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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
Scheme of work  and assessment for Extreme Environments

Scheme of work and assessment for Extreme Environments

Full scheme of work for the new National Curriculum changes to Geography to incorporate the elements of Extreme Environments and various locational knowledge. The perfect unit for preparing students for ecosystems and environments in the majority of specifications at KS4. There is also a bundle available with the first three lessons on the scheme of work.
Africa - Scheme of work

Africa - Scheme of work

This resource fully covers the National Curriculum criteria for the study of Africa in addition to many of the Geographical skills requirements of the NC framework. The Scheme of work has big research questions broken down into smaller Learning Intentions for a lesson by lesson approach in addition to questioning suggestions and assessment criteria and suggested activities. Accompanying lessons are available. There is a student friendly rubric to follow the lessons and the assessment criteria.
Rocks and Tectonics - Scheme of work and assessment

Rocks and Tectonics - Scheme of work and assessment

This is a full scheme of work for a term covering rocks, resources and tectonic activity. There are big research questions with learning intentions, outcomes, keywords, questioning and lesson activities. In addition there is an assessment attached and a student friendly rubric for self assessment, accompanying lessons are also available. This scheme firs the criteria for the New National Curriculum framework.
GCSE Tectonics revision pack

GCSE Tectonics revision pack

3 Resources
This resource provides a stand alone case study pack for students to complete with all case study notes. In addition the question and answer booklets are god to RAG so students can assess their own learning. The homework's are good starters or additional support materials for low ability students to build confidence for the Q&A packs or the research sheets. These materials can be used as stand alone revision for holiday sessions.
AQA Geography Paper 1 case study revision pack

AQA Geography Paper 1 case study revision pack

3 Resources
Students complete the case studies with probing questions for the topic on The living world (ecosystems), The restless earth (tectonics) and Water on the land (rivers). Students complete the sheets for revision alongside the booklets included, the questions are challenging and related to the exam specification/question demands. This can be a lesson revision activity or a stand alone weekly set of home work tasks.
AQA Geography Paper 2 case study revision pack

AQA Geography Paper 2 case study revision pack

3 Resources
Students complete the case studies with probing questions for the topic on The Development Gap, Urban environments and Tourism. The Development Gap includes; Development Gap. The pack includes Haiti as an LEDC that suffers from physical inequality (Haiti Earthquake), Small scale aid youth empowerment in Uganda, Medium scale aid, Action Aid in Kolkata, Large scale Aid - the Cahora Bassa dam, Mozambique and inequality in the EU. Urban environments includes; sustainable transport in London and sustainable living in Curitiba, squatter settlements in Kibera, Kenya and managing CBD's including UDC's (Newcastle upon Tyne), City Challenge (Manchester) ,Sustainable communities (New Islington) and Managing a city sustainability (Newcastle upon Tyne). Tourism includes; the pack includes questioning sheets and resource interpretation on Blackpool (UK coastal resort including Butler model), The Galapagos Islands (Ecotourism), Antarctica (Extreme Tourism) and Jamaica (Tourism in the Tropics). Students complete the sheets for revision alongside the booklets included, the questions are challenging and related to the exam specification/question demands. This can be a lesson revision activity or a stand alone weekly set of home work tasks.
China Olympics globalisation (differentiated lessons, assessment, resources)

China Olympics globalisation (differentiated lessons, assessment, resources)

3 Resources
These lessons can be purchased individually but work well as completed one after the other so that students can compare and contrast the different impacts of being a host nation. All resources and lessons are contained in the bundle and it is discounted to buy as a bundle. This also includes the scheme of work and there end of unit assessments.
Eduqas Theme 2: Population and rural-urban change (all lesson for key question 6-8 lessons with resources and homework)

Eduqas Theme 2: Population and rural-urban change (all lesson for key question 6-8 lessons with resources and homework)

