My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
Picture pairs numbers 1-100 in French. This is ideal for Key Stage level 2-3 French and also for learners of a stronger ability or gifted and talented learners. There is also a differentiated version available.
Instructions: Print off each slide and them laminate them. Cut along the black line to separate them and begin playing!
Happy playing and learning!
Comparatives are necessary when students are studying the Key Stage 3, GCSE and IGCSE programme. This powerpoint depicts and explains the formation of comparatives in general. It starts off depicting very basic examples such as using numbers and then progresses onto more complex material. There is a quiz at the end of the powerpoint based on general knowledge.
There is also more differentiated version of this powerpoint.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource explicitly looks at the immediate future tense and future plans in which there is a short story on the immediate future tense based on very near future plans. There is a quiz which follows, followed by subsequent activities.
This resource is geared towards Key Stage 3 learners of French.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource looks at reflexive verbs in the perfect tense and it is based on a story about a bank robbery.
The story is ideal for reinforcing reflexive verbs previously learnt in the perfect tense at Key Stage 3 level and it is great for consolidation.
The students read the story and then there are quiz questions which follow every part of the story. There are also subsequent differentiated activities available.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource exclusively revises body parts and looks at various ailments, mainly which use reflexive verbs in the perfect tense with direct objects which agreements are not required, which is a difficult concept.
Students memorise all the body parts and then they play the memory game. They then read the story about Calamity Jane and then try the quiz questions about the story which follow. There are then subsequent, differentiated activites which follow.
Happy teaching and learning!
This bundle contains the editions of possessive pronouns for both the masculine and the feminine form.
They can be tricky, therefore I devised these powerpoints in a way to facilitate learning.
Go through the slides with the students and get them to complete the missing words in the practice stage. There is a subsequent quiz and differentiated activities which reinforces the vocabulary as well as the masculine form of possessive pronouns.
This is ideal for students studying French at IGCSE, A-Level and IB level.
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello and welcome to the first installment of school subjects and ‘-er’ verbs at Key Stage 2 level.
This may be the first time, Key Stage 2 school children will become acquainted with ‘er’ verbs and school subjects in French.
Attached is a powerpoint and differentiated colouring in workbooks.
My methodology is as follows:
Go through the powerpoint with the children. Get them to say the missing endings of the verbs and the missing school subject.
Play the noughts and crosses game as a follow-up activity.
On slide 111, get them to copy out the vocabulary if you wish or you can print off the slide and give it to them as a vocabulary list.
On slide 112, the children can select whichever differentiated work they wish to complete in class and whatever they feel most comfortable with.
The next lesson:
Hand out the colouring in workbooks to the children. Selectively distribute whichever level workbook that you feel they could cope with.
Get them to colour in the endings of the conjugated verbs and ask them to go over the grey words in the box with their pencil. They can also colour in the cartoons too if they wish.
Get them to colour in the flags according to the languages.
If you have time during class, they can complete the work on slides 19-21 or they can complete it for homework.
They are going to be more installments for other verbs and other school subjects. Do keep and eye out for them!
Happy teaching and learning!
Here is part 3 of breakfast items in French.This is the final stage of lessons concerning breakfast. The powerpoint introduces differentiated vocabulary for different levels, followed by various activities and games. This pack also contains differentiated workbooks for different levels where children colour in the words blue and pink, as it contains both masculine and feminine nouns (and they can colour in the pictures too!) and there are comic strip quizzes available also! This is ideal for Key Stage 1 and 2 French.
New vocabulary:
une orange
le miel
le lait chaud
un croissant
Differentiated vocabulary:
le petit déjeuner anglais
des flocons d'avoine
This powerpoint teachers numbers from 1-60 in French. It also reinforces or introduces age and (for the gifted and talented) years in French, in addition to how to express one’s age and when one was born in French, but of course, this part is optional. If you don’t wish to introduce the numbers in the context of age, this is absolutely fine and you can just introduce them non-contextually, i.e. 'Répétez après moi - ‘un’, ‘un’, ‘deux’, ‘deux’, etc.
After having introduced the numbers, try out the listening comprehension and it is differentiated into two different levels. For level 1 (lower level), the students choose the correct answer according to the number they hear. For level 2 (higher level), they have a choice of 60 answers to choose from and they can simply colour in the box according to what they hear.
There are also follow up activities in this powerpoint such as a number of games, such guess the number, hit the correct number and picture pairs, French mathematics and a giant wordsearch! For the snakes and ladders game, you can get the children to draw on the snakes and the ladders and split the class into different groups. Get them to translate a number into either English or French. If they give a correct answer, they can take their turn. If they give an incorrect answer, they miss their go. There is also a handout available with this resource that you can print and distribute to the class.
There is also a variety of differentiated quizzes on kahoot based on French numbers and calculations which reinforces numbers 1-60 and they are defined as follows:
Only numbers in French
Level 1 - Choose the correct answer and they have 45 seconds to answer
Level 2 - Choose the correct answer and they have 30 seconds to answer
Level 3 - Choose the correct answer and they have only 20 seconds to answer
Level 4 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 10 seconds to answer
Level 5 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 5 seconds to answer
Calculations in French (additions, subtractions, divisions and
Level 1 - Choose the correct answer and they have 1 minute to answer
Level 2 - Choose the correct answer and they have 45 seconds to answer
Level 3 - Choose the correct answer and they have only 30 seconds to answer
Level 4 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 20 seconds to answer
Level 5 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 10 seconds to answer
Level 6 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 5 seconds to answer
Level 7 - Type in the correct answer in words (NOT figures) and they have only 20 seconds to answer
The links to all of the quizzes are provided at the end of the powerpoint.
