In this matching activity, the learners will need to match the time stated in Welsh to the correct analogue clock face. This can be done independently or as a group activity.
In this independent task, learners will need to match the bee with a multiplication sum on it to the flower with the correct answer. This can be done independently or as a group activity.
In this bundle, there are three worksheets that will helps learners both identify coins and how much the total amount of money is on each envelope. This activity would be best suited during Chinese New Year as an enhanced provision task :)
This activity allows the learners to write about a time when they felt the same traits as the Chinese dragon. They are powerful, confident and lucky. They can then draw a picture to reflect these times when they displayed these traits.
This resource can be used to allow learners to create their own ribbon mobile about growing up and looking ahead to the future. There are 6 ribbons and will need to be completed by the learners. Once the learners have completed each ribbon, the can then cut them out and stick to a strip of paper which can be glued together to form a circular mobile that contains all of their ideas about growing up and looking ahead to the future :)
This resource is used for the learners to write down ideas of what babies may need to survive as newborns. Some examples can be love and affection, clean clothes and baby food :)
This resource can be used as a group activity. The learners can be placed into groups and can then write down different ideas about what right they have been provided means to them :)
This resource is to allow learners to practice rounding money. There are two different worksheets that have been differentiated. The learners will need to round the money to the nearest ten pence and whole pound :)
This resource is used for learners who are conducting a taste test for different types of honey. There is also an answer slip for the learners to write about if they did or did not like the honey and why :)
In this All About Bee’s pack I have included the following:
A Powerpoint with information on different types of Bee’s
A fact sheet on 4 different types of Bee’s
A Worksheet where the ;earners would find facts on each bee and would write three facts on each bee in this worksheet. There is also a place for the learners to draw each type of bee in the middle