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I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students. For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com




I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students. For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
Lexis and Semantics - English Language A Level Unit

Lexis and Semantics - English Language A Level Unit

A 9 lesson unit comprising a 70 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (8 include a text for analysis) and a summary terminology and theory sheet, exploring the topic of lexis and semantics. This unit can be used for any of the major exam boards. Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the terminology listed below, a worksheet containing a text (or revision cards for lesson 9), and a homework task. The following terminology is covered: Open and closed word classes – noun, verb, adjective, adverb, determiner, conjunction, preposition and pronoun Types of noun – proper, abstract, concrete, collective, count, non-count Types of pronoun – personal, possessive, reflexive, demonstrative, relative, indefinite, interrogative Types of verb – dynamic, stative, transitive, intransitive, primary auxiliary, modal auxiliary, linking (copula) and imperative Verb processes – material, relational, mental, verbal, dynamic, stative Adjective and adverb forms – base, comparative and superlative Types of adjective – descriptive/qualitative, evaluative, quantitative, interrogative, proper, demonstrative, indefinite, possessive, compound, degrees of comparison Types of determiner – article, demonstrative, possessive, interrogative, quantifier, cardinal and ordinal number Types of conjunction – co-ordinating, sub-ordinating, correlative/paired Cognitive and structural semantics Denotative and connotative meaning- Semantic/lexical fields and collocates Lexical connectors – addition, consequence, comparative, temporal, enumeration and summative Anaphoric and cataphoric references, substitution, ellipsis Synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy Euphemism and dysphemism Metaphor The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources. Check out some of my most popular English Language A Level resources! Grammar Phonetics, Phonology and Prosodics Analysing Discourse - Spoken Language Pragmatics Graphology Language and Gender Language and Power and Occupation Language and Global and World Englishes Language Change Language Discourses Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Language and Ethnicity A Level Unit

Language and Ethnicity A Level Unit

A 10 lesson unit comprising a 68 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including texts for analysis) exploring the topic of Language and Ethnicity and a summary terminology and theory sheet. Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered: Idiolect, dialect, sociolect and ethnolect Pidgins and creoles Multicultural London English – Cheshire andKerswill (2011) Multicultural British English – Drummond (2016) Black British English – Thompson (2022) Code switching – Haugen (1950s) Code mixing – Wardhaugh (1986) Types of Code Switching West Yorkshire Study - Ives (2014) White talk Black talk - Hewitt (1986) South London Study - Ives (2014) Code Switching - Holmes (2017) Language in a Black Community - Edwards (1986) The objectification of ‘Jafaican’ - Kerswill (2014) Ethnolects - Eckert (2008) Stylising the ‘roadman’ - Ilbury (2023) Style-shifting in Multicultural London English - Oxbury and De Leeuw (2020) Phonetic variation and change in the Cockney Diaspora - Cole and Evans (2020) Style Repertoire and Social Change in British Asian English – Sharma (2011) Style variation – Sharma and Rampton (2015) Aspects of identity in a second language – Drummond (2012) Language as a resistance identity – Pitts (2012) Black/white borders through linguistic stylization – Clark (2003) Style shifting and identity – Barrett (1994) Cultural appropriation in language – McWhorter (2021) Language and ethnicity and identity – Ogbu (1999) Linguistic Injustice – Baker-Bell (2020) There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 57-65. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question. The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources. Check out my other English Language A Level resources! Language and Gender Language and Region Language and Power and Occupation Language and Global and World Englishes Language Change Language and Technology Language and Social Groups Language Discourses Language Discourses Opinion Writing
The Scrutiny - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

The Scrutiny - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Scrutiny’ by Richard Lovelace from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature. The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content. The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades. Lesson plan included!
A Song (Absent from thee) - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

A Song (Absent from thee) - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

Two detailed lessons exploring ‘A Song (Absent from thee)’ by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature. The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content. The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades. Lesson plan included!
Song (Ae fond kiss) - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

Song (Ae fond kiss) - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Song (Ae fond kiss)’ by Robert Burns from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature. The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content. The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades. Lesson plan included!
GCSE Macbeth Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Macbeth Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 25 examination-length extracts from Macbeth and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Paper 1, Section A (can also be used for: AQA, Paper 1, Section A by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording; Eduqas, Paper 1, Section A; or OCR Paper 2, Section B). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas - full teaching unit!

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas - full teaching unit!

A complete unit of work for teaching The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This is a dynamic and engaging unit for teaching this text. A range of activities are included, incorporating textual analysis, comprehension, contextual linking, comparison and creative writing. The main resource includes 87 Powerpoint slides which stretch over at least 15 lessons. If class reading time is incorporated into the lessons, then this would double the number of lessons available. Additional consolidation and assessment activities are included to extend the unit further. Any worksheets mentioned are included in the pack as are detailed lesson plans with learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation and variety in activities. This unit will stretch and challenge even the most able students whilst supporting those learners who require it. In addition, the Powerpoint slides are visually engaging and accessible.
GCSE Great Expectations Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Great Expectations Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 26 examination-length extracts from Great Expectations and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 2, Section A (can also be used for AQA, Paper 1, Section B or OCR, Component 1, Section B, by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
GCSE The Merchant of Venice Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE The Merchant of Venice Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 23 examination-length extracts from The Merchant of Venice and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Paper 1, Section A (can also be used for: AQA, Paper 1, Section A by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording; Eduqas, Paper 1, Section A; or OCR Paper 2, Section B). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
The Merchant of Venice - complete teaching unit!

The Merchant of Venice - complete teaching unit!

