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MrG2246's Shop

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Hi! Welcome to my TES Shop. I've taught many children in KS2 and created these resources somewhere along the way - I hope you find them useful for your classes!




Hi! Welcome to my TES Shop. I've taught many children in KS2 and created these resources somewhere along the way - I hope you find them useful for your classes!
Multiplying Fractions by a whole number

Multiplying Fractions by a whole number

This is a Multiplying Fractions (by a whole number) activity, aimed at Upper Key Stage 2 children. The activity is differentiated for HA, MA and LA children. Children will be adding and subtracting fractions (as a recap), before moving onto multiplying fractions by whole numbers (and converting the answer to a mixed number). Children will then move onto similar activities involving, comparing, ordering and converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers (and vice versa). HA children will be completing missing number questions. Children will need to understand how to find the common denominator, compare fractions, order fractions and convert from improper fractions to mixed numbers (and vice versa), in order to complete this worksheet. This activity does not cover multiplying fractions by fractions, only multiplying a fraction by a whole number. Learning Objective: I can multiply fractions by a whole number. Includes answers!
Comparing Fractions Activity

Comparing Fractions Activity

This is a Comparing Fractions activity, aimed at Upper Key Stage 2 children. The activity is differentiated for HA, MA and LA children. Children will use bar modelling to compare fractions, before moving onto using < , > or =. Children will then move onto reasoning questions and missing number problems. I found it beneficial for the LA children to complete a more visual style activity (e.g. one using circles to show the comparisons before moving onto this task). Children will need to understand how to find the common denominator in order to complete this activity. In addition, HA children will need to be able to order fractions. Learning Objective: To be able to compare fractions. Answers included.
Grid Multiplication - Mastery Questions (3x, 4x & 8x)

Grid Multiplication - Mastery Questions (3x, 4x & 8x)

This resource is aimed at a Year 3 class studying Grid Multiplication. Children are completing fluency and reasoning questions before moving onto worded problems. The worksheets are differentiated 3 ways for HA, MA and LA children. This resource is intended to follow on from one of my other resources covering 3x and 4x. (link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grid-multiplication-mastery-questions-3x-and-4x-12046956) The Learning Objectives covered by this resource are: I can use the grid method to multiply by 3 and 4. I can use the grid method to multiply by 3, 4 and 8. Answers are included.
Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Activity

Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Activity

This activity is aimed at a Year 5 class covering the conversion of improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. The worksheets are differentiated for HA, MA and LA pupils. Children will be completing missing numbers questions and using the symbols <, > or = to compare improper fractions and/or mixed numbers to each other. A possible learning objective could be: I can convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Includes answers!
Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Homework

Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Homework

This resource is a homework sheet based around Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers. It has been differentiated 3 ways and is aimed roughly at a Year 5 or 6 class. I have used this resource with Year 5. Answers are included for each sheet. The homework covers: Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions Completing missing number questions Using < , > or = to compare fractions and mixed numbers Solving worded problems This resource could also be used as part of a lesson.
Grid Multiplication 3x, 4x Mastery

Grid Multiplication 3x, 4x Mastery

These are an update of one my resources for the Grid Multiplication method. Children are completing fluency and reasoning questions before moving onto worded problems. The worksheets are differentiated and aimed at a Year 3 class. Learning Objective: I can use the grid method to multiply. I have created a follow on resource for this (link below). It looks at using the grid method to multiply by 3, 4 and 8. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grid-multiplication-mastery-questions-3x-4x-and-8x-12050751 Answers are included as a pdf. Worksheets are docx format for easy editing.
Grid Multiplication Worksheets - 3x and 4x

Grid Multiplication Worksheets - 3x and 4x

These are a differentiated set of Grid Multiplication worksheets. They are aimed at Year 3 class. This could be used as a simple starter, lesson activity or revision task. I used this as during the first lesson of teaching the grid method, so that the children to develop fluency with 3x and 4x. HA children are stretched by adding over the 100, multiplying by the twenties and at the end some 8x questions. Learning Objective: To be able to use the grid method to multiply by 3 and 4. Answers are included.
Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Y5 - Day 1

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Y5 - Day 1

This activity is aimed at a Year 5 class, who are studying adding and subtracting fractions. It is differentiated for the HA, MA and LA children. All worksheets are aimed at the mastery approach, with fluency and reasoning questions. I have used these with a Year 5 class. This is worksheet day 1 of 2 as I spread adding and subtracting over a few days. Day 2 worksheets available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13107562 Answers are included. Learning Obejctive: To be able can add and subtract fractions.
Differentiated Equivalent Fractions Homework

Differentiated Equivalent Fractions Homework

Differentiated Equivalent Fractions Homework activity - aimed and used with a mixed ability year 5 class. The sheet covers; writing equivalent fractions using a diagram, identifying the odd one out, filling in the missing numbers,and solving worded problems. It moves through fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions. I designed this for use with one of my Year 5 classes, but could also be used in Year 6. This activity could also be used as part of a lesson. Editable version (paid) is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13107314 Includes answers!