Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Counting in Steps of 3 - Year 2
In this KS1 maths teaching resource, pupils count forwards and backwards in steps of 3 from any multiple of 3. These activities cover the year 2 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Number - number and place value) and support the White Rose small steps guidance for year 2 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. Content includes:
2 differentiated continuing a number sequence activities and accompanying worksheets
odd one out activity and accompanying worksheet
2 differentiated reasoning and problem solving activities and worksheets
‘Counting in Steps of 3 - Year 2’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 2 Place Value resources:
Counting to 100 - Year 2
Representing Numbers - Year 2
Part-Whole Models - Year 2
Tens and Ones Addition - Year 2
Place Value Charts - Year 2
Comparing Objects - Year 2
Comparing Numbers - Year 2
Ordering Objects and Numbers - Year 2
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s - Year 2
Halloween Adding - EYFS
In ‘Halloween Adding - EYFS’ children practise addition by adding 1 more, 2 more and 3 more.
This engaging animated PowerPoint resource includes:
Beginning to add activities with 9 accompanying worksheets
1 Halloween colouring page
‘Halloween Adding - EYFS’ is fully editable so teachers are able to adapt each slide to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar EYFS addition and subtraction resources:
Beginning to Add - EYFS
Let’s Take Away - Beginning to Subtract
Beginning to Take Away - EYFS
Adding Animals - EYFS
Halloween Taking Away - EYFS
Halloween Adding and Taking Away Bundle - EYFS
Christmas Adding and Taking Away - EYFS
Converting Units - Year 6 Measurement
‘Converting Units - Year 6’ is an ideal teaching aid to use during a lesson covering theYear 6 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Measurement) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 6 - Autumn - Block 5 - Converting units. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of these objectives with 7 accompanying worksheets
‘Converting Units - Year 6’ can be edited so teachers are able to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements.
The Soldier - GCSE WJEC Eduqas War Poetry
This two-lesson unit teaches students about Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils studying WJEC Eduqas War Poetry, the resource explores the poem in depth and explains how to compare it to another poem from the anthology. It is made up of a 40-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 3 accompanying worksheets. The lessons contain the following:
Lesson One
Context - An introduction to Rupert Brooke and the romantic optimism of the early months of World War One.
First Reading - A reading of ‘The Soldier’ with comprehension / consolidation questions - answers included.
Language and imagery - Analysing the poem closely; exploring language and answering questions that delve deeper. Model answers provided.
Essay Writing - An essay question to assess students’ initial understanding. An example response is included.
Lesson Two
Imagery - Analysing Brooke’s use of imagery.
Themes - Discussing the themes of ‘The Soldier’.
Structure and Form - Considering how Brooke uses form and structure.
The GCSE exam - Comparing ‘The Soldier’ with ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and explaining how to write a comparison essay in the exam.
This is a comprehensive resource containing a range of activities, however it can also be edited, personalised and differentiated to suit your teaching needs. To preview 'The Soldier’, please click on the images.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more GCSE Poetry resources for Eduqas and Edexcel:
The Manhunt
Sonnet 43
Living Space
As Imperceptibly as Grief
Cozy Apologia
A Wife in London
Death of a Naturalist
Hawk Roosting
To Autumn
Dulce et Decorum Est
Excerpt from The Prelude
Mametz Wood
A Complaint
My Father Would Not Show Us
My Last Duchess
Neutral Tones
Types of Nouns
English SPaG Teaching Resource
In ‘Types of Nouns’ pupils practise recognising common and proper nouns. Content includes:
An animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of this objective with two accompanying worksheets
‘Types of Nouns’ is fully editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource, if needed, to suit all their teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Nouns - Year 1
Singular Nouns to Plural Nouns - Year 1
Concrete Nouns
Collective Nouns
Parts of Speech - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs
Year 1 Division Bundle
This Year 1 maths teaching bundle contains the following 5 PowerPoint presentations with accompanying worksheets:
Beginning to Divide - Grouping - Year 1
Dividing by Grouping - Year 1
Beginning to Divide - Sharing - Year 1
Dividing by Sharing - Year 1
Dividing Using a Number Line - Year1
Each of these maths teaching resources has been designed to help deliver lessons covering the Year 1 maths curriculum objectives as outlined in the year 1 maths programme of study (Number - division).
