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ESL EFL ADVANCED BEGINNER ENGLISH SPEAKING WRITING PROMPTS INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH SPEAKING WRITING PROMPTS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The sample is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. This sampler features five questions from Sets 1 & 2 of my English Speaking & Writing Prompts. They’re suitable for intermediate to advanced intermediate English Language Learning students. Speaking and writing are language skills that learners tend to find very challenging, and increased engagement with language that requires them to both reproduce language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is really beneficial. The questions in the sets are differentiated, addressing a broad range of ability, which aim to progress all learners. Tenses include present, future, near future, perfect and conditional. Question formats are likewise varied, to ensure maximum opportunity to work with the different ways to ask questions in English. Some questions seek to elicit very similar information, but are asked in different language: this avoids learners simply parroting learned responses to fixed prompts. The prompts are really versatile too, specifically with a focus on speaking and writing. There’s a 2-page prompts master list, which is useful as a general reference resource, and we also use it for reading aloud and pronunciation practice, discussing in what ways we might adapt and amend the questions to create new prompts. The prompts broadly address the following themes: college life & study; future plans; information technology; where I live; social & environmental issues; North America/UK & travel; social activity & daily life. I always remind my students that they do not have to ‘tell the truth’ in their responses! The important thing is to answer question correctly, appropriately and creatively. I encourage them to use the questions themselves as a frame of reference for their responses, and also when creating new prompts for each other, which is a really popular and successful activity too. Have a browse in my store for more English Language independent learning activities, and a wide range of other English teaching and learning materials, with English dollar deals, special offer bundles and lots of freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


HAPPY HANUKKAH BUNTING BANNERS Create a great Happy Hanukkah! look and feel in your classroom with this set of bunting / banners spelling out HAPPY HANUKKAH! I use bunting / banners not only to create a multi-faith ambiance in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday and seasonal language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Each sheet of bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall. I created these for the World Languages classroom, but of course they look great in any classroom! This resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Downloading does not transfer ownership. The resource may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. It is non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use. THANKS AND HAVE A VERY HAPPY HANUKKAH!


ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR FRENCH-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for French-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a second collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programs. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in French - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage. There are two alphabetical lists - one English-French, and one French-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for French-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS VOCABULARY GERMAN CHRISTMAS WORDS DEUTSCH FÜR KINDER Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply - please read them carefully. There are 20 common German Christmas words with pictures that I’ve found ideal for children learning German. I’ve used the definite article, with masculine, feminine and neuter - there are some plurals too. I use this to stimulate discussion about gender and forming the plural in German. It’s also great for promoting discussion about***Christmas traditions and practices in Germany, and other German-speaking countries***, comparing them to other Christmas customs with which students are familiar. Over time, I encourage students to add to the list - by the end of their German learning program, they’ll have a comprehensive German Christmas vocabulary bank. There are two backgrounds to choose from - Christmas colors, which I generally use for German Christmas display, and blackline snow. Have a browse in my store for more German Christmas resources, and a wide range of other German language teaching and learning materials, with German dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND FROHES WEIHNACHTSFEST!


GERMAN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES GERMAN FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES ELEMENTARY GERMAN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES BEGINNER GERMAN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS AND GERMAN CHRISTMAS VOCABULARY LIST Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared, or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Word searches are a simple and effective way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in German, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. It focuses on 25 German Christmas words, which will also help to develop students’ awareness of some German-speaking countries Christmas traditions and figures, such as Sankt Nikolaus and Knecht Ruprecht. The vocabulary is really useful for stimulating discussion about German Christmas practices and customs. Students also enjoy talking about other Christmas traditions they know or follow. The German Christmas vocabulary list features the definite article, though some grids also have the indefinite article / plurals for additional challenge. There are 5 German to German grids, where students are prompted with the German words, and look for them in German in the grid. For additional consolidation, each grid also features an English word list to complete. There are also 5 English to German grids, where the prompts are given in English. Students look for the German translation in the grid. They also write the German translation of the English word. There is an answer grid for each word search, so that students can check their answers, or use for a little extra help if they need it. The answer keys help them develop independence in their learning, and also provide them with an additional opportunity to engage with the German vocabulary. The word searches and answer keys are in landscape format, with arrows indicating in which direction the individual words are located. The word searches are useful in a range of learning contexts - as starters, refreshers, finishers, fun-time fillers and for sub / cover lessons at any time during the Christmas / Holiday season. Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND FROHES WEIHNACHTSFEST!