4 Resources
Lesson 1 and 2: The starting point for the topic of urban and rural. Students complete a range of activities and skills in addition to examination questions. There is also a homework task. Students complete a key terms for the unit, population distribution, statistical skills and analysis, the urban-rural continuum, sphere of influence and the challenges of rural life. High ability students 2 lessons although middle to lower this will be three lessons worth of material. Resources are in the power point to print or attached as a separate document. Lesson 3 & 4: This is the next double lesson in the sequence for theme 2 'Rural and Urban links'. There are a variety of activities that are attached including an examination question to consolidate learning. Students look at the reasons for the growth of commuter towns and commuters in general in addition to the impact and management of commuters. The second lesson follows on to look at second homes and the impact of second homes on rural populations. Lesson 5 & 6: Issues in rural areas; Students have the opportunity to identify links between rural areas and deprivation in Wales. Students have to use the sources to make links and annotate the maps. Following on there is a flow chart to organise in order to understand what causes rural deprivation and link this onto the issues of health care provision and education. Students then have a writing frame to complete an analysis style question using the opinions and sources. Lesson 7 & 8: This is the third lesson in the sequence (see bundle to buy as a group) whereby students consider what it means to be a sustainable rural community. They need to work on examination skills of developing points to explain and use evidence on the spider diagram. In addition students then look at a rural area that has attempted to regenerate and become more sustainable and students have to evaluate how successful the area has been in meeting the objectives using the images and clip link that is on the power point. There is an examination question also to be used for homework with some scaffolding put in place that can be added to further or removed according to ability.
Geography of China

Geography of China

5 Resources
Get started with the China module and use the scheme of work, assessment, student self assessment rubric and five lessons that accompany the unit.
Geography revision guide GCSE New Spec - Rivers, coasts, climate change, rural and urban( Eduqas/AQ

Geography revision guide GCSE New Spec - Rivers, coasts, climate change, rural and urban( Eduqas/AQ

This revision guide covers the following: - River processes and landforms including erosion, transportation, deposition, meanders and waterfalls etc) - Coastal processes and landforms including erosion, transportation, deposition, wave cut notches, platforms, headlands, bays, slumping, sand dunes, etc, - Flooding including; causes, effects, responses, hydrographs and case study with management techniques - Population in the UK including; ageing, rural, urban, commuting, issues in urban and rural areas. - Sustainability in urban areas including; Egan's wheel, BedZED, green belts, urban renewal, case study on regeneration, changes to UK retail including online and out of town. - Global cities and Mega Cities with case studies. - Managing coastal areas including assessing vulnerability, hard and soft engineering, rising sea levels, coastal flooding, case studies (UK and international) and management strategies. The revision guide largely follows the component 1 of the Eduqas course but the themes and topics are applicable to AQA and EdExcel too. The guide also runs alongside the lessons that can be found in my shop. The price point reflects that multiple copies will be distributed and to your class and it took a long time to make, so far my classes have found it beneficial.
Ecosystems, climate change, development and social development revision guide - AQA and Eduqas

Ecosystems, climate change, development and social development revision guide - AQA and Eduqas

This revision guide is 72 pages and covers everything that is needed for component 2 on the Eduqas specification for Geography. The revision guide is very detailed and has all case studies and accompanies all lessons that are on my store that match with the revision guide. The revision guide covers the following; climate change, evidence for climate change, the greenhouse effect, extreme weather including a hurricane and drought case study, extreme weather in the UK including depressions and anticyclones, ecosystems and their distribution, threats to tropical rainforest, threats to the grasslands and sustainable management of both. Global development, north south global divide, development continuum, MNC's/TNC's and Nike, Tata steel in the UK and Mumbai, India, tourism impacting development, NIC Cancun and the Gambia, North-south divide in the UK, regional inequalities, health issues that impact social development, education of children and water security impacting development, UN and Millennium development goals.
Geography Case study revision Paper 1 and Paper 2 - notes and task sheets

