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University of Edinburgh Open.Ed

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Free open educational resources from the University of Edinburgh to download and adapt for primary and secondary teaching. Winner of the 2021 OEGlobal Awards for Excellence Open Curation Award for this collection of high quality student made OER on the TES platform.




Free open educational resources from the University of Edinburgh to download and adapt for primary and secondary teaching. Winner of the 2021 OEGlobal Awards for Excellence Open Curation Award for this collection of high quality student made OER on the TES platform.
Guide to Scientific Investigation in Geosciences

Guide to Scientific Investigation in Geosciences

A resource for pupils studying at Higher, Advanced Higher (AS-Levels) and above which details scientific investigation and the methodology used in the field of geoscience. May be of use to teachers of geography and science (particularly biology). Of use for helping to achieve problem solving, data handling and scientific investigation learning outcomes. All content released under a CC BY license. Authors: Kay Douglas & Sophie Flack © University of Edinburgh Keywords: Biology/ Investigation/AH investigation Chemistry/Investigation/AH Investigation Environmental Science/investigation/AH investigation OER, EdUniOERGeo
Environmental Sciences: Inferential Statistics

Environmental Sciences: Inferential Statistics

A resource for pupils studying at 1st to 2nd year undergraduate levels which details the use of inferential statistics in the field of geoscience and ecology. May be of use to teachers of geography, ecology, the sciences or even as an application in a mathematics or statistics course. Of use for helping to achieve problem solving, data handling and numeracy learning outcomes. All content released under a CC BY license. Authors: Kay Douglas and Sophie Flack © University of Edinburgh Keywords: Biology/data and statistics/data handling, Environmental science/data and statistics/data handling, Chemistry/data and statistics/data handling University of Edinburgh, EdUniOERGeo
Oceans 3: Marine Ecosystems

Oceans 3: Marine Ecosystems

This module explores the marine ecosystem and the biological pump, and the impact of small organisms collectively on a global scale. Phytoplankton have been instrumental in the health and development of the Oceans, and this module explores their role in the oceans, how we can measure them and why they’re important for the climate. This module is the third in the Oceans series, which follow on and build upon this knowledge to give learners a comprehensive understanding and ability to think creatively, scientifically and critically about studying the Oceans. The resource makes accessible complex ideas and science around the oceans. This resource can be adapted for learners aged 10-14. Learning outcomes SCN 3-02a: I have collaborated on investigations into the process of photosynthesis and I can demonstrate my understanding of why plants are vital to sustaining life on Earth. SCN 4-01a: understand how animal and plant species depend on each other and how living things are adapted for survival. I can predict the impact of population growth and natural hazards on biodiversity. SCN 4-05b: Through exploring the carbon cycle, I can describe the processes involved in maintaining the balance of gases in the air, considering causes and implications of changes in the balance. SOC 3-14a: I can use a range of maps and geographical information systems to gather, interpret and present conclusions and can locate a range of features within Scotland, UK, Europe and the wider world. This resource created by Penny Clarke, Jenny Crocks and adapted by Molly Wickett, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Cover Image: Algae bloom near the Falkland Islands by NOAA is used in accordance with NOAA’s media and usage guidelines
Volcanoes and Volcanologists (IDL)

Volcanoes and Volcanologists (IDL)

Volcanoes and Vulcanologists has been created as a teaching resource for the City of Edinburgh Council’s ‘Curiosity Club’, an Intervention Strategy initiative that is currently operating in Council schools. The interdisciplinary approach involves pupils in developing knowledge and skills through five separate lessons. The first session involves pupils experimenting with everyday chemicals to make a ‘volcano’. The second session uses food (biscuits, bananas, custard) to show the structure and functioning of the different Earth layers. The third session involves a comparison test to mimic lava flow in different types of volcano. The fourth session involves composing a rap or poem using knowledge of the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, the location for 75% of the Earth’s volcanoes. The final section looks at the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano, where the learning is deepened using expressive arts. Vinnie (my volcano character), learning book and Vinnie certificate are included with a lesson plan and ppt for each of the five sessions. Due to the volume of content in this resource, a selection of files are available to preview and the full selection of content is contained within the zipped folder in the download pack. Contents in this resource • Five Lesson Plans • Five PowerPoints • Volcano photographs and factsheets • Sample Risk Assessment • ‘Vinney’s’ Learning book (Self-reflective) • ‘Vinney’ emotion pictograms • ‘Vinney’ hook letter Learning outcomes in the Curriculum for Excellence SCN 1-15a; SCN 2-15a; SCN 2-17a; SCN 2-19a Second Level: Sciences Inquiry and Investigation skills SOC 2-07a; MNU 1-11b; MTH 2-21a; LIT 2-02a; EXA 2-02a; EXA 2-04a; EXA 2-13a; EXA 2-18a; TCH 2-09a; TCH 2:10a; TCH 2-12a I hope you and your pupils enjoy my resource. Vinnie would like that! Kim Greig, Primary Teacher. This resource was created as part of the GeoScience Outreach Course, which is a 4th year undergraduate course in the School of GeoSciences aiming to provide students with the opportunity to develop their own science communication and engagement project.
Oceans: Climate Change and Ecosystems

