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A Level Developing Language- Child Language Acquisition extensive revision pack.
Extensive pack of revision resources for Child Language Acquisition. Includes Powerpoints, quizzes, games and handouts.

Romeo and Juliet Act 2:2 Carousel, worksheet and card sort.
For the carousel larger quotes were placed around the room on sugar paper and students moved around to annotate these before being given a sheet with all quotes on and annotating them from class notes.
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Persuasive writing mini scheme bundle
Contains mini- schemes on engaging issues such as capital punishment, the homework debate, sexism.
Some was used for IGCSE coursework but is transferable to exam skills.

Half term worth of work on Macbeth- complete with extracts.
A range of activities based around Macbeth. Used with Y11 MA. Includes extracts. Most work is my own, though some bits are taken from excellent ideas that have been shared with me.

Comparing language in election adverts- Hillary and Trump.
This resource was used with a high ability Y9 group as part of a unit on Current Affairs. It could also be adapted to use for A level English Language. The PP builds towards writing a comparison essay.

My Last Duchess AQA anthology
PP guide to My last Duchess with a range of questions, grids and printable worksheet. Some questions are taken from other sources however most is my own. This was used with Y11 MA.
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AQA English Language Language Change
A collection of resources looking at various aspects of language change. Used for AQA but could be equally used for other exam boards.

AQA GCSE English exam practice.How does Dickens present Scrooge?
Planning a new AQA GCSE answer on a Christmas Carol.

Poetry comparison between Rudyard Kipling If and Macneice Prayer Before Birth.
PP looking at each poem separately and a large grid/ essay plan comparing the two. There are two differentiated versions. This was done with Y7 though it was challenging for them. I have looked at the same poems with anything up to Y11.

Practice article writing for GCSE English Language
Question to be completed in exam conditions followed by walkthrough, however, this could always be edited to give students a lesson first followed by the exam.
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Descriptive and creative writing
4 years worth of creative writing resources, anything from Y7 to GCSE, includes new AQA image stimulus.
Also includes lessons on creating a character and mini schemes.

A Level English Language 7702 Masterclass- Regional Variation
1-2 hr masterclass to go over essentials around regional variation for Section A of paper 7702. Includes revision of theory (A02) and A01 terminology.
Students then have a go at answering the sample questions.
Mark schemes on AQA website.

Being more perceptive- focus on structure-uses clip from Pride and Prejudice.
Resource on how to be more perceptive with a focus on structure. Relates to AQA English Language Paper 1 Q3.

AQA English Lang Paper 1A- Design your own exam paper
Booklet that I created to allow students to understand the exam paper through creating their own questions and mark scheme.

AQA English Lang GCSE Paper 1 Heart of Darkness
A range of lessons (lasted me around 2 weeks) talking Y10 students through their first attempt at language exam paper 1. Could be edited to become more challenging.

AQA English Language Paper 1A questions focusing on Nicholas Nickleby extract
AQA English Language Paper 1A questions focusing on Nicholas Nickleby extract.
Used as part of a unit named “An Introduction to 19C literature” looking at both lang and lit skills.
The PP and activities lasted me 4-5 lessons.
Covers some context
Extract available from AQA website in KS3 resource pack under teaching materials

A Level English Language CLA- Nativism-Chomsky
An introduction to Nativism and Chomsky. Includes A01 and A02 information- Wug Test, Poverty of stimulus, inborn faculty. Transcript activity.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE A Level (7701/1) Textual Representations.
A revision booklet that I made for my Y13 before a mock as it had been a while since they had looked at the first part of Paper 1. Contains reminders of terminology and a number of short tasks. Could be used as a homework booklet or in class.