30 quick warmers for GCSE French lessons
A mix of grammar, vocabulary and culture
Answers and tips for using the slides are in the comments section (sometimes you might need to scroll down in this part).
The resource is available as a .pptx file which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
A free sample of this resource is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12861329
45 quick warmers for KS3 Spanish lessons
A mix of grammar, vocabulary and culture
Answers and tips for using the slides are in the comments section (sometimes you might need to scroll down in this part)
The resource is available as a .pptx file
A free sample of this resource is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12858609 which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
40 creative questions in German and 40 more in Spanish for a end of year quiz or Christmas quiz
8 rounds with 5 questions per round (Spanish/French, Geography, Food, Grammar, Nature, Sport, Music +Cinema and History)
Can also be used as lesson starters, or as an activity mid-lesson to re-engage pupils
Includes two versions of the quiz (ES/DE and EN), answer sheets and a teacher sheet with all answers
Free samples of these resources with 8 questions are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12859106 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859228
The resources are saved in a zip file and are all .docx or .pptx. which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
40 creative questions in French and 40 more in German for a end of year quiz or Christmas quiz
8 rounds with 5 questions per round (Spanish/French, Geography, Food, Grammar, Nature, Sport, Music +Cinema and History)
Can also be used as lesson starters, or as an activity mid-lesson to re-engage pupils
Includes two versions of the quiz (DE/FR and EN), answer sheets and a teacher sheet with all answers
Free samples of these resources with 8 questions are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859228 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859121
The resources are saved in a zip file and are all .docx or .pptx which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
40 creative questions in French and 40 more in Spanish for a end of year quiz or Christmas quiz
8 rounds with 5 questions per round (Spanish/French, Geography, Food, Grammar, Nature, Sport, Music +Cinema and History)
Can also be used as lesson starters, or as an activity mid-lesson to re-engage pupils
Includes two versions of the quiz (ES/FR and EN), answer sheets and a teacher sheet with all answers
Free samples of these resources with 8 questions are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12859106 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859121
The resources are saved in a zip file and are all .docx or .pptx. which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
All of my GCSE MFL quizzes - one for Spanish, one for French and one for German
Each quiz has five rounds of eight questions: Geography, Who am I?, Culture and traditions, True or false + History (plus one tiebreaker question per quiz)
All questions are somehow related to the German, French or Spanish speaking world
All questions are in the target language, but are as simple as possible linguistically speaking. Where relevant, I have included the English translation of 1-2 keywords on the same slide.
All quizzes are included as editable .docx files and as .pdf versions
Two fun quizzes suitable for fun end of year or Christmas lessons in Spanish and German
Accessible for a good KS3 class or perhaps a foundation GCSE class
Almost all questions are in the target language, but use the simplest language possible. I have also included the translation of 1-2 keywords where necessary, or occasionally the whole question if the structure is slightly more complex.
There are five rounds, each with eight questions. All questions are somehow related to the Spanish or German speaking world: Geography, Who am I?, Culture and traditions, True or false, History
There is one tiebreaker question
Answers are included on a separate slide after each round
The quizes are available as a .pptx and .pdf file
Free samples of the quiz which show the design and structure, and offer one sample question per round, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12873802 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12870574
Two fun quizzes for end of year or Christmas lessons - at KS3 and GCSE level
There are different rounds in each quiz, but all link to an aspect of the German-speaking world
Both quizzes are available in editable .pptx format and as .pdf files
In the GCSE quiz, versions in German and English are included
The KS3 quiz is in German with vocabulary notes and translations on the slides where necessary
13 texts based on different aspects of Mexican culture, all 160-260 words in length and aligned with the GCSE syllabus
Each text includes two exam-style questions following AQA GCSE structure for independent practice, homework or self-study
Answers are included
All texts are also included in audio version, spoken by a native Mexican woman
The audios are in .mp3 format in a .zip folder, texts are in both .pdf and docx format
A version of all the texts and audios without exam questions is available to try for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/13-gcse-texts-audios-mexican-culture-12881083
A version which includes all the texts and audios available here, as well as a full 60 minute+ lesson plan for each text is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/13-lessons-gcse-spanish-reading-mexican-culture-12868973
Two fun quizzes for end of year or Christmas lessons - at KS3 and GCSE level
There are different rounds in each quiz, but all link to an aspect of the Spanish-speaking world
Both quizzes are available in editable .pptx format and as .pdf files
In the GCSE quiz, versions in Spanish and English are included
The KS3 quiz is in Spanish with vocabulary notes and translations on the slides where necessary
30 quick warmers for GCSE Spanish lessons AND 45 quick warmers for KS3 Spanish lessons
A mix of grammar, vocabulary and culture
Answers and tips for using the slides are in the comments section (sometimes you might need to scroll down in this part).
