I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Conflict and Tension 1918-1939
This resource in booklet form sets out the course in two sides of A4.
This is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap and summary before the exam as it sets out all the main details in bullet form.
It is also great for quickly printing and giving out for revision lessons, especially when the students claim they cannot remember anything you have taught!
It covers the main events, issues and people connected with the course with a focus on exam requirements.
I have included both PDF and word documents in case there is a wish to adapt and change.
There is no doubt that students are finding this unit of the course extremely challenging. Therefore I have been inspired to write this summary guide for my students to help pass the GCSE examination.
This resource sets out the whole course in two sides of A4.
This is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap and summary before the exam or an internal assessment, as it sets out and gives all the main knowledge required.
It is also great for quickly printing and giving out for revision lessons, especially when the students claim they cannot remember anything you have taught!
It covers the main events, issues and people and key terminology connected to the topic, with a focus on the exam requirements at the beginning.
I have included both PDF and word documents in case there is a wish to adapt and change.
The British Empire
The aim of this lesson is to discover how tough it was to colonise the New World for British settlers and why America fought for its independence from Britain.
The lesson begins with the Pilgrim Fathers and students discuss the reasons why they and many families began to settle in the New World.
Further analysis requires students to judge how tough it was to set up in America and the impact they made on the local communities they came into contact with. Having made their judgements, students can engage in an extended writing task with key words and a writing frame to use if required.
The second part the lesson analyses the reasons why the colonists became so angry with Britain and claiming no taxation without representation. Students are then required to give reasons as to why a war ensued and the significance of George Washington of the Declaration of Independence.
A true or false plenary focuses on the legacy of Britain’s Empire in America and its links to today.
The lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies, differentiated materials and is linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning.
The lesson is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.
This resource (in booklet form) sets out the WJEC GCSE Germany in Transition 1919-39 course in two sides of A4.
This is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap before the exam as it includes all the main details in bullet form.
It is also great for quickly printing and giving out for revision lessons, especially when the students claim they cannot remember anything that has been taught!
The resource can also be used for interleaving and homework tasks.
I have included both PDF and Word formats if there is a need to change or adapt.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to assess whether Mussolini’s legacy can be compared to Julius Caesar. Did he match up to his accomplishments such as the Julian calendar, being a successful military leader, a consul of Rome as well as an Imperator.
Students begin by explaining what they already know about Italy and its historical past.
They also analyse the rule of Julius Caesar and what he achieved in his lifetime.
They will then be given facts about Mussolini’s early life and use the information to make a judgement about him as a person, using key words and a writing framework if required.
The main task will then involve them plotting Mussolini’s life on a graph taking into account his successes and failures.
From this, they will then be able to evaluate if he indeed deserves to have a similar reputation and legacy to Caesar, whom he admired and attempted to emulate in his Fascist Dictatorship from 1922-43.
There is some excellent video footage to accompany the lesson, together with challenging tasks culminating in a ‘what is the question task’ and an ‘odd one out’ activity.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes some retrieval practice on Dictators, suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is for students to assess and judge the character and legacy of Stalin.
The lesson begins by discovering what the students already know about Russia today or about Stalin.
They will also analyse some video footage, complete a true or false quiz and then use this information to prioritise some significant facts about his early life.
The main task will involve students evaluating how evil Stalin was, by giving him a rating out of 10 for a number of his policies during his rule of the Soviet Union, such as his Purges and the Five-Year Plans.
This can be followed up by an extended writing exercise, using prompts and key literacy words to help.
A Connect 4 interactive plenary activity will consolidate the learning of the lesson of Stalin’s life and his dictatorship of the Soviet Union.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout this and lessons to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Edexcel 9-1 Medicine in Britain, Thematic study and historic environment
This lesson aims to set the scene for the beginning of trench warfare and the problems for medical treatment on the battlefields of World War 1.
Students will analyse the setting up of the trenches, how and why they were dug, which equipment they needed and how they used the trenches to defend and attack the enemy.
They also assess the lie of the land and how this impacted on medicine and the wounded and the problems created.
Activities include retrieval practice, evaluation of the terrain, use of video evidence as well as GCSE question practice, with help given if required.
The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies.