Oceans: Climate Change and Ecosystems

This interdisciplinary resource is developed by SatSchool using current research and development from global scientific communities. The packs are structured by key ideas and includes prompts or questions and activities throughout the document, to encourage active engagement with these ideas. The ocean is the foundation of all life on Earth, and our planet ecosystems are dependent on the health of the oceans to support and sustain them. However, our actions and way of life is impacting the oceans. This pack includes Oceans 1, Oceans 2, Oceans 3 and Oceans 4 as a collective resource. However, due to the module size and depth these components may also be taught individually. These individual components can be found on our author dashboard. Learning Outcomes: (SCN 3-01a, SCN 3-05b, SCN 4-05b, SCN 4-06a, SCN 4-20a, SCN 4-20b, SOC 3-08a, SOC 4-09b, SOC 4-11a, SOC 4-12b) This resource created by Penny Clarke, Jenny Crocks, Phoebe Hudson and adapted by Molly Wickett, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Oceans 1: Oceans and Climate

Oceans 1: Oceans and Climate

This module explores ocean pollution, climate change and surveying the oceans from Space on a global scale. The packs cover why the ocean is important, factors which threaten its health, the ecosystems within, climate patterns, economic trade across the oceans and what the challenges we face are across these interconnected topics. This module is the first in the Oceans series, which follow on and build upon this knowledge to give learners a comprehensive understanding and ability to think creatively, scientifically and critically about studying the Oceans. The resource makes accessible complex ideas and science around the oceans. This resource can be adapted for learners aged 10-14. Learning outcomes SCN 3-01a I can sample and identify living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and can suggest reasons for their distribution. SCN 3-05b I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change and discuss the possible impact of atmospheric change on the survival of living things. SCN 4-05b Through exploring the carbon cycle, I can describe the processes involved in maintaining the balance of gases in the air, considering causes and implications of changes in the balance. SCN 4-06a By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time. SCN 4-20a I have researched new developments in science and can explain how their current or future applications might impact on modern life. SCN 4-20b Having selected scientific themes of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues, and use relevant information to develop an informed argument. SOC 3-08a: I can identify the possible consequences of an environmental issue and make informed suggestions about ways to manage the impact. SOC 4-09b: I can assess the impact of developments in transport infrastructure in a selected area and can contribute to a discussion on the development of sustainable systems. SOC 4-11a: Having researched the globalisation of trade, I can explain the interdependence of different parts of the world and assess the impacts for providers, consumers and the environment. SOC 4-12b: I can carry out a geographical enquiry to assess the impact and possible outcomes of climate change on a selected region and can propose strategies to slow or reverse the impact. This resource created by Penny Clarke, and adapted by Molly Wickett, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Cover image: Algae bloom near the Falkland Islands by NOAA is used in accordance with NOAA’s media and usage guidelines
The Atmosphere: Ozone and Weather

