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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
End of unit assessment/mark scheme  on Brazil, ecosystems, climate & sustainable decision making

End of unit assessment/mark scheme on Brazil, ecosystems, climate & sustainable decision making

This assessment can be used a stand alone assessment including activities that are self contained with all resources including the assessment, writing frame and mark scheme that is used for students and for staff to mark. There are various activities that are set out in an exam style format. Students have to look at photograph interpretation, use sources to make a decision, literacy skills, writing frame for an extended written task in addition to a recall and climate graph activity.
The greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle - Eduqas GCSE

The greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle - Eduqas GCSE

This lesson can be used as a stand alone lesson or a continuation from the previous lesson on evidence and natural causes of climate change. Students have the opportunity to complete an A04 examination question in addition to looking at a variety of research such as the carbon cycle, the transfers within the cycle and the Keeling Curve. There is also a homework consolidation activity included.
Ecosystem for energy production - wind and tidal energy Wales (AQA and Eduqas)

Ecosystem for energy production - wind and tidal energy Wales (AQA and Eduqas)

This lesson covers the use of wave and tidal energy and is largely case study based to consolidate learning on a task sheet. Students need to understand the key terms associated with energy production at the coast in addition to the positive and negative issues associated with the production. Assessment objectives are prompted on the case study resource.
Regional inequality and development - Brazil and UK North South divide - AQA & Eduqas

Regional inequality and development - Brazil and UK North South divide - AQA & Eduqas

This is a full lesson with homework covering regional inequality and links on from the previous lesson about water resources and inequality. The first part of the lesson looks at the differences across Brazil in terms of the climate, wealth and infant mortality. Students have to make links between the maps and there are prompts on the board in the form of questions to look at the differences and draw conclusions. The second part of the lesson looks at the differences in the UK and compares the North and the South of the UK. Students have a map to annotate with AO1 sentence starters before looking at what is being done to reduce the gap in the form of HS2. My students completed the HS2 for homework but we structured the extended examination question together.
Tourism impacting development in NIC's and LIC's (AQA and Eduqas)

Tourism impacting development in NIC's and LIC's (AQA and Eduqas)

As the end of the course is nearing completion this lesson is focused on condensing the course to cover the key material. This therefore is largely case study based with information from the revision guide (I have attached the specific pages if you have not purchased the guide itself). The students consolidate their learning at the end of the lesson with an examination question.
Understanding LIC's, GNI and measuring development with exam question

Understanding LIC's, GNI and measuring development with exam question

This lesson is a good starter lesson for looking at LIC’s and how the world is divided up. It looks at the economic divisions and the changes to describing how the world is divided up. It exams key terms such as LIC and GNI a nd then applies geographical skills such as describing locations and applying knowledge to an exam question with a case study in Malawi.
Fold mountains uses and management with homework

Fold mountains uses and management with homework

This lesson covers the question about what are the uses of a fold mountain range as a result of the physical geography? Students look at the Geography of the area, the uses and apply to an examination question to consolidate learning. There is also a homework activity about sustainability and management and the sorter activity is included.
Geography and History end of year quiz with subject, music and bonus rounds!

Geography and History end of year quiz with subject, music and bonus rounds!

This Christmas quiz has four rounds including an editable subject round (in this case Geography and History questions but these can be changed to suit other subjects). The rest of the quiz works for events that have occurred this year, a music round (with a link) a subject specific round and a Christmas movie round. It should last a full lesson around 60 minutes.
Managing flood - future flooding with examination question Eduqas and AQA

Managing flood - future flooding with examination question Eduqas and AQA

This is a decision making lesson, it may take more than one lesson as there are several elements to it as well as students understanding the issue of conflict when it comes to decision making regarding flooding. This lesson works best if students have completed the flooding case study (part one and two on the River Severn) and they would then need to apply this knowledge in addition to the information available. All lesson materials are included and need to be printed directly from the power point such as the character task cards and the decision making grid. The grid should form the foundations of the exam question planning and students should see the link between these.
Water on the Land (Rivers) Q&A revision pack

Water on the Land (Rivers) Q&A revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Hard engineering with Three Gorges case study and exam assessment

Hard engineering with Three Gorges case study and exam assessment

Students consider what a hard engineering strategy is with a mix and match sorting activity. They then complete a series of activities that are embedded into the power point to be printed. The students need to annotate a map, watch a short clip, look at some satellite images, use text and a key effective;y. All of the evidence that they have then created is used t structure the examination question at the end of the lesson.
EdExcel Introduction to hazards (data, multiple choice and celebrity hazards!)

EdExcel Introduction to hazards (data, multiple choice and celebrity hazards!)

This lesson is an introduction to the hazardous earth module to classify, define and describe patterns of hazards over time. Students have to identify the clues given by the celebrities that initially identify the hazard followed by the type and if possible the event. There is also a starter activity that identifies the different hazard types and extends understanding so students are aware of the difference between hazard and a disaster. Students have the opportunity to complete a variety of tasks on the task sheet that is structured in the same style as the GCSE examination paper with the multiple choice and then a data task. There is also an extended activity to demonstrate challenge and embed learning.
Urban Renewal - Rural and Urban links (Eduqas and AQA)

Urban Renewal - Rural and Urban links (Eduqas and AQA)

Students consider the reasons for urban decline by analysing a variety of sources including text and images about Newcastle upon Tyne as a case study (all materials are contained so will work even if you are unfamiliar with location). Students then have to write a report and the Newspaper template is icluded as an overview. In addition students look at the process of renewal and include insight about sectoral shifts as heavy industry declined. This includes a research and sorting exercise that provides evidence for an examination question. There i also a homework sheet included that builds on retention exercise on the lesson and the task is explained on the prepared sheet. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons on this unit, please see my shop for further lessons and materials.
AQA Geography Paper 1 home learning pack

AQA Geography Paper 1 home learning pack

This booklet contains an extensive set of question and answers for Paper 1 with Rivers and Coasts being the optional units (it does not have glaciation). The purpose of these booklets is so that students can put them onto flash cards as well as parents using the book to test their child. This resource has been compiled for students to access and use as an additional tool if they are working from home prior to the examinations.
Factors affecting climate in the UK: Air masses (Eduqas and AQA) Part 1

Factors affecting climate in the UK: Air masses (Eduqas and AQA) Part 1

This lesson covers the different air masses that affect the UK as well as key terms students have to decipher between weather and climate so that they understand the differences. Students have to use the information cards to locate the air mass and its features and then apply this information to summary reports that can be peer mark. This is the first part in the lesson of what impacts weather and climate in the UK. All resource are contained in addition to worksheets that can be adapted and all lesson and teaching materials.
Should we build on the green belt? Eduqas Theme 2 and AQA Urban environments

Should we build on the green belt? Eduqas Theme 2 and AQA Urban environments

This lesson considers many of the key terms and skills associated with this key question in the syllabus. Students have the opportunity to locate and annotate green belt areas, particularly those close to the CBD and consider the challenges of this. Students make links with previous learning regarding the housing crisis and consider a range of evidence using the A3 task sheet to decide if green belts should be used for housing developments. There is also a consolidation homework task to be completed. All resources are attached, the lesson and the task sheet. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be found in my shop on rural and urban areas.