It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Edexcel 9-1 Medicine in Britain, Thematic study and historic environment
This lesson aims to show the devastating effect upon the soldiers, both physically and mentally from the new technological advances in warfare used at the beginning of the twentieth century.
The weapons analysed, for example, include the use of the Lee Enfield Rifle, the machine gun, grenades, artillery shells as well as the use of gas.
Activities include retrieval practice, the evaluation of the weapons used and their effect on the soldiers, the use of video evidence, a true or false and noughts and crosses quiz as well as GCSE question practice, with help given if required.
The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies.
It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Edexcel 9-1 Medicine in Britain, Thematic study and historic environment
This lesson aims to show how fighting in the trenches led to terrible injuries, infection and problems in treated the wounded.
Students judge which medical conditions were the worst and rate them according to their severity.
Case studies include trench foot and shellshock with an excellent BBC link to treating infection on the battlefield.
They also learn the difficulties of transporting the wounded and which facilities were available for this at the beginning of 1914 and how this changed over time.
Activities include recall and retrieval, evaluation and judgement, discussion and debate, a thinking quilt linking ideas together, as well as GCSE question practice, with help given if required.
The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies.
It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is for students to judge how much love there was for Mao Zedong in China and his Chinese Revolution. .
There is also some retrieval practice which can also be used to tie with the other Dictatorships of Hitler and Stalin.
This lesson can be delivered over two as there is quite a lot of information given so that students will be able to make their own assumptions and judgements.
The lesson begins with questioning what the students already or might know about China throughout its history.
Students will learn about the background of communism in China and Mao’s rise to power as well as his Great Leap Forward, which they will answer key questions on.
They will ultimately be required to evaluate Mao’s term in office and decide how much love there was for him amongst the Chinese population with his policies on industry, land reform, women, education and youth for example.
There is also an extended writing task to complete for students to show off their new found knowledge.
They are some key words and phrases to analyse such as the Long March, collectives, purge, anarchy, the ‘New Leap Forward’ as well as the ‘Cultural Revolution’.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes retrieval practice, suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
I have produced these flashcards to help students be prepared for and help revise for their GCSE exam on Elizabethan England.
They are easy to use and; simply cut out fold and line up.
Students can test each other in class or take them for their home learning.
The flashcards will help with:
Recall, retrieval and retention
3rd tier vocabulary to attain the higher marks in the examination
Vast subject content
The Historic Environment for Sheffield Manor Lodge, 2023
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to decide how evil Tsar Nicholas was.
Students are given facts about Tsar Nicholas and his family which suggest he is a caring and devoted family man as well as a competent ruler. Inferences will be made using video, source and photographic evidence.
Students are then given more information which will challenge their original assumptions. Incompetence, an ambitious and influential wife, a massacre (Bloody Sunday 1905) as well as the growing influence of a ‘mad monk’ Rasputin will enable students to give him an ‘evil rating’ out of 10.
An extended written piece using argument words and a writing frame if required will allow students to give their final judgements and be able to justify their conclusions as to how evil they think he was, or not as the case may be.
In the plenary activity, students have to prove they are not a robot by ticking the correct images which link to the learning of the lesson.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes some retrieval practice on Dictators, suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to decide if Castro was a callous or courageous leader of Cuba.
Students will learn about how important Cuba was to the USA geographically as well as economically, with the rule of Batista and the corruption in his Government. They will have to decipher some text mapping and dual coding to find this out.
They will also be introduced to Castro using video evidence, before given key facts about his rule and his leadership.
They will then have to decide where this evidence fits in with their judgements of him being callous or courageous with the extra challenge of judging how strong or weak the evidence is.
An extended writing activity with a writing framework and key words to help will enable students to show off their judgements and new found knowledge.
The final task is a road mapping exercise with differentiated questioning to see how far they can travel in Cuba.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to question if Saddam deserves his reputation as the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’.
Students are at first questioned as to what they know about Saddam and are given information on the importance of Iraq and the Middle East with its oil rich economies.
Some source scholarship analyses the death of Saddam and the reasons why he was executed.
Together with a thinking quilt, students learn about Saddam’s brutal reign of terror as head of the Ba’ath Party in Iraq, together with the Iran-Iraq war and his invasion of Kuwait.