For a full description and preview of each resource please click on the images above.
This bundle gives you a saving of 47% when compared to buying each resource individually.
Decimal Place Value Game: FREE KS2 Maths Decimal Activity
‘Decimal Place Value Game’ is a KS2 maths activity where pupils practise place value by placing random numbers in either the tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths column to produce the highest value number.
Content includes:
Rules of the game
How to make the number spinner instructions
Worksheet to play the game
Number spinner cut out
‘Decimal Place Value Game’ is editable so that it can be adapted to suit the needs of all abilities.
Romeo and Juliet - GCSE Unit of Work
‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a GCSE unit of work containing a 259-slide PowerPoint, 50 worksheets and a 32 lesson unit overview. This engaging unit explores the play act by act and scene by scene, analysing its plot, characters, themes, language and historical context through a range of learning activities.
These GCSE Romeo and Juliet teaching resources include planning (a 32 lesson unit of work overview), a fully editable PowerPoint teaching resource and 50 accompanying PDF worksheets.
Below are examples of the activities contained in the lessons.
Historical / social / literary context - a biography of Shakespeare’s life and the Elizabethan theatre.
Scene by scene activities to consolidate understanding.
Comprehension questions to assess students’ knowledge of plot, character, language, context and themes.
Close analysis of the characters of Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and Tybalt.
Exploration of key themes - love, hate, fate, loyalty.
The social and historical context of Romeo and Juliet and the play’s representation of women.
Developing key reading skills - inference and deduction.
Using P.E.T.E.R. Point/Evidence/Technique/Explain/Reader to write an effective GCSE exam essay.
Detailed analysis of Shakespeare’s language, key quotes and Romeo and Juliet’s soliloquies and monologues.
How Shakespeare uses tension and suspense in Romeo and Juliet.
Role play - hot-seating activities.
Understanding key characters through empathy writing tasks.
Video links to help the teaching and learning of key scene.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for more GCSE English Literature drama resources:
An Inspector Calls
Blood Brothers
The Merchant of Venice
The History Boys
The Tempest
10 More or Less: FREE KS2 Maths Teaching Resource
In ‘10 More or Less’ pupils practise finding 10 more or 10 less of a given number as per the year 3 curriculum objective in the maths programme of study ( Number - number and place value).
Content includes:
10 more interactive activity and accompanying worksheet
10 less interactive activity and accompanying worksheet
‘10 More or Less’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 3 number resources:
100 More or Less
10 and 100 More or Less - Year 3
Five Times Table Snap
In ‘Five Times Table Snap’ pupils practise recalling the five times table. It is ideal to use in a lesson covering the year 2 curriculum objective in the maths programme of study ( Number - multiplication and division).
Content includes:
Timed matching activity with worksheets
Game cards to print and cut out to play ‘Five Times Table Snap’
'Five Times Table Snap’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more multiplication resources:
Two Times Table Snap
Three Times Table Snap
Four Times Table Snap
Eight Times Table Snap
Ten Times Table Snap
FREE Maths Place Value Teaching Resource: Hundreds - Year 3
In this FREE maths teaching resource, pupils build on their understanding of tens and apply this to hundreds. This lesson covers the year 3 curriculum objectives in the Year 3 Maths Programme of Study (number and place value) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 3 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. Content includes:
Recapping of ones, tens and hundreds
Activities to support identifying, representing and counting multiples of 100 with accompanying worksheets with answers
‘Hundreds - Year 3’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 3 Place Value resources:
Representing Numbers to 1000 - Year 3
100s, 10s and 1s - Year 3
Number Line to 1000 - Year 3
10 and 100 More or Less - Year 3
Comparing Objects up to 1000 - Year 3
Comparing Numbers up to 1000 - Year 3
Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - Year 3
Counting in 50s - Year 3
Anita and Me - Unit of Work
'Anita and Me' is made up of a 150-slide PowerPoint presentation, an 8-page booklet of worksheets and a 21-lesson unit of work overview.
