KS3 Spanish - ¿ Cómo es tu ciudad ?
Objectivo : To say what your town is like
All must be able to recognise adjectives to describe their town
Most should be able to use adjectives to describe their town
Some could be able to describe their town using adjectives and connectives
KS4 French After Christmas
Titre : les cadeaux de Noël
L’objectif : talking about what you offered for Christmas, what you got from whom and if you like it
Using opinion and Indirect object pronouns
KS4 French clothes - I have a problem, shop conversation
Titre : J’ai un probléme
Les objectives:
Some will be able to create a conversation in a “clothes shop”
Most will be able to explain what problem they have with an item they got
All will be able to say they have a problem with an item they got
KS4 French Clothes - In the shop, what you want
Titre : dans le magasin de vêtements
Les objectives:
Some will be able to create a dialogue “in a clothes”
Most will be able to explain in detail what they want
All will be able to say what kind of clothes they want in a shop.
KS2 - KS3 French Daily routine - the evening
Titre : Le soir
Les objectives:
Some will be able to describe their evening routine using time and connective
Most will be able to describe their evening routine in simple sentence
All will be able to say 6 verbs
KS3 French What do you like to do according to the weather
Titre : Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire quand… ?
Les objectives:
Some will be able to say and write what they like to do in relation to various types of weather, adapting a model
Most will be able to say what they like to do according to the weather, with support
All will be able to say what they like to do with support
KS2 - KS3 The weather French
Titre : Quel temps fait-il ?
Les objectives:
Some will be able to describe the weather without support
Most will be able to describe the weather with support
All will be able to say 3 words to describe the weather
Titre : GCSE French Exam Techniques Reading.
L’objectif : se préparer pour l’examen de lecture.
Lessons revison for the reading AQA; tips and reading paper.
KS3 French Studio 2 Rouge Module 5 Quel Talent Unit 4 C’est qui le meilleur ?
Titre : C’est qui le meilleur ?
L’objectif : reconnaitre et comprendre les superlatifs
KS3 French Studio 2 Vert Module 1 T’es branché Unit 1 La télé
Titre : La télé
L’objectif : talking about TV programmes
All must be able to say different type of TV programmes
Most should be able to remember different TV programmes without support
Some could be able to give opinions on TV programmes.
KS4 French - school rules - les règles au collège
Lesson consolidation: Writing, speaking and peer assessment
L’objectif : écrire un discours sur les règles au collège.
All must be able to say which rules they want to change.
Most should be able to use the past and the conditional.
Some could be able to include opinion and comparison.
KS5 French Le patrimoine
Instructions and answers only, to use with the book Alevel French AQA (You need the book to use this lesson)
Titre : Résumé
L’objectif : Démontrez ce que vous avez appris
KS3 French Studio 2 Vert Module 2 Paris, je t’adore ! Unit 1 Paris touristique
Paris, je t’adore !
L’objectif : Saying what you can do in Paris
All must be able to understand activities you can do in Paris
Most should be able to do a quiz on Paris
Some could be able to write suggestions on what you can do in a town