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AFL resources
Collection of AFL resources including peer and self assessment, confidence lines, exit cards. Good for new teacher.

War Photographer Duffy AQA conflict poetry
Collection of activities on the poem War Photographer by Carol Duffy

Year 7 Descriptive writing
-Creating your own roller coaster
-Show not tell emotions
-Describing a sherbet lemon
-Describing an Avatar

Reading challenge cards
Perfect for reading lessons, tutorial reading time or challenge extensions.
I have a set of small cards laminated.

Curley's Wife Cause and effect - Hands on activity. Make links.
Resource encouraging students to engage higher level thinking to make links between themes and characters. Shapes are cut out and fitted back together and an explanation is formed.

Shakespeare Sonnet 18 Shall I compare
A detailed collection of resources looking at pathetic fallacy and iambic pentameter.

Intro to spoken language
Work on spoken language to be used with Yr 9-11
Accommodation Theory
Spoken Language bingo game
Formal and informal language

CLA- Key theorists, what to look for in data and criticisms.
Three sided revision sheet for A Level English Language looking at key theories, what to look for in data and critique of theory. Students use this as a reference resource in lessons. I have tried to use dual coded symbols and more unusual critique.

WORD OF THE WEEK COMPLETE SCHEME (and punctuation of the week). Whole School Literacy
Complete plan and Powerpoints for 13 weeks of WOW and POW (punctuation of the week). Once set up this format can easily be copied for further. The plan covers 2 1/2 full terms.
Whole school literacy.

AQA English Language Paper 1A- Structure. Using videos to introduce structure.
English language Paper 1A. Students watch a series of clips to help them understand structure. In the following lessons students used extracts and found this much easier as they had applied their skills to video clips first,

7702-Practice question 3 English Language AQA A Level
Practice question 3, reminder of A0 skills and quiz.

AQA A Level Child Language Acquisition 7701-Introduction to behaviourism
Introduction to behaviourism including:
Key terminology
Reference to A0s
Model Answer
Writing activity
Starter for following lesson
Further reading

A Level AQA CLA- Introduction to Piaget
Introduction to Piaget with knowledge for A01 and A01. Printable worksheet to accompany slides and activities to check learning. Includes critique of theory. I found this covers 2 lessons.

Crafting Language- Writing Narratives
Looking at narrative writing as part of a unit on preparing for the Crafting Language coursework- Edexcel A Level English Language.
Resources (extracts) mentioned found at file:///E:/KS5%202018-19/Edexcel%20English%20Language/Coursework-%20Crafting%20Language/New%20Scheme/Narrative/Examples%20of%20narratives%20to%20annotate.pdf