The Atmosphere: Ozone and Weather

This interdisciplinary resource aims to develop and encourage curiosity through an expansive, globalised and scientific understanding of the atmosphere. Learners should be able to understand how research components interact to produce a comprehensive overview of the atmosphere, and the effects that climate change may be having upon the atmosphere. This resource makes accessible complex ideas about the atmosphere, what it’s composed of and how we can measure this. The age range is therefore adaptable to learners aged 7-14. You can view the whole collection of adapted SatSchool materials here! Learning outcomes Ozone: SCN 2-15a: By contributing to investigations into familiar changes in substances to produce other substances, I can describe how their characteristics have changed. SCN 2-20a: Through research and discussion, I have an appreciation of the contribution that individuals are making to scientific discovery and invention and the impact this has made on society. SCN 2-20b: I can report and comment on current scientific news items to develop my knowledge and understanding of topical science. SCN 3-05b: I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change and discuss the possible impact of atmospheric change on the survival of living things. SCN 3-15b: Having contributed to a variety of practical activities to make and break down compounds, I can describe examples of how the properties of compounds are different from their constituent elements. SCN 3-16a: I can differentiate between pure substances and mixtures in common use and can select appropriate physical methods for separating mixtures into their components. SCN 4-06a: By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time. Weather: SCN 2-20b: I can report and comment on current scientific news items to develop my knowledge and understanding of topical science. SCN 3-20a: I have collaborated with others to find and present information on how scientists from Scotland and beyond have contributed to innovative research and development. SCN 3-05b: I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change and discuss the possible impact of atmospheric change on the survival of living things. SCN 4-06a: By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time. SOC 4-12a: I can identify threats facing the main climate zones, including climate change, and analyse how these threats impact on the way of life. SOC 4-12c: I can demonstrate an understanding of weather and climate by explaining the relationship between weather and air pressure. This resource was created by Ashar Aslam and Emily Dowd, adapted by Molly Wickett and is licens Cover image: July 3, 2013 by Earth Observatory NASA is freely available for re-use
Oceans 2: Whales and Climate Change

Oceans 2: Whales and Climate Change

This module explores why whales are important to study, the challenges to monitoring whales and how we can address these through technology and satellite imaging. This then explores these through spotting whales activity, and mass strandings from space. The historical and present threats are explored through climate change, chemical pollution and ocean noise increased through global economic activity and trade. The resource makes accessible complex ideas and science around the oceans. This resource can be adapted for learners aged 10-14. This module is the second module in the Oceans series, which follow on and build upon this knowledge to give learners a comprehensive understanding and ability to think creatively, scientifically and critically about studying the Oceans. This module has been split into individual sections due to the size of it, but the complete resource of all the modules can be found on our TES. Learning outcomes 2.1-2 SCN 4-20b Having selected scientific themes of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues, and use relevant information to develop an informed argument. 2.3 MNU 3-20a I can work collaboratively, making appropriate use of technology, to source information presented in a range of ways, interpret what it conveys and discuss whether I believe the information to be robust, vague or misleading. SCN 3-20a I have collaborated with others to find and present information on how scientists from Scotland and beyond have contributed to innovative research and development. SCN 3-20b Through research and discussion, I have contributed to evaluations of media items with regard to scientific content and ethical implications. Unsure if third or fourth on most of these. SCN 4-06a By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time. 2.4 MNU 3-08a I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems in everyday contexts. This resource created by Penny Clarke, and adapted by Molly Wickett, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Oceans 4: Climate, Ocean Density, Circulation

Oceans 4: Climate, Ocean Density, Circulation

This module explores density across solids, liquids and gases. It then examines global Ocean circulation, patterns and changes caused by climate change. It relates these changes to density, building on the scientific knowledge of this to explain increasing salinity and temperature. Learners are asked to analyse visualisations of this data, looking at globally mapped salinity, temperature and density. This module is the fourth and final module in the Oceans series, which follow on and build upon this knowledge to give learners a comprehensive understanding and ability to think creatively, scientifically and critically about studying the Oceans. You can also find the collective Oceans module , with all the modules in one place, on our author dashboard. Learning outcomes: SCN 3-01a: I can sample and identify living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and can suggest reasons for their distribution. SCN 3-05b: I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change and discuss the possible impact of atmospheric change on the survival of living things. SCN 3-19a: Through experimentation, I can identify indicators of chemical reactions having occurred. I can describe ways of controlling the rate of reactions and can relate my findings to the world around me. SCN 4-08b: Through experimentation, I can explain floating and sinking in terms of the relative densities of different materials. SOC 3-08a: I can identify the possible consequences of an environmental issue and make informed suggestions about ways to manage the impact. This resource created by Penny Clarke, and adapted by Molly Wickett, is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.