17 Resources
INTERMEDIATE GERMAN ELEMENTARY GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN TASK CARDS BUNDLE 13 SETS @ $4.00 EACH IN THE BUNDLE Files are non-editable in zipped formats. The bundle is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom, in whole or in part, in any way. The license for purchase is a single-use license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. ​ There are 13 sets of German Task Cards in this bundle. My students absolutely love challenge cards, and find them really useful for helping them get to grips with their German. Task cards are great for independent learning - students can work at their own pace, in pairs or in small groups, and really focus on the target language. ​ The questions and templates focus on multi-skill language learning, not focusing solely on the target vocabulary - they provide students with opportunities to apply prior learning, and to encounter more complex language they may not yet have covered formally in class. ​ There are answer keys and recording sheets for every set, though my students often just use their notebooks for writing their answers. Most sets have a question card template too - this is a really popular activity with my students, and they love to create questions for each other. Additionally, this enables them to apply their developing understanding of German in a very practical and creative way. Several sets also have accompanying vocabulary lists, which are great as a learning support resource, as well as a year-round reference resource. I have a series of challenge cards sets ready to go for my students - they’re a very popular choice for our ’free-choice’ learning time. ​ Click on the links for detailed challenge card sets descriptions: ​ Set 1: German Dates, Days, Months & Seasons Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-dates-days-months-seasons-task-cards-12263785 ​ Set 2: German Numbers 0-31 Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-numbers-0-31-task-cards-12247769 ​ Set 3: German Christmas Numbers 0-31 Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-christmas-numbers-0-31-task-cards-12264396 ​ Set 4: German Numbers 0-100 Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-numbers-0-100-task-cards-12247767 ​ Set 5: German Fruits Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-fruits-task-cards-12561723 ​ Set 6: German Vegetables Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-vegetables-task-cards-12561733 ​ Set 7: German Fruits & Vegetables Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-fruits-and-vegetables-task-cards-12565466 ​ Set 8: German Telling Time Task Cards : O’clock & Half Past the Hour https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-telling-time-task-cards-1-12715216 Set 9: German Telling Time Task Cards: Quarter to & past the hour https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-telling-time-task-cards-2-12950674 ​ Set 10: German Telling ime Task Cards: Range of Analog Clock Times https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-telling-time-task-cards-2-12924645 ​ Set 11: German Regular Verbs Present Tense Challenge Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-regular-verbs-present-tense-task-cards-12247765 ​ Set 12: German Irregular Verbs Present Tense Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-irregular-verbs-present-tense-task-cards-12247766 ​ Set 13: German Separable Verbs Present Tense Task Cards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-separable-verbs-present-tense-task-cards-12715211 ​ All files are non-editable in a zipped format and include a range of the following: ​ differentiated question cards, students don’t have to work through all cards at once - they can select cards randomly for short periods of time during lessons, whatever way suits your learning plan best. ​ answer recording sheet - I don’t actually always use these - I let students use their work notebooks for answers simply use their notebooks for answers. In some set, I’ve included a sheet with a background, and one without. Similarly, in some sets I’ve also included a blank sheet, with no numbers, which is useful when students are working ‘randomly’ through the cards at different times. ​ answer key - I find having a key essential for students, as it helps them to work and learn independently, and it also offers extra opportunity to engage with language - I tend to laminate sets of answer keys - one answer key for each small group is enough ​ question cards template for students to apply their knowledge practically, and to create questions for each other - this is a really challenging and popular activity, and I encourage students to include other vocab and verbs they know or learn. ​ Have a browse in my store for German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!


