A nice introduction to fractions using cubes to show and make fractions. Comes with teaching activities and children's tasks/ games. Could be extended over more than one lesson.
A nice selection of task cards to promote and evidence working at greater depth within the Year 2 maths curriculum. Can be display on IWB or printed for the children to do in books. Based on White Rose and NCETM materials, as well as government exemplification materials.
Complete lesson resource exploring combinations of elves and reindeer in Santa's workshop, a high ceiling, low threshold task that allows children to develop their own strategy to find the solution.
A pick up and teach lesson pack focussing on calculating the new price of items after a 10 and 20 per cent discount. Bright and colourful activity with three levels of children's tasks.
A nice bank of activities to support reasoning in the context on money, with Notebook/ Flipchart examples and pupil task cards. Enough material to extend over multiple lessons.
Complete lesson pack focussing on counting money and making amounts with different coins, with a nice Christmas theme. Comes with lesson presentation and children's tasks.
Complete lesson pack exploring subtraction of 1 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers with crossing tens boundaries. Comes with editable pupil tasks (within lesson presentation) and supporting visual aids for exploring the concept.
A whole lesson pack exploring adding decimal numbers with a different number of decimal places, exploring misconceptions, with two investigation task cards.