Our 'Anita and Me' unit is designed to develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the plot, characters, language, themes and the social and historical context of the novel. It contains a collection of activities for pupils of all abilities, including:
- A brief biography of Meera Syal
- An explanation of the social and historical context of the novel (1970s Britain, the Black Country, immigration in 70s Britain, racial tensions, the partition of India)
- Plot tracking and consolidation activities
- Activities to explore the narrative structure of Anita and Me
- Analysis of the characters of Meena and her family as well as Anita, Tracey and Robert
- Exploration of the key themes of Anita and Me - identity, racism, family, friendship, childhood, growing up, the cultural diversity of C20th Britain
- Developing understanding of the features of a novel – character, theme, plot, style and language
- Examining Meera Syal's use of language - setting, description, contrast, symbolism and pathetic fallacy
- Exploring character development through Meena
- Reading and discussion tasks and questions
- Diary writing (empathetic writing) to consolidate a deeper understanding of Meena's development
- A 21 lesson unit of work (following the four part lesson structure)
- A 150-slide PowerPoint presentation (see preview below)
- 8 worksheets to accompany the PowerPoint
All PowerPoint slides are fully editable, so you can personalise and differentiate the resources as much or as little as you want. Add extra slides, delete pages, change the text and imagery and update it as is necessary to suit your teaching needs. In addition, the resource contains a unit overview and a student booklet with worksheets created to be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint.
To preview a selection of slides from the unit, click on the images.
A Christmas Carol - Scrooge’s Childhood
(20-slide PowerPoint and 3 worksheets)
In Stave 2 the Ghost of Christmas Past encourages Scrooge to reflect on the time that he was abandoned at boarding school by his emotionally-distant father. This GCSE resource enables learners to explore Dickens’ presentation of this unhappy time in Scrooge’s life.
It includes:
A differentiated Do Now task in which learners must make three different, valid sentences relevant to Stave One using the words contained in three separate grids.
Learners will then read from, ‘Scrooge reverently disclaimed any knowledge…’ down to ‘…and the streets were lighted up’, thinking about why Scrooge was unhappy at boarding school, how Dickens presents Scrooge’s unhappiness and the effects of this experience on Scrooge’s emotional development.
Following on from this, learners will undertake a differentiated task that encourages them to consider the significance of three different characters from the stories that Scrooge read as a child. This could be done in pairs.
The lesson concludes with a 3-2-1 learning review.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more GCSE resources for Stave 2 of A Christmas Carol:
A Christmas Carol - The Ghost of Christmas Past
A Christmas Carol - Old Fezziwig
A Christmas Carol - Fezziwig and Scrooge
A Christmas Carol - Scrooge and Belle
A Christmas Carol - Belle’s Family
Subordinating Conjunctions - Year 2
In this English grammar teaching resource, pupils practise using the subordinating conjunctions ‘when’, ‘if’, ‘that’ or ‘because’ as per the curriculum objective of the Year 2 programme of study (Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation). This engaging and animated PowerPoint lesson includes:
A conjunctions recap
Link to a short introductory video
An introduction to the conjunctions ‘when’, ‘if’, ‘that’ or ‘because’
6 conjunction activities with 2 accompanying worksheets
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘Subordinating Conjunctions - Year 2’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Co-ordinating Conjunctions - Year 2
Conjunctions Bundle - Year 2
Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Causal Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Time Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Causal Conjunctions - Year 7
Time Conjunctions - Year 7
Fractions - Year 2
In this year 2 maths teaching resource pupils are taught to recognise, find, name and write fractions of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity as per the curriculum objectives of the year 2 maths programme of study (Number - fractions). ‘Fractions - Year 2’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Content includes:
Finding equal parts explanation with 3 activities and accompanying worksheet
Writing fractions explanation and activity with accompanying worksheet
Fractions of quantities explanation and activity with accompanying worksheet
Finding three quarters explanation
2 further worksheets with answers
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 2 Fractions resources:
Equal Parts - Year 2
Halves - Year 2
Quarters - Year 2
Thirds - Year 2
Unit Fractions - Year 2
Non-Unit Fractions - Year 2
Equivalence of One Half and Two Quarters - Year 2
Equivalent Fractions - Year 2
Finding Three Quarters - Year 2