LATIN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER LATIN ANIMALS FLASHCARDS POSTERS These Latin animals flashcards / display posters create a fabulous Latin look and feel in the learning environment. I’ve found that this also helps promote Latin as a real language, featuring in the everyday life of beginner learners of Latin. They introduce learners to a range of animals in Latin from the very beginning of their learning, and they are able to familiarise themselves with how Latin words ‘look’, and how they are represented in the written form. My younger Latin students really love the animals flashcards / posters, and when we look for cognates and near-cognates, they really like to compare the Latin and English words. I’ve found that they also help very young children develop their growing understanding of the animal kingdom. Use them as flashcards to introduce and practice language too - it’s a traditional and successful low-tech teaching method, which gives students a welcome break from the whiteboard - varying teaching methodologies in the language learning classroom is always a good idea, and I also encourage my students to take the role of the teacher too, which they find really motivating. There are 20 masculine, feminine and neuter animals. I’ve chosen a couple of insects and birds, as well as animals that feature in very popular stories, such as ursus and lupus. Looking at language, and the ways it works, either similarly to, or differently from their first language, helps learners become implicitly aware of linguistic concepts in both languages, which I’ve found to be really useful for both current and later learning. The animals are: ***bear : bee : bird : butterfly : cat : dog : fish : fox : frog : horse : kangaroo : monkey : mouse : owl : parrot : rabbit : spider : squirrel : turtle / tortoise : wolf *** There are two sets of 20 9.5x11 (A4) portrait posters: one with a colour background, the second with an animal footprint background, so 40 posters in total. I always laminate my posters / flashcards as they hang a lot better, are easier to manipulate as flashcards, and definitely last for years! Have a browse in my store for more Latin flashcards / classroom decor and a wide range of other Latin teaching and learning materials, with dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies too! Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. GRATIA PLENA


SPANISH CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH FREEBIE Word searches are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This freebie Spanish Christmas word search features fourteen common Spanish Christmas words, which helps to develop students’ awareness of some Spanish Christmas vocabulary and customs, such as la Nochebuena and el turrón. I use this as a prompt to stimulate discussion about Spanish Christmas practices and traditions, and we talk about what students know about other Christmas traditions around the world. The nouns feature masculine and feminine, singular and plural and both definite and indefinite articles, which is a great way of working on and consolidating those grammatical concepts too. There is an answer key for each word search, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. Answer keys are absolutely essential for me, as they provide students with an additional opportunity to engage with language, help them develop more independence in their learning, and they genuinely enjoy ‘correcting’ each others’ work - additionally, they’re a great teacher time-saver, which is always a bonus! The word searches are in landscape format, as this mirrors the common direction of reading from left to right for speakers of English as a first or home language, facilitating their engagement with the activity. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish Christmas activities, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resources boxes, and lots of freebies too! Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y FELIZ NAVIDAD!


PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH CHRISTMAS WORDS FRENCH CHRISTMAS VOCABULARY LIST FREEBIE Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. Please read the Terms of Use. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply - please read them carefully. A great French Christmas picture & vocabulary reference resource for younger learners of French. It works well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. There are 20 common French Christmas words with pictures that I’ve found ideal for children learning French. I’ve used a blend of masculine and feminine nouns, definite article and indefinite article and there are some plurals too. I use this to stimulate discussion about articles, the concept of gender in French (which is often quite contrary to some learners’ first language, such as English), and forming the plural in French. It’s also great for promoting discussion about Christmas traditions and practices in France and French regions, as well as other French-speaking countries, comparing them to other Christmas customs with which students are familiar. Over time, I encourage students to add to the list - by the end of their French learning program, they’ll have a comprehensive French Christmas vocabulary bank. There are two backgrounds to choose from - Christmas colors (which I tend to use as part of a French Christmas display), and blackline snow. Have a browse in my store for more French Christmas resources, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, French dollar deals, and lots of freebies. JOYEUX NOËL ET BONNE ANNÉE !


