Shakespeare, Creative Writing and TEFL resources.
Created by a qualified secondary school teacher who has taught KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Browse my shop to find a variety of affordable resources, full lessons and worksheets related to the study of Language and Literature across the age ranges.
Shakespeare, Creative Writing and TEFL resources.
Created by a qualified secondary school teacher who has taught KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Browse my shop to find a variety of affordable resources, full lessons and worksheets related to the study of Language and Literature across the age ranges.
A whole lesson on figurative language techniques- metaphor, simile, adjectives, personification, pathetic fallacy, onomatopoeia and sensory description.
This resource includes a clear and colourful 30 slide Powerpoint, ready to print worksheets, a quiz and a class game.
After a brief introduction, students are encouraged to identify the techniques used in a short extract and comment on the effect.
There is also a worksheet with an examples/definitions matching activity and students write their own examples using the devices studied in the lesson.
Finally there is an interactive class game, where students work in a pair or a team. After looking at an image prompt, students then take it in turns to craft a description using one of the techniques for a certain amount of points.
Suitable for KS3 creative writing lessons or as an introduction to AQA Paper 1 Q5 descriptive writing for KS4.
A 40 page word document booklet with activities for ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.
Suitable for KS3 or LA KS4
A range of comprehension questions, practice essays and creative writing activities.
20 lessons worth of resources.
A fully-resourced lesson with a powerpoint and worksheets included. Suitable for AQA Language Paper 2 practice.
**Main focus: Analysing two non-fiction articles on waste and over-indulgence during the festive period. **
Article 1- Plastic found in Christmas jumpers and the impact of ‘fast fashion’ on the environment.
Article 2- How much money Millenials spend on their pets.
Lesson Outline:
Starter task- students write one sentence arguing whether pets should be bought presents (challenge- use a persuasive feature).
Students read the articles and complete the True/False statements based on what they have read.
Compare the articles and explore the attitudes/viewpoints of the writers.
Q5 practice- A teacher was overheard saying:.‘There is far too much waste at Christmas. Young people should stop buying things they don’t need.’ Write a persuasive speech for your school assembly arguing your point of view regarding this statement.
PowerPoint and resources for students to complete a creative writing/non fiction letter informing someone that they shall be taking part in the deadly 'Hunger Games’.
Students must write a letter....
Explaining that the person has been chosen to take part in the competition,
Informing them about what the Hunger Games are,
Describing what it will be like,
Advising them on how to survive.
*Engaging discussion starter question
*Blurb for the novel
*4 pages from the text and comprehension questions
* Explanation of the difference between inform/explain/describe and scenario
*Engaging discussion question
* Clear explanation of the task
*Extensive model example
*Checklist planning worksheet
*Peer assessment plenary
A fully resourced lesson which focuses on the language used to describe Dracula and gothic monsters.
Students read and highlight the extract, making inferences about the character based on the way his appearance and actions are described.
Using the worksheet, they select three key quotations to unpick in detail.
Homework: Students have to write their own description of a gothic monster in the style of Bram Stoker.
This resource is part of a Gothic/ Creative Writing scheme of work. The other lessons in the series can be found here:
(Lesson 1) Introduction to Gothic Horror :
(Lesson 2) Symbolism in Gothic Literature :
(Lesson 3) Figurative Language Devices :
New updated powerpoint and worksheets 06/11/18
Three different activities/worksheets designed for a low ability group studying A Christmas Carol. The tasks help consolidate knowledge of the plot and approach complex language in Stave one. I have also included the powerpoint and instructions. I used these for cover lessons which worked nicely.
Activity 1: cut and stick images and summaries from the plot in the correct order.
Activity 2: Answer 24 (one-word answer) questions about Stave 1 using own knowledge and skimming and scanning the text (could be done in pairs) then find the answers from this section in the following wordsearch.
Activity 3: Decoding the nineteenth century language. Read the quotation from the text and write the correct synonym and definition in the box (creates a glossary resource of difficult words that they can return to).
Crafting sensory description
Creating a character
Analysis of how Roald Dahl uses exaggeration and humour
Comprehension questions for two extracts
Planning sheets
Writing an autobiography planning sheets
A whole lesson focusing on the structure and language used by Dickens in the opening of ‘A Christmas Carol’.
Starter: Looking at the effect of the opening sentence ‘Marley was dead: to begin with’ and the impact it has on a reader.
Students stick in the worksheet (two versions included- differentiated for less able students with pre-highlighted quotations)
and use it to make notes and highlight throughout the lesson.
Each paragraph has been broken down to be analysed in-depth. Each slide includes guided questions to encourage discussion and modelling of how to select appropriate quotations from the text in order to answer the question.
Finally, students must choose one question to answer for their homework. Each question builds upon the discussion points and notes made in the lesson. This can be peer assessed at the beginning on the following lesson to recap and check for understanding.
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A whole lesson on the poetic form of a sestina.
Students are introduced to the structure before looking at two examples by Elisabeth Bishop and Anthony Hect.
