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Providing resources that make it easier for teachers, tutors and anyone in school. Majority of our resources are humanities based.




Providing resources that make it easier for teachers, tutors and anyone in school. Majority of our resources are humanities based.


A simple poster on Chronology to post around the classroom. This will help pupils in KS2 & KS3 become familiar with some of the key terms related to Chronology.
The Asian Trade

The Asian Trade

This resource focuses on the East Indian Company (EIC). Pupils can work through the worksheets along side the Impact of an Empire Section.
Tracking Change & Continuity Bundle 2

Tracking Change & Continuity Bundle 2

This bundle contains various worksheets on change & continuity at the World Cup. The aim of these worksheets is for pupils to build various historical skills, in particular; change & continuity. They will explore how the world has changed and continued through the windows of The World Cup. The focus in these resources is on terrorism and tracking change between two World Cups. These worksheets are really popular with all pupils, especially the football fans! These worksheets work well as a follow up from my FREE resource on History & The World Cup and History & The World Cup Bundle so make sure you get that as well! I would appreciate any comments! Thanks & hope you enjoy them! #ITSCOMINGHOME!!
Sociology of Families Posters

Sociology of Families Posters

Classroom Posters for the Sociology of Families. 6 Posters on the Key sociologists Ann Oakley Parsons Zaretsky Delphy & Leonard Rapoports Wilmott & Young
Tracking Change & Continuity Bundle

Tracking Change & Continuity Bundle

This bundle contains various worksheets on change & continuity at the World Cup. The aim of these worksheets is for pupils to build various historical skills, in particular; change & continuity. They will explore how the world has changed and continued through the windows of The World Cup. The focus in these resources is on propaganda, technology & women. These worksheets work well as a follow up from my FREE resource on History & The World Cup, so make sure you get that as well! I would appreciate any comments! Thanks & hope you enjoy them!


Instead of delivering lessons on the reasons why the Cold War begun, why not allow students investigate and acquire knowledge for themselves! Not only will it massively help students research, investigating and writing skills but it will also free you up with some time to do other things! I did this with my year 9 class and it worked well! It took a bit of motivating but once they got over the thought of writing an extended piece of essay, they flourished, some even writing 3,000 words! The idea is to introduce it as a project, with you delivering an intro into the Cold War and pointing them down the right route. The resource includes a source pack which students can use to reference their sources (I taught mine how to use footnotes and make a bibliography too!) a time line for their work but you can edit that and decide how long you would like them to spend on it. I have also included a success criteria with three levels, but you can add an extra one if needed. I have not included a lesson plan, because you wont really need it, once you get the students rolling, you can just check up on them to see how they are progressing. This is a great opportunity to challenge some students and to also push the Gifted and Talented. If you have any questions of queries please don’t hesitate to contact me!! Thanks!
Family forms & Family Diversity

Family forms & Family Diversity

Family forms and family diversity lessons. Following the AQA GCSE Sociology specification with two powerpoints and worksheets. Please leave any feedback or get in touch for any help and support.
GCSE OCR HISTORY A:The Second World War, Appeasement & Interpretations

GCSE OCR HISTORY A:The Second World War, Appeasement & Interpretations

These resources follow the 9-1 GCSE OCR Explaining the Modern World History A. They cover the section on the on The Second World War and the policy of appeasement followed by Neville Chamberlain. How the interpretations on the Second World War have changed and how to tackle the Interpretation questions on the exam. The worksheets accompany the lessons and they are easy to deliver. This resource has worked well even for pupils starting the 3 years GCSE in History and also for those doing it in two years. Hope this resource will be helpful! Thanks, Joe


These resources follow the 9-1 OCR GCSE Psychology. The focus of these resources is the topic on memory. You get the FULL LESSONS with Lesson Plans on: Information Processing Multi-Store Model Reconstructive Memory Applications of Research Furthermore, the PowerPoints all come with SIX ENGAGING WORKSHEETS that the pupils can complete during lesson and also as part of homework. The PowerPoints are easy to deliver and the worksheets are engaging. Save yourself some time and stress! Hope you enjoy the resources. Appreciate any feedback!