GERMAN FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS BEGINNER GERMAN CHRISTMAS TASK CARDS FREEBIE Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Perfect for developing German language skills in general, as well as for practicing and revising numbers 0-31 in German - there are 12 differentiated questions, answer key and recording sheet. I’ve found that Christmas is a great time to revisit language we started with a couple of months before, and these are ideal for that. The cards have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling, and really help students develop more independence in their learning, moving away from more teacher-led tasks and activities. Challenge cards are really versatile too - we use them not only when we’re focusing on the target vocab, but throughout the year as starters and refreshers. The goal is not simply to learn and practice how to count in German, but also to enjoy working with language, and to feel confident about doing so. The questions range in complexity and challenge, and are great for honing numeracy skills too - especially if calculators are not allowed. There is a range of Christmas-theme images as visual clues for learners, Knecht Ruprecht and Weihnachtsmann - most of the questions are in German, so it’s really important to give learners appropriate support, and they’re great for stimulating discussion about German Christmas traditions and vocabulary. There’s a color set, and also a blackline set. Files are non-editable in a zipped format: Set of 12 differentiated question cards, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Print, laminate, cut out. Color & BW A5 (5.8 x 8.3) page answer key & recording sheet Have a look at this set of 36 task cards with a Christmas theme : GERMAN CHRISTMAS NUMBERS 0-31 TASK CARDS https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-christmas-numbers-0-31-task-cards-12264396 I’ve labelled the freebie set with letters A-L, so that you can mix them together with the set of 36 challenge cards - students can identify which questions belong to which answer key in this way, and together there are 48 question cards, which will keep your students really busy. Have a browse in my store for more German Christmas activities, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning resources, with special offer bundles, German dollar deals, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND FROHE WEIHNACHTEN!


SPANISH CHRISTMAS SPANISH FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES BEGINNER SPANISH CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Sopas de letras are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. It focuses on 33 Spanish Christmas words, which I also use as a prompt to stimulate discussion about Spanish Christmas practices and customs, and we talk about what students know about other Christmas traditions around the world. The nouns feature masculine and feminine, singular and plural and both definite and indefinite articles, which is a great way of working on and consolidating those grammatical concepts too. There are 5 Spanish to Spanish grids, where students are prompted with the Spanish words, and look for them in Spanish in the grid. For additional consolidation, each grid also features an English word list that they have to complete, really putting their knowledge to the test! There are also 5 English to Spanish grids, where the prompt words are given in English, and learners have to find the Spanish equivalent in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice in writing and spelling in Spanish, they also complete the Spanish word list on each page. Students can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. There is an answer key for each word search, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. Answer keys are absolutely essential for me, as they provide students with an additional opportunity to engage with language, help them develop more independence in their learning. There’s a Spanish-English Christmas vocabulary reference sheet - you can either laminate this to share around small groups of students, or give one to each student to stick into their learning workbooks as a general reference resource. Students will have to look carefully at some of the words they’re looking for, as they may appear slightly differently - for example, they may have to find the gifts and work out what that is in Spanish - only the prompt the gift appears in the reference list. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y FELIZ NAVIDAD!


FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH INTERMEDIATE FRENCH FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES POSTERS FLASHCARDS LES PAYS FRANCOPHONES FREE SAMPLER Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Features five countries / territories where French is an official language. Each poster / flashcard shows continent, country, capital city and national flag: and there are two design formats to choose from - French flag or plain without frame to keep prep costs to a minimum. The full set is here: FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES, CAPITALS & FLAGS POSTERS FLASHCARDS https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-speaking-countries-capitals-flags-posters-13093093 Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON VOYAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION FRENCH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER FRENCH FACTS ABOUT FRANCE FRANCE COUNTRY FACTS ACTIVITIES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Creating a lively language learning environment for young learners of French, and offering a popular alternative to more traditional, teacher-led***information about France*** lessons. Children can develop their knowledge of the francophone world - and through guided whole-group discussion - their home / host country too, in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, in part independently of the teacher. There is a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and spelling, and is a great way of aligning language learning with developing literacy skills in English. The resource comprises the following non-editable files: 20 facts cards - there are four facts in each of the following topic groups:arts & culture, country, famous people, language and history. There are blank templates for children to research and create their own facts cards for each other, and providing them with opportunity to apply learning and knowledge creatively. Over the school year, children should regularly add to their facts cards, which in time creates a fabulous bank of facts about France. Facts recording sheet challenge level 1 - there are two options: either two or four fact recording boxes per page. Children read their selected facts, and copy the information in the boxes. Facts recording sheet challenge level 2 - there are also two options: two or four fact recording boxes in this challenge level. However, there is a more open-ended task: responding to the question “What did you learn?”. This requires children to read their fact card, process the information, and then recreate it in their own words, describing the fact in the context of what they have learned. 24 question / comprehension cards — the questions have a differentiated range of challenge, and are based on the knowledge developed through the whole-group presentation and discussion, and the facts cards. There are some independent research questions, which I use as a springboard for further discussion based on children’s own developing interests about France. There are blank templates here too - creating questions is a great way to think about and apply knowledge and learning. question / comprehension cards recording sheet whole-group facts presentation & discussion MERCI BEACOUP ET BON VOYAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION FRENCH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER FRENCH FACTS ABOUT FRANCE FRANCE COUNTRY FACTS ACTIVITIES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Creating a lively language learning environment for young learners of French, and offering a popular alternative to more traditional, teacher-led***information about France*** lessons. Children can develop their knowledge of the francophone world - and through guided whole-group discussion - their home / host country too, in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, in part independently of the teacher. There is a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and spelling, and is a great way of aligning language learning with developing literacy skills in English. The resource comprises the following non-editable files: 20 facts cards - there are four facts in each of the following topic groups:geography, country, landmarks, language and food. There are blank templates for children to research and create their own facts cards for each other, and providing them with opportunity to apply learning and knowledge creatively. Over the school year, children should regularly add to their facts cards, which in time creates a fabulous bank of facts about France. Facts recording sheet challenge level 1 - there are two options: either two or four fact recording boxes per page. Children read their selected facts, and copy the information in the boxes. Facts recording sheet challenge level 2 - there are also two options: two or four fact recording boxes in this challenge level. However, there is a more open-ended task: responding to the question “What did you learn?”. This requires children to read their fact card, process the information, and then recreate it in their own words, describing the fact in the context of what they have learned. 24 question / comprehension cards — the questions have a differentiated range of challenge, and are based on the knowledge developed through the whole-group presentation and discussion, and the facts cards. There are some independent research questions, which I use as a springboard for further discussion based on children’s own developing interests about France. There are blank templates here too - creating questions is a great way to think about and apply knowledge and learning. question / comprehension cards recording sheet whole-group facts presentation & discussion MERCI BEACOUP ET BON VOYAGE !


5 Resources
FRENCH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER FRENCH FRANCE COUNTRY FACTS & ACTIVITIES 2 SETS @ $3.75 EACH IN THE BUNDLE eight topics areas: arts & culture; country/society; famous people; food; geography; history; landmarks and language Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Creating a lively language learning environment for young learners of French, and offering a popular alternative to more traditional, teacher-led***information about France*** lessons. Children can develop their knowledge of the francophone world - and through guided whole-group discussion - their home / host country too, in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, in part independently of the teacher. There is a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and spelling, and is a great way of introducing cross-curricular learning in your world languages classroom, aligning language learning with other areas of the curriculum, such as geography, history, and developing literacy skills in both French and English. The bundle comprises the following non-editable files: 40 facts cards - there are four facts in each of the following topic groups: geography; arts & culture; country/society; famous people; history; landmarks; language and food. There are four cards per 8.5x11 (A4) sheet. The language on each of the cards ranges from fairly basic to more advanced, which challenges and enhances children’s English reading comprehension skills. There are blank templates for children to research and create their own facts cards for each other. This is a really successful way of building knowledge and learning together. As their knowledge and understanding of the French-speaking world grows, children should add to their facts cards, which eventually builds up into a fabulous facts bank, which they can use the entire school year, and beyond. Facts recording sheet challenge level 1 - there are two options: either two or four fact recording boxes per page. Children read their selected facts, and copy the information in the boxes. Encourage children to be as accurate as possible with their spelling and punctuation, to pay particular attention to the spelling and accents of the French words that are included, and of course to make sure they are recording the facts in their best handwriting Facts recording sheet challenge level 2 - there are also two options: two or four fact recording boxes in this challenge level. However, there is a more open-ended task: responding to the question ***“What did you learn?”***. This requires children to read their fact card, process the information, and then recreate it in their own words, describing the fact in the context of what they have learned. Encourage children to look for lateral information, such as the existence of other countries where French is spoken, and to think about the continent where those countries are located. 48 question / comprehension cards - the questions have a differentiated range of challenge, and are based on the knowledge developed through the whole-group presentation and discussion, and the facts cards. There are some independent research questions, which I use as a springboard for further discussion based on children’s own developing interests about France. There are blank templates here too - creating questions is a great way to think about and apply knowledge and learning. question / comprehension cards recording sheets: the recording sheet has four boxes per page. I encourage children to write their answer in full sentences, and to give as much relevant information as they can. They can also give more detailed responses than they can learn from the cards, engaging in further independent research. I like to combine this activity where possible with organised visits to the school library to gather relevant titles on France and La Francophonie, and do allow children to access pre-vetted websites. 2 x whole-group facts presentation & discussion - I’ve found this a really useful means of encouraging and stimulating classroom discussion. Children can reflect on what they may already know about France, and share it with their peers. Use the facts themselves to prompt discussion about the home / host country, for example “What is our capital city? Is it also our largest city?”, which really does create a successful cross-curricular learning environment. The activities work really well across a series of lessons, rather than a single lesson. Print, laminate and cut out the cards - laminating is certainly worth the prep time, as the cards will last for many years. You can either give each small group of children a complete set of cards to choose from, or any particular number you think is appropriate. Decide how long you want the reading and writing activity to last for, and tell children how many cards you would like them to work with. This is quite a basic way of differentiating the activity. Children can then select random cards from their bowl. You can also select particular cards yourself if you prefer to differentiate by content, seating plan or learning groups for example. Have a browse in my store for more country facts activities, and a wide range of other French resources created for young beginner learners, with French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies too - I’ve included a couple here for you to try. MERCI BEACOUP ET BON VOYAGE !


FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES FSL FLE BEGINNER FRENCH INTERMEDIATE FRENCH FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES ACTIVITIES LES PAYS FRANCOPHONES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Mots cachés are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in French, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches with answer keys, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. It focuses on 41 countries / territories where French is an official language. The word searches help students develop their knowledge and awareness of the Francophone world, and just how widely it is spoken around the globe. I’ve used the definite article for the countries, so that students can see which countries are masculine, and which feminine, which in turn helps consolidate knowledge of gender in French. Grids 1-4: students search for a particular country. Grids 5 & 6: students search for a range of capital cities. Grid 7: 16 capital cities as prompts, and students search for the corresponding countries in the grid. Grid 8: 16 countries, and students search for the corresponding capital cities in the grid. Grids 9 & 10: a selection of national flags, students search for the corresponding countries in the grid, and also write the country name in the prompt box next to the individual flag. There is a single grid per page, A4 (8.5 x 11) portrait format. Students can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. Each grid has a corresponding answer key, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. There is also a complete reference sheet of all countries, capital cities, continents and flags. The word searches work well across the school year, not only when you’re focusing on les pays francophones. I use them as starters, refreshers, plenaries or fun-time fillers quite regularly - this really does help embed students’ learning, and they genuinely enjoy putting their memory to the test. Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON VOYAGE !


BEGINNER SPANISH INTERMEDIATE SPANISH SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES: TEN DIFFERENTIATED WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS & COUNTRIES, CAPITALS & NATIONAL FLAGS REFERENCE SHEET Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. This product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Sopas de letras are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. It focuses on 21 countries where Spanish is an official language, with an additional 3 where a significant number of the population speak Spanish as their first or second language. The word searches help students develop their knowledge and awareness of the Spanish-speaking world, and just how widely Spanish is spoken around the globe. In Grids 1-4, students search for a particular country. In Grids 5 & 6, they search for a range of capital cities. Grid 7 gives 16 capital cities as prompts, and students search for the corresponding countries in the grid. Similarly, in Grid 8, there are 16 countries given, and students search for the corresponding capital cities in the grid. Grids 9 & 10 show a selection of national flags, and students search for the corresponding countries in the grid, and also write the country name in the prompt box next to the individual flag. There is a single grid per page, A4 (8.5 x 11) portrait format. Students can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. Each grid has a corresponding answer key, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. There’s a complete reference sheet of all 24 countries, capital cities and flags - you can either laminate this to share around small groups of students, or give one to each student to stick into their learning workbooks as a general longer-term reference resource. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


