We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
This 48 page pack contains fun resources and activities to teach German words for classroom objects. The vocabulary set includes: der Kugelschreiber, der Bleistift, der Spitzer, der Radiergummi, das Federmäppchen, das Lineal, die Schultasche, der Taschenrechner, das Whiteboard, die Farbe, der Pinsel, der Klebestift, die Schere, das Heft, das Buch, das Papier.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use in the classroom.
* Write around the room - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Word wall to display.
* ‘In meinem Federmäppchen’ activity to cut, stick, color, and write sentences.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism.
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key.
* Acrostic activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* Wordsearch activity plus answer key.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
Fun French worksheets and activities to teach classroom vocabulary. (48 pages)
This set includes:
* Suggestions for use in the classroom.
* Write around the room - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Word wall to display.
* ‘Dans ma trousse’ activity to cut, stick, color, and write sentences.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism.
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* Wordsearch activity plus answer key.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
All resources are designed for US letter size so please use options in print screen before printing if using a different paper size.
Handy hint: Laminate or edge-protect with tape your flashcards, matching cards and bingo cards to make them more durable.
French Farm Animals - À La Ferme. Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 87 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 French words for talking about a farm.
The vocabulary set includes: un fermier, un tracteur, une vache, un taureau, une poule, un cochon, un mouton, un canard, une dinde, une chèvre, un cheval, un chien, un chat, un champ, une barrière, un épouvantail.
The pack comprises:
1. Suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom including teaching the vocab, practicing, and assessing plus games and ideas for displays.
2. Word wall set with separate title
3. 16 large color flashcards - image (no text) (US letter size)
4. 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
5. A set of small b/w flashcards
6. A matching activity set (words and pictures)
7. A b/w handout of pictures and words
8. A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
9. A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match
10. A fill in the words vocabulary worksheet (two versions - one partially completed for differentiation)
11. A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
12. 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Il y a ...
13. 1 b/w flip book to color and assemble. Practices farm and color vocab.
14. 2 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Practices farm and number vocab.
15. Dans la ferme de Mathurin - fun song - lyrics and music
16. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
17. Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
18. A farm picture to color in
Spanish Farm – En la granja. Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 87 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 Spanish words for talking about a farm.
The vocabulary set includes: un granjero, un tractor, una vaca, un toro, una gallina, un cerdo, una oveja, un pato, un pavo, una cabra, un caballo, un perro, un gato, un campo, una puerta, un espantapájaros.
The pack comprises:
1. Suggestions for use of the resources in classroom
2. Word wall set with separate title
3. 16 large color flashcards - image and text
4. 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
5. A set of small b/w flashcards
6. A matching activity set (words and pictures)
7. A b/w handout of pictures and words
8. A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
9. A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match
10. A fill in the words vocabulary worksheet (two versions - one partially completed for differentiation)
11. A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
12. 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. En la granja hay ...
13. 1 b/w flip book to color and assemble. Practices farm and color vocab.
14. 2 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Practices farm and number vocab.
15. En la granja de mi tío - fun song - lyrics and music
16. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
17. Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
18. A farm picture to color in
79 pages of fun activities, puzzles, activities, flashcards and bingo to teach French vocab for talking about camping. The vocab set includes: une tente, un sac de couchage, un lac, une forêt, une montagne, un imperméable, une guimauve, une carte, un canif, une lampe de poche, une boussole, un feu, un canoë, une canne à pêche, un sac à dos, une gourde. Perfect for elementary students.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom
* Word wall - color
* 16 color flashcards- image and text
* Write Around the Room recording sheet
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 16 small b/w flashcards (no text)
* Two handouts of pictures and words (color and b/w)
* A set of 16 word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism - (color)
* Missing letter puzzle (b/w)
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer key (b/w)
* Wordsearch activity (two versions - one with just pictures, one with pictures and words) and answer key (b/w)
* Matching puzzle (b/w)
* ‘Au Camping’ mini book to fill in, color and assemble.
* 17 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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French Summer Vacation - Write a Postcard Home
French Summer flip books and vocab worksheets
French Summer Word Puzzles
96 pages of flashcards, word wall, handout, puzzles, activities, games plus Christmas bookmarks, cards, tree decorations and gift box.
This set includes:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title.
* 16 large color flashcards - image and text
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* A set of small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* B/w and color handouts of pictures and words
* A matching activity set (words and pictures) color
* A b/w activity - color and label the picture
* 2 b/w anagram worksheets- unscramble the anagrams and match to the picture. (Each worksheet comes in 2 versions, one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer keys
* A Christmas crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* A set of b/w playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs)
* 4 bookmarks with English Christmas messages to cut out and color (2 versions of each - Happy Holidays and Happy/Merry Christmas)
* 4 Christmas cards with English Christmas messages to cut out and color (2 versions of each - Happy Holidays and Happy/Merry Christmas)
* 6 Christmas present tags/tree decorations to cut out and color. (2 versions of three of the tags - Happy Holidays and Happy/Merry Christmas)
* A Christmas gift box to cut out, color, label and construct.
