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Animal Adaptations Snakes and Ladders

Animal Adaptations Snakes and Ladders

A snakes and ladders styled game for students to review animal adaptations. Includes the following: Game board comprised of twenty questions. Solutions grid. A dice which students can construct. Counters [6 in colour and 4 which can be coloured in by students] How to play set of instructions. A blank answer table for students to write their answers on. Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Rock Types [Earth Science] Card Sort

Rock Types [Earth Science] Card Sort

The Earth Science card sort is comprised of 3 cards for each for different rock types [an image, the name and fact]. Simply print [in colour or black and white] and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Comes with two differentiated sets, one which identifies the rock group in the description [easier] and one which doesn’t [more difficult]], as well as 6 blank cards to add your own information or get students to make them. Works great as a starter activity or plenary. Could also be used for concentration and snap. **Rocks included: ** Sedimentary rocks conglomerate shale sandstone Metamorphic rocks marble gneiss schist Igneous rocks granite pumice obsidian **Cards included: ** ➸ 27 colour cards [easier] ➸ 27 colour cards [more difficult] ➸ 6 blank cards Clipart by: The Painted Crow Ron Leishman TooonClipart
Scientists and Inventors Posters

Scientists and Inventors Posters

A set of 17 classroom posters on well known scientists and inventors. Great for classroom decoration and motivation. Includes the following individuals: Thomas Edison Marie Curie Charles Darwin Alexander Graham Bell Jane Goodall Gregor Mendel Galileo Galilei Nikola Tesla Louis Pasteur Barbara McClintock Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Nicolaus Copernicus Leonardo da Vinci Antoine Lavoisier Dmitri Mendeleev Jonas Salk Clipart by: Ron Leishman TooonClipart
Acids and Alkalis [Universal Indicator and pH] Card Sort

Acids and Alkalis [Universal Indicator and pH] Card Sort

The Universal indicator and pH card sort is a great way for students to familiarize themselves with the universal indicator scale and how it relates to pH and products. The set is comprised of 3 cards for each pH [indicator colours, pH and an image]. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Works great as a starter activity or plenary. Could also be used for concentration and snap. Cards included: ➸ 42 colour cards Clipart by: The Cher Room Ron Leishman TooonClipart
Laboratory Equipment Memory Game

Laboratory Equipment Memory Game

A memory style game to help students learn a range of laboratory equipment. Each pair of cards has an image of the piece of equipment on one and its name on the other. If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above. Laboratory equipment included: beaker test tube bulb flask graduated flask cylinder conical flask funnel thermometer dropper Bunsen burner microscope beam balance retort stand test tube rack magnifying glass safety goggles tweezers graduated syringe Also, comes with 2 pairs of blank cards for students to make their own laboratory equipment cards as well as a storage sleeve for the cards to be kept safely in student’s science books. How to play the game… Cut out the cards. Shuffle the cards well. Spread the cards out face down on the table. The first player chooses two cards and turns them over. If they match player one keeps the cards and has another turn. If the two cards don’t match the first player places them back face down on the table and player two takes their turn. Continue until all the cards have been matched. The winner is the one with the most cards. Clipart by: Hughes design Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Electricity Circuit Symbols Memory Game and Word Search

Electricity Circuit Symbols Memory Game and Word Search

A concentration style game to help students learn a range of circuit symbols. Each pair of cards has an image of the circuit symbol on one and its name on the other. Includes a bonus circuit symbols word search. Circuit symbols included: wire cell open switch closed switch fuse resistor variable resistor battery motor ammeter voltmeter thermistor lamp. bell buzzer light emitting diode Also, comes with 3 pairs of blank cards for students to make their own circuit symbol cards as well as a storage sleeve for the cards to be kept safely in student’s science books. How to play the game: Cut out the cards. Shuffle the cards well. Spread the cards out face down on the table. The first player chooses two cards and turns them over. If they match player one keeps the cards and has another turn. If the two cards don’t match the first player places them back face down on the table and player two takes their turn. Continue until all the cards have been matched. The winner is the one with the most cards. Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Planets and Dwarf Planets Fact Fan