EUROPEAN DAYS OF LANGUAGES EUROPE COUNTRIES, CAPITAL CITIES AND FLAGS POSTERS / FLASHCARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The produce is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Ideal for the European Day of Languages - an instant and comprehensive introduction to Europe , perfect for developing knowledge of European countries, capital cities and national flags. This kind of classroom display provides a real learning opportunity during September, in the run-up to, and on the European Day of Languages. There may be a number of countries and capital cities that students do not know, or are not aware of, so the posters help students develop their general awareness, knowledge and understanding of Europe. It’s useful to show students a clear map of Europe, so that they can visualise the location of each country and capital city, not only as an individual location with ***Europ***e, but also as a location in relation to other European countries and capital cities. There is a range of islands, such as the Faroe Islands, and also some countries, for example Armenia, that are often classed as belonging either to Europe or to Asia. Some countries have two posters, such as Greece, officially known as the Hellenic Republic - you can choose either the more frequently-used Greece or the Hellenic Republic to display. This is the European Day of Languages edition of our Geography Europe posters: please ensure you have not already purchased that set. There are two formats to choose from - Europe map background or plain without frame, which keeps prep costs at a minimum. Laminate if you can, even though it’s extra prep time and expense. The posters display better, as flashcards they’re a lot easier to manipulate, and they do remain in excellent condition for years, so you’ll be able to recycle them many times. Have a browse in our store for more European Day of Languages resources and activities! THANKS AND HAVE A GREAT EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES!


EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES EUROPE QUIZ - IDEAL FOR ADVANCED HIGH SCHOOL The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. This European Day of Languages quiz focuses on a range of topics and themes about Europe. Students can broaden and develop their knowledge of Europe in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The quizzes work well as a whole-group team quiz, and are also perfect for pair or small-group activities. The quizzes are for older students, who have a more developed understanding, knowledge and awareness of the world. Some responses will be generally well-known to students, others less so, as the questions range from basic general knowledge to more specialized factual knowledge. This ensures that the activity is equally about reflecting on what students know, as it is about what they can learn. In this way, the quizzes aim not only to consolidate existing knowledge, but also to enable students to learn more about Europe. The questions and answers also provide a comprehensive framework for further exploration of Europe, which both broadens and enriches the learning experience. I generally give students multiple opportunities over the school year to play the quizzes, not just on or around the European Day of Languages. Before we play, I always screen a clear map of Europe, to ensure that students can visualize it in its entirety, the location of individual countries within it, and in relation to each other. This provides an important learning context for students. The quiz opens with general questions about Europe, and then moves on to questions about a range of individual European countries. There are 80 questions across two challenges: Challenge 1: 56 multiple-choice questions, with four response options to choose from. The correct response is in capital letters. Challenge 2: 24 questions in TRUE / FALSE format. Where the answer is false, students should additionally give the correct response. Some of these questions align with the topics / themes in Challenge 1, but some address entirely different ones. I usually work with this challenge after Challenge 1, as I’ve found that it maximises opportunity for learning. The questions address and topics such as: music and the Arts; daily life; famous figures; geography; history; landmarks; language and linguistics; literature; politics; science; social history; society Laminate the cards if you can - they are easier to manipulate, and remain in excellent condition for years. Have a browse in my store for more European Day of Languages activities and resources! THANKS AND HAVE A GREAT EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES!


ESL EFL NUMBERS ACTIVITIES ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN NUMBERS 0-100 BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 TASK CARDS WITH ANSWER KEY The resource is non-editable in zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. English Numbers 0-100 Task Cards really do help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their knowledge of English and English numbers in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The questions have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling longer words in English. There’s definitely a UK theme running through many of the questions, featuring questions about fish and chips and the Loch Ness Monster for example. The questions range in complexity and challenge, and are great for honing numeracy skills too - especially if calculators are not allowed! The questions are all in English, which in itself is a really useful comprehension activity. Depending on your students, reading the questions together first to check for understanding is a good idea. There’s a question card template too - students genuinely enjoy creating questions for each other, and it allows them to apply language practically and creatively. The resource comprises the following: = 48 differentiated question cards, 6 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Print, laminate and cut out. = answer key and answer recording sheet Have a browse in my store for more English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!