I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful!
All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country.
I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful!
All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country.
I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives:
• To recognise one more or one less of an object.
• To be able to count in tens.
• To consolidate numbers bonds to 10
Main Teaching
• To compare and describe lengths and heights (for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half).
• To measure and begin to record lengths and heights, using non-standard measures i.e cubes, hands and feet.
• To measure and begin to record lengths and heights, using standard measures
4 pairs of IWB presentations linked to Place Value covering all aspects of Place Value to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The worksheets cover the following learning objectives:
Year 5
- read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
Year 6
- read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
- understand and use place value for decimals, measures and integers of any size
- round numbers and measures to an appropriate degree of accuracy [for example, to a number of decimal places or significant figures]
NB also available are the worksheets to go with these presentations, also for £2 and a complete 5 lesson teaching package (including both presentations, worksheets, starters and lesson plans) for £2.50.
3 sets of 4 way differentiated worksheets covering all aspects of Negative Numbers to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The worksheets cover the following learning objectives:
to count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers (Year 5)
to interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0 (Year 5)
to use negative numbers, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6)
use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6)
to solve problems involving negative numbers (Year 5 & Year 6)
to order positive and negative integers (KS3)
to apply this knowledge to bar and line graphs. (KS3)
to select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems (KS3)
3 sets of interactive presentations / teaching introductions covering all aspects of Negative Numbers to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The presentations are suitable for use with Smartboard Notebook software and Promethean ActivInspire flipchart software.
The presentations cover the following learning objectives:
to count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers (Year 5)
to interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0 (Year 5)
to use negative numbers, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6)
use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0 (Year 6)
to solve problems involving negative numbers (Year 5 & Year 6)
to order positive and negative integers (KS3)
to apply this knowledge to bar and line graphs. (KS3)
to select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems (KS3)
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers.
• To recognise one more or one less of an object
• To be able to count forward and back in ones from any number up to 20.
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond
Main Teaching
• To read, write and interpret subtraction (-) and equals (=) symbols.
• To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems, such as 7 = □ – 9.
• To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers.
• To recognise one more or one less of an object
• To be able to count forward in tens and ones from any number.
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond
Main Teaching
• To identifying the part of the pattern that repeats.
• To recognise odd and even numbers
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives:
• To recognise one more or one less of an object.
• To be able to count in tens.
• To consolidate numbers bonds to 10
Main Teaching
• To read, write and interpret addition (+) and equals (=) symbols.
• To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems, such as 7 = □ – 9.
• To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction
Three days’ worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
Main Teaching
• To identify 3d shapes
• To identify 2d shapes
• To sort 2d shapes by simple properties
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers.
• To recognise one more or one less of an object
• To be able to count forward in tens and ones from any number.
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond.
Main Teaching
• To recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, /shape
• To Identifying whether a shape has been split into 2 equal parts.
• To recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, /shape
• To Identifying whether a shape has been split into 4 equal parts.
• To find fractions of quantities
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To recognise value of Tens and ones
• To recognise value of Tens and ones and to relate them to coins.
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond.
Main Teaching
• To recognise the value of each coin.
• To solve simple one-step problems that involve addition
• To find one more or one less of a given set of coins.
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To use Part, Part Whole to add numbers.
• To recognise odd and even numbers
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 and beyond.
Main Teaching:
• To be able to begin to identify fractions of a whole in relation to capacity and volume
• To compare and describe capacity/volume
• To measure and begin to record capacity and volume using non-standard and then standard units
• To describe a capacity or volume using the language of full, empty, half full, nearly full, nearly empty
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives.
• To recognise the value of each coin.
• To find one more or one less of a given set of coins.
• To find ten more or ten less of a given set of coins.
• To add and subtract numbers to 20 including missing number problems.
Main Teaching
• To sequence events in chronological order using language such as: morning, afternoon and evening
• To sequence events in chronological order using ordinal openers i.e. first, secondly, next, then, after, finally
• To compare, describe and solve practical problems for time (quicker, slower, earlier, later).
• To measure and begin to record time
• To recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years
A complete week’s worth of lessons each including a daily plan, a starter, introduction, differentiated tasks and plenaries, as well as a link to a youtube video which can be used to provide distance learning as and when required.
The lessons cover the following learning objectives
• To count to and across 20 forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
• To recognise numbers represented by Base Ten equipment.
• To recognise on more or one less of an object
• To recognise on more or one less of a number
Main Teaching
• To represent numbers beyond 20
• To represent numbers beyond 20 using Base Ten
• To represent numbers beyond 20 using Tens and Ones grids
• To compare two numbers
• To identify ten more and ten less of a number
Topics covered are:
Arithmetic (Paper 1) - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2 digit - 6 digit numbers, decimals and fractions.
Maths reasoning (Paper 2 and Paper 3) - Place Value, Properties of Number and problem solving involving addition and subtraction problems.
Each session ends with AfL work drawn from the 2016 SATs papers.
Each session is supported by presentations for Smartboard and for Promethean, worked examples in the form of You Tube clips for your own use or with your class and 4 way differentiated independent activities.
New for 2018 Year 6 Revision stand alone lesson - addition and subtraction
5 sets of worksheets (differentiated for 4 ability groups) covering all aspects of Place Value to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The worksheets cover the following learning objectives:
Year 5
- read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
- solve number problems and practical problems that involve all of the above
Year 6
- read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
- solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above
- understand and use place value for decimals, measures and integers of any size
- round numbers and measures to an appropriate degree of accuracy [for example, to a number of decimal places or significant figures]
- develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems
A set of 5 lessons covering all aspects of Place Value to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The lessons meet the following learning objectives:
Year 5
To order and compare numbers up to 1,000,000.
To count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers.
To interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0.
To solve problems involving negative numbers.
To add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits.
To solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts.
Year 6
To order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000.
to use negative numbers, and calculate intervals across 0.
To solve problems involving negative numbers.
To solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
To solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts.
To order and compare any numbers.
To order positive and negative integers.
To use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0 and apply this knowledge to bar and line graphs.
To select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems.
To develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems.
A set of 5 lessons covering all aspects of Place Value to allow you to meet expectations of current (2014 onwards) National Curriculum for Mathematics.
The lessons meet the following learning objectives:
Year 5
- read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
- solve number problems and practical problems that involve all of the above
Year 6
- read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
- round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
- solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above
- understand and use place value for decimals, measures and integers of any size
- round numbers and measures to an appropriate degree of accuracy [for example, to a number of decimal places or significant figures]
- develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems
A set of 5 days' lessons revising informal multiplication methods and teaching formal short and long multiplication methods, with opportunities to apply these strategies to a series of differentiated Word Problems.
All Worksheets are differentiated 4 ways for ability and include answers to ease marking.
set of 5 days' lessons revising informal multiplication methods and teaching formal short and long multiplication methods, with opportunities to apply these strategies to a series of differentiated Word Problems.
All Worksheets are differentiated 4 ways for ability and include answers to ease marking.
A collection of 5 lessons' worksheets for Year 5 and Year 6, differentiated for 4 different ability groups. 4 sets of worksheets include a Word Problem, while the other 1 sets are Word problems relating to formal written division.
LO's covered include:
To use short or long division
To solve Word problems requiring formal written division (Year 5 and Year 6)
To develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems (KS3)