesson ideas to work with film soundtracks across the curriculum to develop listening, discussion, analysis, reading, writing and composition skills. Film examples in this resource include Fantasia (U, 1940), Shaun the Sheep (U, 2014), Le Ballon Rouge (U, 1956) and The Artist (PG, 2012). Did you find this reosurce useful? If so, leave a star rating, so that other teacher's can find it. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org
The Lion King Film Guide

The Lion King Film Guide

This one-page film guide on the film The Lion King (a loose adaptation of the play Hamlet) is designed to support pre- and post-screening discussions of character and the nature of adaptation, for use with primary school pupils aged 5 and over. It comprises of discussion questions and notes for teacher reference before encouraging young people to write their own reviews of the film, take part in extension activities and with suggestions for further viewing. This film is available to stream free on Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/3008
Gattaca - Science literacy Welsh language

Gattaca - Science literacy Welsh language

Using film as the stimulus, and set in modern-day scientific contexts, this series of resources can be used in the classroom to help develop students' scientific literacy. They help students to apply their scientific knowledge and skills to issues in the modern world. The question sets focus on the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for scientific literacy as set out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Gattaca acts as a good stimulus for conversations around genetic modification and ethics in science. Download the accompanying Welsh language PowerPoint presentation and rent this DVD for free from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/22
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

A selection of films with discussion and activity ideas celebrating languages around the world. The resource has been designed for use to celebrate European Day of Languages, which takes place on 26 September each year. The resource can also be used at any time to support the Languages curriculum and Film Club programming. To start your free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
3Cs and 3Ss Literacy Tool

3Cs and 3Ss Literacy Tool

The 3Cs (Colour, Camera, Character) and the 3Ss, (Story, Setting, Sound) can be used to help students discuss and analyse all the elements of a film text. Working with the 3Cs and 3Ss enables students to make connections between the features of all texts, and develop their decoding, encoding, reading and writing skills. After viewing a film sequence, just roll the dice and ask your students one of the corresponding questions. Students can become skilled at leading this activity for themselves as a starter activity or plenary for film text analysis. Into Film provides free Raising Literacy Attainment Through Film CPD for teachers and educators, to find out more visit www.intofilm.org/training
Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Wall-E

Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Wall-E

Mae’r anoddau hwn am y ffilm WALL-E wedi’i deilwra I gyd-fynd a’r Fframwaith Cenedlaethol Llythrennedd ac yn anelu at helpu athrawon cynradd I ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a chyfathrebu ar draws y cwricwlwm. Datblygwyd yr adnoddau mewn cyd-weithrediad ac ymarferydd llythrennedd profiadol gyda’r nod o arfogi athrawon a’r sgiliau I ddefnyddio ffilm I godi safonau llythrennedd.
Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Iron Giant

Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Iron Giant

Mae’r anoddau hwn am y ffilm Iron Giant wedi’i deilwra I gyd-fynd a’r Fframwaith Cenedlaethol Llythrennedd ac yn anelu at helpu athrawon cynradd I ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a chyfathrebu ar draws y cwricwlwm. Datblygwyd yr adnoddau mewn cyd-weithrediad ac ymarferydd llythrennedd profiadol gyda’r nod o arfogi athrawon a’r sgiliau I ddefnyddio ffilm I godi safonau llythrennedd. https://www.intofilm.org/films/3001
Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Hairspray

Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Hairspray

Mae’r anoddau hwn am y ffilm Hairspray wedi’i deilwra I gyd-fynd a’r Fframwaith Cenedlaethol Llythrennedd ac yn anelu at helpu athrawon cynradd I ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a chyfathrebu ar draws y cwricwlwm. Datblygwyd yr adnoddau mewn cyd-weithrediad ac ymarferydd llythrennedd profiadol gyda’r nod o arfogi athrawon a’r sgiliau I ddefnyddio ffilm I godi safonau llythrennedd.
Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Around the World in 80 Days

Adnodd Fframwaith Llythrennedd Cenedlaethol: Around the World in 80 Days

Mae’r anoddau hwn am y ffilm Around the World in 80 Days wedi’i deilwra I gyd-fynd a’r Fframwaith Cenedlaethol Llythrennedd ac yn anelu at helpu athrawon cynradd I ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a chyfathrebu ar draws y cwricwlwm. Datblygwyd yr adnoddau mewn cyd-weithrediad ac ymarferydd llythrennedd profiadol gyda’r nod o arfogi athrawon a’r sgiliau I ddefnyddio ffilm I godi safonau llythrennedd.
The Iron Giant Welsh National Framework resource

The Iron Giant Welsh National Framework resource

We have produced this resource on the film The Iron Giant to complement the new Welsh National Literacy Framework for Primary schools, aimed a developing oracy, reading, and writing across the curriculum. Developed in conjunction with a leading literacy practitioner and the Welsh Government, these bilingual resources aim to empower teachers to increase literacy through film. This film is now available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/3001
French film for primary

French film for primary

This resource contains activities for before and after viewing a film and an extensive recommended viewing list of engaging French films for primary school pupils. Watching and analysing foreign language films is an excellent way to develop pupil's language skills, literacy and cultural understanding. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Giving this resource a star rating will help other teachers to find it.