Children are introduced to faces, vertices and edges, get the opportunity to handle and count the number of faces etc, before sorting according to properties. Could be extended over several lessons.
Contains whole lesson pack and differentiated worksheet in PDF Format that are also in the notebook so can be fully adapted. 15 page notebook file with fully manipulative images.
A complete pick up and teach lesson pack to support using the bar model to find change. Comes with 3 pdf pupil tasks that are also in the notebook, so are fully editable to extend/ simplify as appropriate for your class.
An introduction to bar models for year 1, children to use bar models to write additon and subtraction facts within 20. Complete with lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
A large selection of tasks to challenge more able in Year 2. Reasoning and problem solving based, across many aspects of maths, over 20 tasks that can be adapted.
A clear, practical and visual way to teach missing number problems, comes with all the resources you will need to deliver the lesson, including pupil tasks (the children will need access to multi link/ any cubes to complete these).
A whole lesson bundle, complete with flipchart and children's tasks to introduce finding fractions of amounts when the numerator is one, using bar models.
A whole lesson bundle that scaffolds partititioning money and then using this to add money in £ and p, an excelent step towards using the column method.
A complete lesson pack familiarising with coin and note value and counting amounts. Including investigative tasks linked to finding all the possibilities. Complete pack including teaching sequence and pupil tasks.
A whole lesson resource to support using Numicon to teach missing number in calculations. With worksheets that are in PDF format but also in the smart notebook, so are fully editable.
Introduction to using a bar model to find percentages of amounts (multiples of 10%) a complete lesson pack containing teaching activities and differentiated pupil tasks.