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Primary School Resources
Three 'ed' sentences PowerPoint

Three 'ed' sentences PowerPoint

This powerpoint and activity resource is used to show learners three ‘ed’ sentences and some examples. There is also an activity included in this resource that has also been differentiated :)
Animals in different environments - Welsh

Animals in different environments - Welsh

This resource allows learners to learn about different animals and what environment they would live in through Welsh. This resource contains an activity. The learners will need to draw 2 animals for each environment and write the name of each animal in Welsh :)
The Environment in Welsh

The Environment in Welsh

This resource is used to show learners how to write simple and descriptive sentences about different environments in Welsh :)
Yr Amgylchedd - The Environment in Welsh

Yr Amgylchedd - The Environment in Welsh

This resource is to be used as an introduction to the topic of the environment. The resource contains 5 different environments and what they mean in Welsh. There is also a worksheet included in this resource :)
Welsh Days of the Week - warmup activity

Welsh Days of the Week - warmup activity

This resource is to allow learners to practice the days of the week in Welsh. There are two activities in the worksheet. Activity 1 is matching the English days of the week to Welsh and activity 2 is completing the sentences by adding the days of the week in Welsh :)
Dw i'n hoffi darllen - Tom Percival

Dw i'n hoffi darllen - Tom Percival

This resource is designed to allow learners to practice using Welsh when looking at books. It allows the learners to write what the main title of the story is, who is the author and who is the main character of the story :)
Doubling Diamonds

Doubling Diamonds

In this resource, I have created a series of doubling diamonds to help learners practice doubling 2-digit numbers :)
Adverbs PowerPoint

Adverbs PowerPoint

In this PowerPoint, I have underlined an introduction to adverbs and how they can be used in sentences :)
Emotions Worksheet

Emotions Worksheet

For this worksheet, the learners can draw different types of faces portraying different emotions using a face template. Once they have designed their face, on the right, they can write a brief sentence of when they can feel that emotion. For example, if they drew a happy face, they could then write on the side of it ‘I feel happy when i play outside’ :)
Temperature PowerPoint

Temperature PowerPoint

In this PowerPoint, I have created an introduction to the topic of temperature, how we can take temperatures and the difference betwenn hot and cold temperatures :)
Pronouns PowerPoint

Pronouns PowerPoint

In this PowerPoint, I have outlined an introduction to 1st, 2nd and 3rd person pronouns and how they can be used in a sentence :)
Stop and Think Cards

Stop and Think Cards

In this resource, I have created ‘stop and think’ cards that I use on learners to remind them on certain aspects when they have been given a writing task. Some of these reminders include underlining the date and title, to use capital letters and full stops and to always use their best handwriting. I place these cards on the learners desks which have been taped down so they serve as a constant reminder to the learners :)
Morning Check-In Cards

Morning Check-In Cards

In this resource, I have created a well-being check-in card that is used to gage how the learners are feeling each day. They will do this each morning to start the day and they will need to write the days date, how they are feeling and why. An example card is shown in the resource :)