Planets and Dwarf Planets Fact Fan

The Planets and Dwarf Planets Fact Fan provides students with a fun way to research and present information on the planets and dwarf planets in our Solar System. Research topics include: Type of planet [Jovian or terrestrial, inner or outer] Diameter Revolution period Rotation period Average temperature The set comes with both colour and black and white [which students can colour in] sets. Print onto A4 paper or for a more durable set light weight card. Students complete the research, cut out each fact fan and then hole punch them and fasten the set with a brad fastener or split pin. Comes with a blank fact fan for students to research their own planet or dwarf planet. Great as a starter, review activity and can also be used as a revision resource. Planets and dwarf planets included: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Fact Fans included: ➸ 1 colour and 1 black and white cover fact fan ➸ 9 colour fact fans ➸ 9 black and white fact fans ➸ 1 blank fact fan Clipart by: Artifex Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Tarsia Puzzle

Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Tarsia Puzzle

Two Tarsia puzzles based on ecosystems and feeding relationships between organisms. Also comes with a bonus word search, matching activity, terms and definitions cut-out for students to paste into their science notebooks as well as a storage sleeve for the puzzle. Terms included: consumer producer herbivore carnivore omnivore organism population community ecosystem predator prey decomposer scavenger autotroph heterotroph How to Play Cut out the shapes in the Tarsia puzzle. Shuffle the shapes well. Lay the shapes face up on the table. Match the correct term with the definition to complete the puzzles. Free resource: Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Bingo Great accompaniments for this resource: Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Cootie Catcher Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Learning Grid Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Activity Booklet Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Task Cards Ecosystems Visual Vocabulary Cards and Word Wall Posters Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Acids and Alkalis pH scale Tarsia Puzzle

Acids and Alkalis pH scale Tarsia Puzzle

A Tarsia puzzle based on the pH scale and common household chemicals. Also comes with a bonus word search, matching activity, pH and common items table for students to paste into their science notebooks as well as a storage sleeve for the puzzle. How to Play Cut out the shapes in the Tarsia puzzle. Shuffle the shapes well. Lay the shapes face up on the table. Match the correct item with the actual pH to complete the puzzle. Clipart by: The Cher Room Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Animal Adaptations Task Cards

Animal Adaptations Task Cards

A set of 24 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, review animal adaptations. Includes multiple choice and short answer questions on types of adaptations [structural, behavioral, physiological], learned and innate behavior, behavior examples [mimicry, migration, hibernation] as well as describing adaptations. Included in this kit: 24 task cards focusing on animal adaptations. Student solution sheet on which to record answers. Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [6 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or color [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Great accompaniments to the above resource: Animal Adaptations PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Animal Adaptations and Classification Research Sheets Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Phases of the Moon Card Sort

Phases of the Moon Card Sort

The Phases of the Moon card sort is comprised of 3 cards for each of the eight different phases [description, name and an image]. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Includes 6 blank cards to add additional information. Works great as a starter activity, plenary or review. Could also be used for concentration and snap. Moon Phases included: New Moon Waxing Crescent First Quarter Waxing Gibbous Full Moon Waning Gibbous Last [Third] Quarter Waning Crescent Neil Armstrong Cards included: ➸ 27 cards ➸ 6 blank cards Clipart by: Artifex Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Learning Grid

Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Learning Grid

A learning grid to support the study and revision of ecology and ecosystems. Students use a dice to decide which square they land on and then answer the question. Can be used individually, in pairs or in small groups. Great for collaborative revision. Comes complete with an answer key, cut and paste dice, instructions and a blank grid for students to write their answers on if they wish to. Also includes a bonus word search. Includes questions on the following terms: producer consumer predator prey carnivore herbivore omnivore ecosystem organism population community scavenger decomposer habitat food chain food web Great accompaniments and support for the above resource: Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Activity Booklet Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Task Cards Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Bingo Ecosystems and Feeding Relationships Tarsia Puzzle Ecosystems Visual Vocabulary Cards and Word Wall Posters Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Gestation Card Sort

Gestation Card Sort

The Gestation card sort is comprised of 3 cards for each of the main stages of gestation [description, name and an image]. 33 cards in total. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Works great as a starter activity, plenary or review. Could also be used for concentration and snap. Stages included: Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 7 Day 28 Week 8 Week 12 Week 28 Week 40 Great accompaniments to the above resource: Gestation PowerPoint and Activity Sheet Graphing Gestation Clipart by: Teacher’s Clipart Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Teeth PowerPoint