Geography Case study revision Paper 1 and Paper 2 - notes and task sheets

6 Resources
These sheets can be purchased seperately or as Paper 1 and Paper 2 bundles. The case studies work best for AQA Geography but also are used on EdExcel and OCR GCSE papers. The sheets cover all the content needed for each case study from the units that I deliver there are accompanying case study revision booklets with all of the notes to go with should you prefer them to be completed independently as revision or with support. The topics and case studies are; Paper 1; In the tectonics/restless earth pack includes grids on a rich and poor earthquake, a volcanic eruption, fold mountains and a Tsunami. Rich earthquake (Kobe, Japan), Poor earthquake (Sichuan, China), Volcano (Icelandic), Fold Mountains (The Andes) and Tsunami (Boxing day). Living world (ecosystems) includes, tropical rain forest (Malaysia), Rich desert (USA), Poor desert (Thar, India) and Temperate deciduous (Epping forest). Water on the Land/Rivers includes; Flooding in a MEDC (Tewkesbury), Flooding in a LEDC (Bangladesh), Hard Engineering (Three Gorges Dam) and Water management in the UK (Kielder Water). Paper 2; The Development Gap includes; Development Gap. The pack includes Haiti as an LEDC that suffers from physical inequality (Haiti Earthquake), Small scale aid youth empowerment in Uganda, Medium scale aid, Action Aid in Kolkata, Large scale Aid - the Cahora Bassa dam, Mozambique and inequality in the EU. Urban environments includes; sustainable transport in London and sustainable living in Curitiba, squatter settlements in Kibera, Kenya and managing CBD's including UDC's (Newcastle upon Tyne), City Challenge (Manchester) ,Sustainable communities (New Islington) and Managing a city sustainability (Newcastle upon Tyne). Tourism includes; the pack includes questioning sheets and resource interpretation on Blackpool (UK coastal resort including Butler model), The Galapagos Islands (Ecotourism), Antarctica (Extreme Tourism) and Jamaica (Tourism in the Tropics).
Revision guide for exam 1 and 2 for Eduqas and AQA

Revision guide for exam 1 and 2 for Eduqas and AQA

These are revision guides that are printable for students that have all information that is needed for all examinations on component 1 and 2. Both revision guides cover all physical and human topics and are listed below including all case studies; Revision guide paper 1: Distinctive landscapes, river landscapes and processes, flooding, coastal landscapes, coastal management. Population, urban change, rural change, global cities in the UK and an LIC. Coastal hazards including vulnerable coastlines, management, decision making. Revision guide 2: Global development, north south global divide, development continuum, MNC's/TNC's and Nike, Tata steel in the UK and Mumbai, India, tourism impacting development, NIC Cancun and the Gambia, North-south divide in the UK, regional inequalities, health issues that impact social development, education of children and water security impacting development, UN and Millennium development goals.
Extreme weather GCSE (Including Climate Change)

Extreme weather GCSE (Including Climate Change)

8 Resources
These lessons all have the activities, lesson power points, homework and assessment opportunities in the form of exam questions, nothing for you to do but print. The topics covered in this unit are: - Drought (California) - Hurricanes (Katrina) - High and low pressure systems - Microclimates - Air masses that impact the UK - Depressions and anticyclones - Aspect and altitude - Understanding Climate Change - Natural evidence for climate change - Greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle - natural Theories of climate change
Eduqas (WJEC) Geography GCSE Theme 2 Urban and Rural links - All lessons, activities , homeworks and exam technique

Eduqas (WJEC) Geography GCSE Theme 2 Urban and Rural links - All lessons, activities , homeworks and exam technique

8 Resources
This bundle contains all of the lesson power points, activities, homework's, exam practice and all you need to do it print and go! Lessons can all be purchased individually however he bundle is a bargain and all planning is done for a full unit of work! Each of these packs attached contain one or two lessons worth (there are 14 lessons in total but some of them are both lessons on one power point) and all of the resources that go with that lesson are attached to that download link so it makes it easier to prepare. This would cost £31.50 purchased as individual lessons!
AQA Final exams 2017 Mega revision pack multiple topics!

AQA Final exams 2017 Mega revision pack multiple topics!

11 Resources
Question and answer topic booklets is designed to send home to parents so that they can revise with their child. There are a series of questions and answers that the parent can traffic light to assist and monitor revision. This has been a great tool for the 'revising in my bedroom on facebook' generation when a parent wants to help. This can also be used to help students check their own learning and then use the questions as mini-knowledge checks. There is also a physical geography booklet. Case Study revision sheets for Rivers, tourism and tectonics; Students complete the case studies with probing questions. The pack includes questioning sheets and resource interpretation. There is also an accompanying case study notes booklet attached so that these can be used for homework or home revision too. Parent revision evening; This power point has been used at parents evenings and parent revision evenings to prepare parents and students for the Geography AQA examinations, what the paper looks like, where additional information can be found and timelines. Memory training; Students are increasingly finding it difficult in a digital age to retain information. Students rarely know their own mobile numbers as the brain no longer needs to retain this information in a digital era where your memory is in your smartphone. For exams however students cannot rely on their smart phones and need to be using their memories. This is a good session to get students to think about their revision and how they can revise. The session is interactive and there are lots of activities to try. It works best to use your own subject however the information in this one is generic so students can collectively try the techniques. I use it a lot for Geography case studies for key facts and have had good success. Students sometimes want to revise but struggle to know how they can make their revision more accessible.