When you have finished teaching the numbers and when you feel the students have sufficiently mastered them, get them to complete the reflection slip which is also attached to this resource, so they can reflect on how much they have mastered the numbers. It is titled as ‘Numbers 1-60 - Reflection’.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource looks at exclusively, the numbers from 1-50 in French and expressing the year in French. This resource is geared towards learners of Key Stage 2 level and it can also be good revision for learners at Key Stage 3 level. This resource exercises reading, writing and listening skills, alongside mathematical skills. The workbook contains differentiated versions. The children can colour in the numbers on each page of course!
Happy teaching and learning!
This powerpoint teachers numbers from 1-30 in French. It also reinforces or introduces age and (for the gifted and talented) years in French, in addition to how to express one’s age and when one was born in French, but of course, this part is optional. If you don’t wish to introduce the numbers in the context of age, this is absolutely fine and you can just introduce them non-contextually, i.e. 'Répétez après moi - ‘un’, ‘un’, ‘deux’, ‘deux’, etc.
After having introduced the numbers, try out the listening comprehension and it is differentiated into two different levels. For level 1 (lower level), the students choose the correct answer according to the number they hear. For level 2 (higher level), they have a choice of 30 answers to choose from and they can simply colour in the box according to what they hear.
There are also follow up activities in this powerpoint such as picture pairs, French mathematics and a wordsearch. There is also a handout available with this resource that you cna print and distribute to the class.
There are also four differentiated quizzes on kahoot based on French calculations which reinforces numbers 1-30 and they are defined as follows:
Level 1 - Choose the correct answer and they have a minute to answer
Level 2 - Choose the correct answer and they have 30 seconds to answer
Level 3 - Choose the correct answer and they have only 10 seconds to answer
Level 4 - Type the answer in words and they only have 20 seconds to answer
The links to all of the quizzes are provided at the end of the powerpoint.
When you have finished teaching the numbers and when you feel the students have sufficiently mastered them, get them to complete the reflection slip which is also attached to this resource, so they can reflect on how much they have mastered the numbers. It is titled as ‘Numbers 1-30 - Reflection’.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource looks at the conjugation of ‘aller’ in the present and different means of transport, alongside the appropriate preposition. There are lots of colouring in pages and handwriting practice when conjugating the verb ‘aller’ and writing the correct preposition. There are also subsequent activities.
This resource is geared towards learners of Key Stage 2 level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource exclusively looks at the position and agreement of adjectives using the BAGS system. Students read the cartoons and then answer the differentiated questions which follow. There is also a subsequent quiz which the students can do which revises what they have learnt. This resource is geared towards students of Key Stage 3 level and great for revision at Key Stage 4.
Happy teaching and learning!
This excellent resource exhibits the 12 days of Christmas in French, where children of Key Stage 2 level become acquainted with the vocabulary featured in the song. They will also become acquainted with ordinal numbers in French such as ‘premier’, ‘deuxième’, 'troisième, ‘quatrième’, etc and also the revision of numbers from 1-12. The children colour in the pictures and then complete the missing words for each day of Christmas, which reinforces on what they have learnt. Subsequently, there is a crossword which reinforces numbers 1-12, ordinal numbers and the introduced vocabulary.
Happy teaching and learning!
Joyeux Noel!
This resource exclusively looks at direct object pronouns in the present and the perfect tense, alongside the verb ‘mettre’ in the present and perfect tense.
Students follow the examples provided and then there are speaking activities which follow. There is a subsequent quiz and then there are follow up differentiated activities.
Happy teaching and learning!
Whether you are generally revising the perfect tense with reflexive verbs or teaching it for the first time, here is an activity that will give students a firm acquaintance with this concept or greatly revise it. This activity is suitable from Key Stage 3 onwards. The answers are also available with the activities.
There are also some more complex material incorporated in this resource as such as the use of agreements, using a direct object with a reflexive verb and the use of 'se faire'.
The teacher's view of this resource is also included.
Happy teaching and learning!
Here is a workbook designed to cover numbers 1-100 using the theme of members of the family and age! A brilliant way to revise these themes!
This workbook has pages and pages of activities such as colouring in members of the family and mathematical exercises in French.
This activity booklet is geared towards students of a weaker ability.
The cost of this booklet is 5 pounds.
Happy learning!
Drill practice using the pluperfect tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of auxiliary verbs in the imperfect tense form, distinguish whether to use 'avoir' or 'etre' as the auxiliary verb and verb agreements according to gender and number. This stage also revises Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Arriver
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Connaitre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 4-9: Test au plus-que-parfait' and 'Partie 4-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 5: Le temps au futur'
Drill practice using the present tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Trouver
Stage 2: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Refroidir, Batir, Noircir, Rougir
Stage 3: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Fondre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 4: Common primary irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Pouvoir, Vouloir, Savoir, Devoir
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Prendre, Connaitre, Boire
Stage 6: Intransitive and irregular verbs: Monter, Descendre, Entrer, Sortir, Partir Rentrer, Arriver , Venir
Stage 7: More intransitive and irregular verbs : Valoir, Tomber, Naitre, Devenir, Revenir, Mourir, Ouvrir, Rester, Retourner
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S’agir, Se laver, Se faire, Se souvenir , Se servir
This workbook also explores important grammar points and differentiated activities, encountered in the present tense.
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available which are titled as ‘Partie 1-9: Test au present’ and ‘Partie 1-9a: Test au niveau superieur’. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing ‘Partie 2: Le temps au passe compose’
Although learning numbers are relatively easy in Chinese, it doesn't hurt to give your students a fundamental level of teaching and learning. This colouring in booklet gives an extensive range of number puzzles as well as pages and pages of colouring in. This booklet also provides activities where '两' is exercised. The level of this booklet is geared towards gifted and talented students or students whose native tongue is Cantonese or whether they speak Mandarin at home but cannot read or write in simplified form.