5 Resources
Five Powerpoints and accompanying resources to teach The Merchant of Venice in its entirety for GCSE or A Level. Included: The Merchant of Venice audit document A comprehensive guide to tragedy with a terminology matching exercise An Act IV Scene i ‘chunked’ resource to use as a pre-reading activity Contextual background to the play Analysis and discussion questions for the scene Modelled textual analysis Longer exam-style questions Extension questions for higher ability students
GCSE Much Ado About Nothing Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Much Ado About Nothing Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 24 examination-length extracts from Much Ado About Nothing and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Paper 1, Section A (can also be used for: AQA, Paper 1, Section A by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording; Eduqas, Paper 1, Section A; or OCR Paper 2, Section B). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
The Tempest Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

The Tempest Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 24 examination-length extracts from The Tempest and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 1, Section A (can also be used for AQA, Paper 1, Section A by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified. You could also use the booklet as an A Level teaching resource for retrieval practice and development of analysis skills.
Twelfth Night Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

Twelfth Night Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 24 examination-length extracts from Twelfth Night and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 1, Section A (can also be used for Eduqas, Paper 1, Section A). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified. You could also use the booklet as an A Level teaching resource for retrieval practice and development of analysis skills.
Frankenstein and The Handmaid's Tale A Level Revision Workbook

Frankenstein and The Handmaid's Tale A Level Revision Workbook

A fourteen page revision workbook for students to revise Frankenstein and The Handmaid’s Tale (focused on the Edexcel specification but can easily be adapted for others - the focus is on connections and comparisons). Enclosed are: A quotation gathering template where students link common themes with examples from both texts (two examples modelled). An AO4 focused table where students write up an analytical link between two short quotations from each text (one example modelled). A more complex table which encourages links between a question focus; a quotation from each text; a contextual link; and analytical connections (one example modelled). A more developed linking table providing quotations of which students produce a developed comparative analysis (all quotations provided and one example and a paragraph modelled). A blank copy of the previous table. A linking grid focused on ambitious narrative techniques, linked with quotations, context and themes (one example modelled). A series of longer linked extracts from both texts where students analyse these in response to a question (eight pages of extracts). The booklet is designed to be used by students with knowledge of both texts and is perfect for use in the run up to examinations. There is scaffolding but also appropriate stretch and challenge for those who are aiming for the highest grades. This booklet works well with my free essay guidance for this particular question (Edexcel A Level Paper 2) which you can find here: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12853413]
World Englishes Revision Workbook for Students

World Englishes Revision Workbook for Students

This PDF workbook is designed to support the revision of the World Englishes topic in Paper 2, Section A of AQA A Level English Language. The booklet is comprised of 15 pages covering terminology, key theory and concepts, including Crystal, Jenkins, Ostler, Graddol, Seidlhofer, Kachru and McArthur amongst others. Activities and questions are used to support learning, along with guided examination question practice and a model answer. The final two pages are comprised of revision cards. All content is taken from my World and Global Englishes teaching unit (aside from the model answer) and is primarily designed to be used by students, especially those aiming for an A or A*. Please note - this resource is offered in PDF form to preserve formatting.
Lord of the Flies Revision Workbook

Lord of the Flies Revision Workbook

A fourteen page revision workbook for students to revise Lord of the Flies for GCSE (for any specification). This workbook focuses on analysis rather than knowledge recall and is perfect for those aiming for very high grades. The booklet can be used in class or for independent revision. Enclosed are: A question activity to encourage students to think perceptively about ideas in the text. A quotation gathering template with half the quotations given. An AO3 focused table where students write up an analytical link between context, quotations and links to language form and structure (one example modelled and all contextual points given). A table which encourages deeper exploration of effects, with an extract and one example modelled. An exercise where students identify and analyse ambitious literary terminology. An effects table encouraging a What How Why approach to writing about effects. A follow up activity where students then make contextual links with their analysis. A set of questions, introductions and topic sentences. A modelled introduction and main paragraph with a follow up activity for students to write their own. Two guides to essay structure. A modelled full response to a question. The booklet is designed to be used by students with knowledge of the text and is perfect for use in the run up to examinations. There is scaffolding but also appropriate stretch and challenge for those who are aiming for the highest grades. This booklet works well with my knowledge organiser and A3 quotation posters which can be downloaded for free here: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12835151] and [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12836254]
GCSE Jane Eyre Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Jane Eyre Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 26 examination-length extracts from Jane Eyre and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 2, Section A (can also be used for AQA, Paper 1, Section B; Eduqas, Paper 2, Section B; or OCR, Component 1, Section B, by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
GCSE Jekyll and Hyde Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Jekyll and Hyde Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 26 examination-length extracts from The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 2, Section A (can also be used for AQA, Paper 1, Section B; Eduqas, Paper 2, Section B; or OCR, Component 1, Section B, by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
GCSE Pride and Prejudice Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

GCSE Pride and Prejudice Extract Analysis Booklet and Practice Exam Questions

An extract analysis booklet which contains 26 examination-length extracts from Pride and Prejudice and guidance as to what to look for when analysing the extract in Edexcel Paper 2, Section A (can also be used for AQA, Paper 1, Section B; Eduqas, Paper 2, Section B; or OCR, Component 1, Section B, by using the second part of the question and adapting the wording). Also included are the accompanying questions, and a lesson plan with suggestions for usage. This resource can be used throughout the teaching of the unit. You could use this to teach students how to analyse sections of the text closely, or as short assessment pieces. The guidance for analysis is aimed at students who are aiming for grade 5 and above, but could easily be simplified.
The Ruined Maid - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

The Ruined Maid - AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages - two AS/A Level lessons

Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Ruined Maid’ by Thomas Hardy from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature. The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content. The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades. Lesson plan included!