A nice lesson pack the uses a place value chart to understand multiplying and dividing by 10, and then introduces a dice game to improve fluency with these skills. A nice practice lesson.
A complete lesson pack focusing on sequences within a Christmas context, children work out the next pictures in a sequence and then the nth term in a sequence using reasoning skills. Contains scaffolded examples as well as independent tasks. Can be simplified or extended as required.
Lovely Christmas themed low threshold high ceiling task exploring the number of sides that make up the shapes in a Christmas tree. Complete lesson pack containing teaching sequence and pupil tasks.
A lovely resource that encourages children to problem solve mathematically in the count down to Christmas, with a different problem each day, and some sample images for display.
A lesson bundle with teaching tasks and pupil tasks focussing on describing, comparing and sorting 3D shapes according their properties, with a focus on prisms. Could easily be extended over several lessons.
An ancient Egyptian complete lesson pack that is easily edited to simplify or extend depending on year groups. Comes with teacher's presentation and differentiated pupil tasks. A pick up and teach resource.
Children add the two adjacent numbers to get the number above, children explore how to arrange numbers to get bigger/ smaller numbers on the top of the tree. Contains fully editable task sheets so could easily be extended over several lessons or edited to use bigger numbers.
A complete lesson pack including lesson presentation and worksheets and pupil tasks. Excellent resource to support adding and investigating adding bigger numbers.