Thus so far, the lesson appears straightforward and there is little to argue against his reputation. However students will also learn through video and source evidence of revisionist ideas of Saddam and the consequence of his execution with the instability within Iraq today.
Thus they will be challenged on their original assumptions and evaluate how this reputation has been given to Saddam; is it just a Western perception? Whilst Iraqis may not necessarily doubt his brutal regime, do they insist life was better than now?
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes some retrieval practice on Dictators, suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to decide if Robert Mugabe was a hero or a villain.
Students are introduced to his early life in a text mapping exercise which they have to decipher to understand his credentials for Presidency.
They are given information about Mugabe’s career, such as land reform and human rights abuses, from which they then have to give a number of ratings as to whether he was indeed a hero or villain.
Subsequent video footage gives the thoughts of people from Zimbabwe today as well as other commentators to help them in their comprehension of the task in hand.
An extended written piece, using a writing frame, will allow students to demonstrate their understanding and give a full evaluation of his rule.
A fragment exercise as well as a find and fix plenary recaps on what they have learnt in the lesson and reinforces their judgements of him.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Rise of Dictators
The aim of this lesson is to decide if Idi Amin was either an idiot or just simply evil.
Students learn about his early life with an absent father and a poor education, completing a missing word exercise, Thus their initial leanings of sympathy towards him may lead them to question the aims of the lesson.
However they will soon have to analyse information of how he came to power and his subsequent rule of Uganda, including Human rights abuses.
By rating each episode of his life, this should be able to challenge their original assertions and begin to make valid judgements about him. Further video evidence will enable them to make an overall evaluation on his reign as Ugandan President.
Being a heavyweight boxing champion of Uganda gives a nice link to a ‘boxing’ debate on his leadership qualities and personality.
The debate also recaps on some key words used as with the plenary which requires them to complete a literacy race.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, 1060-87
This resource sets out the whole course in two sides of A4.
This is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap and summary before the exam or an internal assessment, as it sets out and gives all the main knowledge required.
It is also great for quickly printing and giving out for revision lessons, especially when the students claim they cannot remember anything you have taught!
It covers the main events, issues and people connected to the topic, with a focus on the exam requirements at the beginning.
I have included both PDF and word documents in case there is a wish to adapt and change.
This is a summary revision guide tailored to the OCR Conflict and Cooperation 1918-1939 unit for GCSE (International Relations: The Changing International order 1918-2001).
The resource is in booklet form and is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap before the exam as it set out all the main details in bullet form.
It is also extremely useful and cheap for printing and giving out to the students who can also use it for interleaving and homework.
The resource is editable and can be changed to suit with PDF and Word formats included.
Any reviews of this resource would be extremely welcome.
This resource (in booklet form) sets out the Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Modern Depth Study, Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 in two sides of A4.
This is ideal for the student who wants a quick recap before the exam as it includes all the main details in bullet form.
It is also great for quickly printing and giving out for revision lessons, especially when the students claim they cannot remember anything they have been taught!
This resource can be also used for homework and interleaving or for quickly recapping topics.
This resource can also be easily emailed to parents to help students with their revision studies at home or put on the school’s digital platform.
I have included both PDF and Word formats if there is a need to change or adapt.
The Suffragettes
The aim of this lesson is to analyse the Cat and Mouse Act of 1913 and the actions of the Liberal Government against the Suffragettes in their quest for the vote
But as the students will have to work out, this act was used for propaganda purposes by both sides to put each other in an unfavourable light. It was after all the Suffragettes who coined the phrase the Cat and Mouse Act and made sure everyone knew the callous actions of the Liberal Government!
As well as completing a prioritising exercise and a literacy challenge, an excellent video allows students to question how it worked and why the Government used it (petrified they might have Suffragette ‘martyrs’ dying in prison).
At the same time, they had no doubts about criminalising the Suffragettes with mug shots from prison as the Suffragettes refused to accept their actions as ‘criminal’ and instead ‘political’ (thus refusing to have their photographs taken as shown on the opening slide).
Students have to analyse the various propaganda sources from each side and decide the messages, who they were targeted against and how effective they were in their aims.
These opinions have to then be tweeted according to various people in society and how they might have be influenced by seeing them.
The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning.
The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.