Counting in Fractions – Year 2
Counting in Halves, Thirds and Quarters - Year 2
Direct Speech - Year 3 and 4
Lower KS2 English Teaching Resource
In this English punctuation teaching resource, pupils practise recognising, writing and punctuating direct speech as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 3 and 4 programme of study (Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation). This engaging and animated PowerPoint lesson includes:
An explanation of direct speech
Identify the reporting clause and speech activity with an accompanying worksheet
An explanation of indirect speech
A direct and indirect speech activity with an accompanying worksheet
How to punctuate direct speech explanation
A punctuating speech activity with an accompanying worksheet
Complete the sentences activity with an accompanying worksheet
3 further differentiated worksheets with answers
As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘Direct Speech - Year 3 and 4’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Direct and Reported Speech
Punctuating Speech
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6
This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through identifying factors and multiples of numbers. It will help the children understand how to solve problems involving factors, multiples, primes and square/cube numbers in context, along with deepening their understanding of the four operations, as they will need to use a range of skills including multiplication and division. They will learn to represent factors and multiples in a variety of ways, including pictorial representations. The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. The resource contains five lessons, which support the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths.
Content includes:
Lesson 1: Common factors with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 2: Common multiples with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 3: Prime numbers with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
lesson 4: Square and cube numbers with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers
Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards
‘Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Multiples - Year 6
Prime Numbers - Year 6
Square and Cube Numbers - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6
Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6
The Four Operations - Year 6
Factors - Year 6
Multiplication - Year 6
This KS2 English teaching resource is designed to develop writing skills and introduces pupils to the rules and formalities of writing a formal letter. This engaging 22 slide PowerPoint presentation includes:
- Whole class discussion on letter writing
- Examples of different types of letters
- The differences between formal and informal letters
- Common words found in letters
- Letter writing rules and layout format
- What details to include in the main body of a letter
- Letter writing top tips
- 4 worksheets
'Writing a Letter to Father Christmas' is fully editable so it can be adapted to suit the needs of each class taught.
Creating a Christmas Card - Year 3 and 4
Lower KS2 English Writing Teaching Resource
‘Creating a Christmas Card’ is a handy 20 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Task and lesson objectives
Exploring a range of Christmas cards
Discussion of purpose and audience
The Christmas card ‘rules’
How to make your card
Reflecting on learning through constructive criticism
The drafting process - how and why we redraft and accompanying worksheet
‘Creating a Christmas Card’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to suit the needs of each class they teach.
For more fun Christmas resources, click the titles below:
The 2024 Christmas Quiz for KS2
The 2024 Christmas Quiz for KS3 and KS4
A Christmas Carol - Year 5/6
A Christmas Carol - KS3
Christmas Poetry Unit
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Christmas Grammar Activities
Christmas Word Search
A Christmas Carol - House of Games
2D Shapes - Year 1
In this maths teaching resource, pupils recognise and name 2D shapes (circles, squares, rectangles and triangles). They recognise 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes and see how the same 2D shape can look different in different orientations. This Year 1 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for year 1 - Autumn - Block 3 - Shape. The resource consists of 1 lesson, including a PowerPoint presentation and worksheets, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 1 maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shapes). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning.
Content includes:
Varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving interactive class activities with 4 accompanying worksheets in colour and black and white
1 further varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving worksheet with answers
‘2D Shapes - Year 1’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 1 geometry resources:
2D and 3D Shape Patterns - Year 1
Sorting 2D Shapes - Year 1
Sorting 3D Shapes - Year 1
3D Shapes - Year 1
Year 1 Properties of Shape Bundle