Fun ‘Write around the Room’, word wall, puzzles, games and activities to teach Spanish classroom vocabulary. (48 pages)
This set includes:
* Suggestions for use in the classroom.
* Write around the room - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Word wall to display.
* ‘En mi estuche…’ activity to cut, stick, color, and write sentences.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism.
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* Wordsearch activity plus answer key.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
German Farm Animals – Auf dem Bauernhof. Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 87 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 German words for talking about a farm.
The vocabulary set includes: der Bauer, der Traktor, die Kuh, der Stier, das Huhn, das Schwein, das Schaf, die Ente, der Truthahn, die Ziege, das Pferd, der Hund, die Katze, das Feld, das Gatter, die Vogelscheuche.
The pack comprises:
1. Suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
2. Word wall set with separate title
3. 16 large color flashcards - image (no text)
4. 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
5. A set of small b/w flashcards
6. A color matching activity set (words and pictures)
7. A b/w handout of pictures and words
8. A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
9. A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match
10. A fill in the words vocabulary worksheet (two versions - one partially completed for differentiation)
11. A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
12. 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Auf dem Bauernhof gibt es ....
13. 2 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Practices farm vocab, plurals and numbers.
14. Singular and plurals handout - b/w
15. Old MacDonald hat ’ne Farm - fun song - lyrics and music
16. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
17. Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
18. A farm picture to color in.
79 pages of fun activities, puzzles, flashcards and bingo to teach Spanish vocab for talking about camping. The vocab set includes: la tienda de campaña, el saco de dormer, el lago, el bosque, la montaña, el impermeable, el oso, el mapa, la navaja, la linterna, la brújula, la fogata, la canoa, la caña de pescar, la mochila, la cantimplora.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom
* Word wall - color
* 16 color flashcards- image and text
* Write Around the Room recording sheet
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 16 small b/w flashcards (no text)
* Two handouts of pictures and words (color and b/w)
* A set of 16 word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism - (color)
* Missing letter puzzle (b/w)
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer key (b/w)
* Wordsearch activity (two versions - one with just pictures, one with pictures and words) and answer key (b/w)
* Matching puzzle (b/w)
* ‘En el camping’ mini book to fill in, color and assemble. (b/w)
* 17 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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Spanish Summer Beach - en la playa
Spanish Summer flip books and vocab worksheets
Spanish Summer Vacation - Write a Postcard Home
79 pages of fun activities, puzzles, flashcards and bingo to teach German vocab for talking about camping. The vocab set includes: das Zelt, der Schlafsack, der See, der Wald, der Berg, die Regenjacke, das Marshmallow, die Karte, das Taschenmesser, die Taschenlampe, der Kompass, das Lagerfeuer, das Kanu, die Angelrute, der Rucksack, der Bär.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom
* Word wall - color
* 16 color flashcards- image and text
* Write Around the Room recording sheet
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 16 small b/w flashcards (no text)
* Two handouts of pictures and words (color and b/w)
* A set of 16 word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism - (color)
* Missing letter puzzle (b/w)
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer key (b/w)
* Wordsearch activity (two versions - one with just pictures, one with pictures and words) and answer key (b/w)
* Matching puzzle (b/w)
* ‘Das Camping’ mini book to fill in, color and assemble. (b/w)
* 17 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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German Summer Vacation - Beach topic set
German Summer Vacation - Write a Postcard Home
German Summer Word Problems
Los Números 108 pages of fun flashcards, Write around the room, bingo, matching activities, word searches, crosswords, mystery pictures, dot to dot, code breakers and more. All you need to teach the Spanish words for the numbers 1-20 - great for elementary students. The pack is versatile as it is designed for teachers who want to teach numbers 1-10, then 11-20, or 1-20 all at once.
This Spanish Numbers pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom.
* 20 color posters (image and text) for use with ‘Write around the room’
* 3 ‘Write around the room’ recording sheets - 1-10, 11 - 20, 1-20
* 20 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 20 small b/w flashcards
* 4 handouts of numbers and words (b/w and color)
* Match the Numbers activity (color)
* 3 missing letter worksheets and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 word search puzzles (two versions of each for differentiation in the classroom- one with both numbers and number words, the other with just numbers) and answer keys (b/w)
* 3 crossword puzzles (two versions of each- one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 code breaker puzzles and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 number word addition activities (b/w)
* Dot to dot puzzle using number words (b/w)
* 2 color by number mystery pictures. Each design comes in two versions. The first version has both number and color words. The second has number words but not colors, in case the teacher wants to teach particular color words. (b/w)
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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Spanish numbers count and clip
Spanish Xmas color and number activities
Spanish Xmas color by number
Spanish Easter Color by Number
Spanish numbers and colors activities
106 pages of fun flashcards, Write around the room, bingo, matching activities, word searches, crosswords, mystery pictures, dot to dot, code breakers and more. All you need to teach the German words for the numbers 1-20 - great for elementary students. The pack is versatile as it is designed for teachers who want to teach numbers 1-10, then 11-20, or 1-20 all at once.