Finally, there is a planning worksheet so that students can write their own sesitna poem with the correct structure.
Students learn about the different features of a successful piece of travel writing.
For each feature the ppt explains how to recognise it, the intended effect on the reader and an example.
Students must then apply this knowledge by annotating a short extract from Bill Bryson’s ‘Walk in the Woods’.
This was an introduction to a travel writing scheme of work that culminates with students crafting their own piece of travel writing. For homework the task was to research a country of their choice so that they can then write about it next lesson.
I have also included the checklist for their travel writing of all of the features covered in the lesson and a self-reflection/assessment page.
Creative starter question
Banquo’s soliloquy , modern English version plus questions
Analysis of the imagery of the ‘fruitless crown’ before introducing Macbeth’s soliloquy.
Key quotations from the soliloquy and an activity for students to predict the fears he will be addressing
YouTube video clip link plus specific focus criteria for students
Macbeth’s soliloquy , modern English version plus questions (includes extension questions for challenge)
Plenary question (using EXIT CARDS)
A detailed lesson which includes:
*Creative starter question
Analysis of the scene,
*3 x video clips,
*Group work/drama activity and recording sheet
*Creative writing extension task.
Lesson Overview
Starter question/ quick activity to get the students thinking about language/imagery in the scene.
Questions alongside the text to check understanding and develop interpretations of characters/plot/themes.
Worksheet for students to record their own ideas/points raised in class discussion.
Personal response question with sentence starters ‘What are your impressions of Lord Capulet and Paris in this scene?’
Group activity: differentiated questions and extracts are discussed, students feedback to the rest of the class.
EXIT Card plenary- students quickly jot down their opinion of Lord Capulet and whether they agree with the critical interpretation ‘Juliet is regarded as little more than a precious possession to her father’. (this can then be discussed as the starter next lesson)
Homework task: to research an Elizabethan Masquerade Ball/ banquet and design a formal invitation for the Capulet’s to send to their guests.
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**I am currently working on the following lessons in the series. **
Act 1, Scene 3 is available to purchase here:
Or alternatively you can browse my online shop for Shakespeare and Creative Writing lessons:
A lesson and detailed PowerPoint helping students to think imaginatively for an extended piece of creative writing about the death of King Duncan and Macbeth’s thoughts/feelings.
*Slide 2- Video clips (x2) of Act 2, Scene 2
* Slide 3- Comic strip image for students to summarise the dialogue into their own words
* Slide 4- Discussion question and introduction to the task
*Slides 5-9 - Thought-provoking creative prompt photos and leading questions
*Slide 10- Hand-out of success criteria
* Slide 11- Self-assessment checklist
*Slides 12/13 Plenary questions (using EXIT CARDS)
* EXIT CARD Resource sheet
-Starter activity which encourages students to think about the metaphors of beauty in this scene used to describe Paris.
-A contextual slide about wet nurses during his era.
Summary of the scene and key themes.
Guided questions that encourage students to think about Shakespeare’s language, the delivery of lines and characterisation in this scene.
Comparisons of Lady Capulet and the Nurse.
Essay question
Do you think Juliet’s relationship with her mother and the pressures she faces as a woman in this era influence the tragic outcome of the play? To what extent is it Lady Capulet and the Nurses’ fault that Juliet’s love story ends in tragedy?
Creative writing homework task.
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Or browse my online shop for other Romeo and Juliet resources:
A ppt with guided questions for students to develop their own interpretations about the opening of the play/characters.
A worksheet where students plan how they would stage the scene.
A homework task based on the Prince.
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I am currently working on the following lessons in the series.
Act 1, Scene 2 is available to purchase at:
Or alternatively browse my online shop for other Shakespeare and Creative Writing lessons:
A lesson on Act 1 Scene 5.
It begins with looking at gender roles and Shakespeare’s portrayal of women.
Students then make predictions about Lady Macbeth, based on the historical context.
Students complete the worksheet on Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy- analysing the language and imagery.
Finally, students consider the portrayal of Lady Macbeth and the witches. Using an extract from the British Library, students complete the Exit Card plenary and decide which would be scarier for a Shakespearean audience.
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Or browse the other Macbeth/Shakespeare resources in my online shop:
*Encourage students to analyse different stage productions and interpret costume, lighting and prop decisions. (Video clip included)
*Discussion of Jacobean audiences, the Globe Theatre and the opening of their 2016 production of Macbeth. (Video clip included)
*Planning worksheet for students to decide how they would produce the opening of Macbeth on stage.
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If you like this lesson check out my other Macbeth resources! Available here:
Or alternatively browse my online shop for other lessons and worksheets:
Lesson one: Focus on Gothic descriptions and the door. Students read an extract from Dracula then complete as peer-assessed piece of creative writing about a doorway and the occupant.
Lesson two: Analysis of the introduction to Mr Hyde including highlighted focus points and guided questions.
Lesson three: Looks at non-fiction. Students analyse a newspaper report for emotive language and then must produce their own for the girl trampling incident in chapter one.