The resources are available as a .pptx file which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues…
Free samples of these resources are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-5-minute-starters-sample-12858678 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks3-spanish-5-minute-starters-sample-12858609
30 quick warmers for GCSE German lessons AND 46 quick warmers for KS3 German lessons
A mix of grammar, vocabulary and culture
Answers and tips for using the slides are in the comments section (sometimes you might need to scroll down in this part).
The resources are available as a .pptx file which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
Free samples of these resources are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/30-gcse-german-5-minute-starters-12858699 and https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/46-ks3-german-5-minute-starters-12858767
All of my GCSE MFL quizzes - one for Spanish, one for French and one for German
8 rounds with 5 questions per round (Spanish/French/German, Geography, Food, Grammar, Nature, Sport, Music + Cinema and History)
Includes two versions of the quiz (ES/FR/DE and EN), answer sheets and a teacher sheet with all answers
Free samples of these resources with 8 questions are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12859106 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859121 AND https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-end-of-year-quiz-sample-12859228
The resources are saved in a zip file and are all .docx or .pptx which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
Five fun quizzes to cover end of year lessons, Christmas and European day of languages
Targeted at KS3, GCSE and A-level pupils
There are different rounds in each quiz, but all link to an aspect of the Spanish-speaking world
All quizzes are available in editable .pptx format and as .pdf files
Depending on the quiz, an appropriate mix of Spanish and English is used taking into account the level of the pupils. In the GCSE quiz there is a version in Spanish and in English.
All answers are included
Four fun quizzes to cover end of year lessons, Christmas and European day of languages
Targeted mainly at KS3 and GCSE pupils
There are different rounds in each quiz, but all link to an aspect of the German-speaking world
All quizzes are available in editable .pptx format and as .pdf files
Depending on the quiz, an appropriate mix of German and English is used taking into account the level of the pupils. In the GCSE quiz there is a version in German and in English.
All answers are included
75 quick warmers Spanish lessons, 75 quick warmers for French lessons AND 76 quick warmers for German lessons
A mix of grammar, vocabulary and culture
Answers and tips for using the slides are in the comments section (sometimes you might need to scroll down in this part).
The resources are available as a .pptx file which you are free to edit. I have also included the pdf version to protect against content being skewed depending on compatibility issues.
Free samples for all six resources are available via my shop, or linked in the individual resources.
13 complete 1 hour + lessons based on different aspects of Mexican culture, largely following the life of a young Mexican woman called Caroline.
The texts are all 160 - 260 words in length, and every text also includes an audio spoken by a native Mexican woman.
All lessons include a pre-reading task and two AQA exam style questions, as well as a selection of other speaking, writing, cultural, grammar and/or vocabulary activities.
Answers are given for all lessons
Each resource includes an editable .docx file, a .pdf file and an .mp3 audio file.
Two of the lessons can be trialled for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12864130
You can also read and listen to all the texts and audios for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/13-gcse-texts-audios-mexican-culture-12881083
Another paid version with exam-style questions instead of complete lesson plans is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881099
All of my quizzes for KS3, GCSE and A-Level MFL lessons.
Currently includes
3 KS3 quizzes (Spanish, German and French)
3 GCSE quizzes (Spanish, German and French)
2 A-Level quizzes (Spanish)
1 Christmas quiz (German)
1 bumper European Day of Languages quiz
All quizzes include 30+ questions and are more more than long enough to fill a full one hour lesson
Documents are available in .pdf format or as editable .pptx files
There are different rounds (geography, who am I, language, true or false etc etc), but all questions link to the target language/culture