This German Numbers pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom.
* 20 color posters (image and text) for use with ‘Write around the room’
* 3 ‘Write around the room’ recording sheets - 1-10, 11 - 20, 1-20
* 20 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 20 small b/w flashcards
* 4 handouts of numbers and words (b/w and color)
* Match the Numbers activity (color)
* 3 missing letter worksheets and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 word search puzzles (two versions of each for differentiation in the classroom- one with both numbers and number words, the other with just numbers) and answer keys (b/w)
* 3 crossword puzzles (two versions of each- one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 code breaker puzzles and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 number word addition activities (b/w)
* Dot to dot puzzle using number words (b/w)
* 2 color by number mystery pictures. Each design comes in two versions. The first version has both number and color words. The second has number words but not colors, in case the teacher wants to teach particular color words. (b/w)
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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German color by number animal pictures
German numbers count and clip
German Easter Color by Number
German numbers and colors activities
German Xmas color by number
German Xmas color and number activities
This 90 page pack contains resources and activities to teach German words for talking about Christmas. The vocabulary set includes: der Weihnachtsmann, der Schlitten, das Rentier, der Engel, die Weihnachtskarte, das Geschenk, der Stern, die Kerze, die Zuckerstange, der Lebkuchen, der Tannenbaum, die Stechpalme, die Glocke, die Krippe, die Schneeflocke, der Schneemann.
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title.
* 16 large color flashcards - image and text
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* A set of small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* B/w and color handouts of pictures and words
* A matching activity set (words and pictures)- color
* A b/w activity - color and label the picture
* 2 b/w anagram worksheets- unscramble the anagrams and match to the picture. (Each worksheet comes in 2 versions, one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer keys
* A Christmas acrostic puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* A set of b/w playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs)
* 4 bookmarks with German Christmas messages to cut out and color
* 4 Christmas cards with German Christmas messages to cut out and color
* 6 Christmas present tags/tree decorations to cut out and color
* A Christmas gift box to cut out, color, label and construct.
106 pages of fun flashcards, Write around the room, bingo, matching activities, word searches, crosswords, mystery pictures, dot to dot, code breakers and more. All you need to teach the French words for the numbers 1-20 - great for elementary students.
This French Numbers pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in classroom.
* 20 color posters (image and text) for use with ‘Write around the room’
* 3 ‘Write around the room’ recording sheets - 1-10, 11 - 20, 1-20
* 20 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* 20 small b/w flashcards
* 4 handouts of numbers and words (b/w and color)
* Match the Numbers activity (color)
* 3 missing letter worksheets and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 word search puzzles (two versions of each for differentiation in the classroom- one with both numbers and number words, the other with just numbers) and answer keys (b/w)
* 3 crossword puzzles (two versions of each- one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 code breaker puzzles and answer keys (b/w)
* 2 number word addition activities (b/w)
* Dot to dot puzzle using number words (b/w)
* 2 color by number mystery pictures. Each design comes in two versions. The first version has both number and color words. The second has number words but not colors, in case the teacher wants to teach particular color words. (b/w)
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
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French Xmas color by number
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French number words count and clip
85 pages of fun flashcards, word wall, write around the room, bingo, word search, word scramble, crossword, flip book, dominoes and more to teach German words for clothes - great for elementary students.
The vocabulary set includes: die Mütze, der Schal, die Schuhe, die Socken, die Handschuhe, das Hemd, die Bluse, das T-shirt, die Jacke, die Hose, der Pullover, die kurze Hose, der Rock, das Kleid, die Stiefel, der Schlafanzug.
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title (can also be cut up to make small color flashcards)
* Large color posters/flashcards - image and text
* Large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Write Around the Room activity sheet b/w
* Handout of pictures and words, 1 b/w and 1 color
* Matching activity set (words and pictures) color.
* Label and color the picture b/w
* Missing letters puzzle with answer key b/w
* 2 unscramble the anagrams with answer keys b/w
* Crossword (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Word search with answer key b/w
* A flip book to color, fill in and assemble. ‘Meine Kleider’ b/w
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
89 pages of fun flashcards, word wall, write around the room, bingo, word search, Mes Amis booklet, anagrams, crossword, flip book, dominoes and more to teach French words for clothes; great for elementary students.