Teeth PowerPoint

A fully editable 13 slide PowerPoint on the structure and function of teeth. Includes slides on the following topics: Overview of teeth Types of teeth [incisors, canines, premolars, molars] Structure and function of teeth Tooth decay Tooth decay prevention Comes with a bonus word search with solutions. A great accompaniment to the above resource: Teeth Revision Mat Clipart by: Studio Devanna
Forms of Energy Card Sort

Forms of Energy Card Sort

The forms of energy card sort is comprised of 3 cards for each type of energy [an image, the term and its definition]. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Can be printed in colour or greyscale. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Also comes with 6 blank cards for you or your students to make their own individual cards. Works great as a starter activity or plenary. Could also be used for concentration or snap. Forms of energy included: sound heat electrical chemical gravitational potential light magnetic elastic potential kinetic Cards included: ➸ 27 colour cards ➸ 3 blank cards Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Life Cycle of a Star Card Sort

Life Cycle of a Star Card Sort

The Life Cycle of a Star card sort is comprised of 3 cards for each type of star [an image, the name and description]. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct sets. Comes with a colour and alternative black and white set as well as 6 blank cards to add your own information or get students to make them. Works great as a lesson starter, plenary or review. Could also be used for concentration and snap. Terms included: ➸ Main sequence star [massive] ➸ Main sequence star [average] ➸ Red supergiant ➸ Red giant ➸ Supernova ➸ Planetary nebula ➸ Neutron star ➸ Black hole ➸ White dwarf ➸ Black dwarf ➸ Stellar nebula ➸ Protostar Cards included: ➸ 36 colour cards ➸ 36 black and white cards ➸ 6 blank cards Great accompaniments to this resource: Life Cycle of a Star PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Life Cycle of a Star Activities Life Cycle of a Star Task Cards Clipart by: [Photo Clipz
Life Cycle of a Star Task Cards

Life Cycle of a Star Task Cards

A set of 24 task cards designed for students to independently or in groups review and consolidate the life cycle of a star. The cards include questions on types, features and events. Included in this kit: ➸ 24 task cards in colour. ➸ Student solution sheet on which to record answers. ➸ Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [6 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Great accompaniments to this resource: Life Cycle of a Star PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Life Cycle of a Star Activities Life Cycle of a Star Card Sort Clipart by: Photo Clipz
Classifying Matter Card Sort Activity [Cut and Paste]

Classifying Matter Card Sort Activity [Cut and Paste]

An engaging cut and paste graphic organiser for classifying matter: elements, compounds and mixtures. Students cut out each of the images and characteristics of the three forms of matter, arrange and organise them and then paste them into the correct positions on the graphic organiser provided. Alternatively, students can write the information into the graphic organiser and draw the appropriate particle diagrams. Includes solutions for all of the activities. Covers the following information: ➸ matter ➸ elements ➸ compounds ➸ mixtures [homogeneous and heterogeneous] ➸ examples ➸ particle diagrams Also includes a bonus activity sheet. Great accompaniments to the this resource: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Venn Diagram Elements and Compounds Venn Diagram Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Activity [Cut and Paste] Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Energy Transformations Card Sort

Energy Transformations Card Sort

The energy transformations card sort is comprised of 2 cards for each energy transformation [an image/example and the transformation]. Simply print and then cut out the set of cards [laminate if you wish to make class sets]. Students then shuffle the cards and sort them into their correct pairs. Can be printed in colour or greyscale. Also comes with 4 blank cards for you or your students to make their own individual cards. Works great as a starter activity or plenary. Could also be used for concentration or snap. Energy transformations included: chemical - light light - chemical chemical - mechanical potential - kinetic mechanical - sound sound - electrical electrical - heat electrical - light chemical - heat electrical - mechanical kinetic - potential light - electrical Cards included: ➸ 24 color cards ➸ 4 blank cards Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Plants Task Cards

Plants Task Cards

A set of 24 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, review plant structure and function. Includes questions on the following: Flower structure Leaf structure Photosynthesis Included in this kit: 24 task cards focusing on different aspects of plants. Student solution sheet on which to record answers. Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [6 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Great accompaniments to the above resource: Plants Bingo Plants Venn Diagrams Bundle Clipart by: The Painted Crow