French clothes vocabulary set includes: un pull, un pantalon, un chemisier, une chemise, une robe, une jupe, un blouson, un bonnet, une écharpe, des gants, des bottes, des chaussures, des chaussettes, un tee-shirt, un short, des tennis.
You can also buy this in our French Bundle - 8 Topics
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title (can also be cut up to make small color flashcards)
* Large color posters/flashcards - image and text
* Large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Write Around the Room activity sheet b/w
* Handout of pictures and words b/w
* Matching activity set (words and pictures) color.
* Label and color the picture b/w
* Missing letters puzzle with answer key b/w
* 2 unscramble the anagrams with answer keys b/w
* Crossword (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Word search with answer key b/w
* Les Amis booklet - match the text to the pictures, color and assemble b/w
* A flip book to color, fill in and assemble. ‘Je porte ...’ b/w
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
If you enjoy using this resource please look at our other French resources at the Llanguage Llamas store.
Discounted fun Spanish zoo animal resources with cute pictures which students love. The vocabulary is the same in all the sets so that they can be used together - el león, el tigre, el oso, la cebra, el lobo, el elefante, el rinoceronte, el hipopótamo, el canguro, la serpiente, el cocodrilo, el pingüino, la jirafa, el mono, el panda, el camello.
The bundle includes the four sets detailed below. Please click the links to the individual resources below.
1. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Activities
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘En El Zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.
2. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Puzzles
* Word search puzzle plus answer key
* Crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key
* Hand-out of zoo animals in both color and black and white.
3. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Word Wall
4. Zoo Animals Bingo
You might also like our Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Go Fish! Game
89 pages of fun flashcards, word wall, write around the room, bingo, word search, Los Amigos booklet, anagrams, crossword, flip book, dominoes and more to teach Spanish words for clothes; great for elementary students.
This Spanish clothing vocabulary set includes: los pantalones, los pantalones cortos, la camisa, la blusa, el suéter, la falda, el vestido, la camiseta, la chaqueta, la bufanda, los guantes, el sombrero, las botas, las zapatillas, los calcetines, los zapatos.
This pack can also be bought at a discounted price in our Spanish Topic Sets Bundle - clothing, beach, pets, colors, body, fruit, vegetables, bedroom, farm, classroom
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title (can also be cut up to make small color flashcards)
* Large color posters/flashcards - image and text
* Large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Write Around the Room activity sheet b/w
* Handout of pictures and words b/w
* Matching activity set (words and pictures) color.
* Label and color the picture b/w
* Missing letters puzzle with answer key b/w
* 2 unscramble the anagrams with answer keys b/w
* Crossword (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Word search with answer key b/w
* Los Amigos booklet - match the text to the pictures, color and assemble b/w
* A flip book to color, fill in and assemble. ‘Llevo ...’ b/w
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
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Spanish clothing Go Fish! game
Spanish Teddies - clothing and color vocab
Discounted fun German zoo animal resources with cute pictures which students love. The vocabulary is the same in all the sets so that they can be used together - der Bär, das Kamel, der Wolf, der Löwe, der Tiger, der Elefant, das Nashorn, das Nilpferd, der Panda, die Schlange, das Krokodil, der Pinguin, die Giraffe, das Zebra, der Affe, das Känguru.
The bundle includes the four sets detailed below. Please click the links to the individual resources to see the previews .
1. German Im Zoo Activities
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘Im Zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.
2. German Im Zoo Puzzles
* Word search puzzle plus answer key
* Crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key
* Hand-out of zoo animals in both color and black and white.
3. German Im Zoo Word Wall
4. Zoo Animals Bingo
88 pages of flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, activities, games plus Christmas bookmarks, cards, tree decorations and gift box. It also contains ‘My French Christmas booklet’ for students to learn about Christmas traditions in France.
The vocabulary set includes: le Père Noël, un traîneau, un renne, un cadeau, un bas de Noël, un lutin, un sapin de Noël, une canne de Noël, une boule de Noël, une carte de Noël, une bûche de Noël, un ange, une crèche, une bougie, une étoile, un houx.
This French Christmas topic set comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title.
* 16 large color flashcards
* 16 large b/w flashcards
* A set of small b/w flashcards
* A b/w handout of pictures and words
* My French Christmas Book.
* A matching activity set
* A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
* A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match. With answer key.
* A Christmas acrostic puzzle (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* A set of b/w playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc.
* 4 bookmarks with French Christmas messages to cut out and color.
* 4 Christmas cards with French Christmas messages to cut out and color.
* 6 Christmas present tags/tree decorations with French vocabulary to cut out and color.
* A Christmas gift box to cut out, color, label and construct.