I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Historic Environment Question for 2024
This nine page Revision Guide is aimed at students to help study, organise, revise and be prepared for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England 1568-1603 Historic Environment question for 2024.
I have included 6 possible questions for GCSE exam practice on the themes I believe stand out in the literature provided. Within the guide itself, I have broken down the main details of the Americas and Drake’s circumnavigation into manageable chunks.
This guide focuses on the main concepts prescribed by AQA. For example it examines the location of the New World and its growing importance for Drake and his fellow navigators, the function and structure of seafaring as new navigational techniques and ship design allowed more exploration.
It will also analyse the people connected to Drake’s circumnavigation including Sir John Hawkins and Diego as well as giving information on Drake and the different interpretations of him at the time.
Furthermore the culture, values and fashions connected with Drake’s circumnavigation are examined as untold riches such as feathers, pearls, jewels and gold became essential accessories for the fashionistas of Elizabethan England.
Finally important events are linked to Drake’s voyages from his initial slave excursions to his revenge attacks on Spanish shipping and his circumnavigation, as well focusing on the detailed maps and illustrations in his diaries and journals of new lands he discovered.
All the information and more included is advised by AQA through their Paper 2: Shaping the nation resource pack guidance.
I have also gained a brilliant insight into the Americas and Drake’s circumnavigation from renowned historians such as Ben Johnson, Miranda Kaufman and the superb Professor Jowett, as well as numerous other sources, including the fabulous BBC History Today magazine and podcasts.
The resource comes in PDF and Word formats if you wish to adapt and change.
Any reviews on this resource which would be much appreciated.
Migration Nation
The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the causes and consequences of Jewish migration to Britain and its significance today.
As this study focuses on Jewish migration from the Middle Ages to today, I have included a timeline for each topic studied. This lesson may be delivered over two sessions.
Students learn about the causes of anti-Semitism and persecution as well as judging how accepting Britons were when Jewish people were welcomed back into Britain in 1885 after having been expelled under King Edward I.
There is a focus on Oswald Moseley’s fascists and the Battle of Cable Street, as students question why anti-Semitism and prejudice declined following the events in the East End of London.
Students also analyse and are able to discuss the humanitarianism shown through the Kindertransport and the actions of Sir Nicholas Winton who was made famous on an episode of ‘That’s Life’ which has been included
The plenary multiple-choice quiz at the end will help to consolidate the learning from the lesson
There is an enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work.
The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit.
The lesson is differentiated, fully resourced and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Crime and Punishment
The aim of this lesson is to analyse how and why attitudes towards punishment changed in the 18th and 19th Centuries with the development of ‘new’ crimes.
Key questions are posed throughout the lesson. Why was there a shift from public to private punishments? Why was the prison system developed with a focus primarily on retribution and punishment? Why were there a change in attitude towards capital punishment and the desire to expand the police force?
The first part of the lesson assesses the responses of governments to the crimes of highway robbery, poaching, smuggling, rioting, protesting and joining a Trade Union. Students plot the various crimes, giving explanations and reasons for the increase in crimes and how effective the government responses were to reduce it. There is a diamond nine activity and video link to help.
The second part of the lesson plots the strengths and weaknesses of Government punishments such as transportation, the expansion of prisons and the police force.
A thinking quilt at the end of this part of the lesson will check understanding and students can also complete some extended writing practice, with prompts and a markscheme provided.
There is an enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work.
The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit.
The lesson is differentiated, fully resourced and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to assess whether the war in the East was the main reason for the implementation of the Final Solution. and Nazi genocide policies.
This lesson can be delivered over two, with the breath and depth of information covered.
Students begin with a recap of some key dates in their implementation of anti-Semitic policies. The significance of the Wannsee Conference is explained, with a comprehension task and timeline guide to examine in the move towards the Final Solution.
There are some key multiple choice questions to answer as well as some map analysis of the concentration and extermination camps across Europe.
Case Studies on Auschwitz and Ceija’s Story give context to the horrific crimes committed by the Nazis in this period.
The final parts of the lesson focus on Jewish resistance (with a colour coding activity to complete) as well as a note on the death marches and questions over who bears responsibility for the holocaust.
The lesson is quite literacy heavy. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end on the implementation of the Final Solution, with a focused markscheme provided if required.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit if required.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to assess the short and long term impacts of key events upon the Jewish community between 1938-40 such as the Anschluss, Kristallnacht, emigration and the invasion and Poland.
Students begin the lesson by analysing the events of the Anschluss and the impact upon the Jewish community living in Austria.
They are also required to match up a number of statements on the significance of decrees passed in Germany leading up to Kristallnacht and discuss why this event was pivotal for the Jewish people in Germany and Europe.
Further analysis of voluntary and forced emigration within Germany and the key figures of Heydrich and Eichmann will give the students an in-depth and rounded study of the period, together with details of the flawed Madagascar plan.
The lesson will culminate with a final assessment of the invasion of Poland will require them to prioritise the most important reasons for a change in policy towards the Jewish question in Europe.
There is a thinking hats plenary to finish with some exam question practice, complete with markscheme finishes the lesson.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the reasons behind the radicalisation of Nazi policies towards Jewish people in the years 1940-41.
The scene is set with the outbreak of war, the invasion of the Soviet Union and further restrictions placed on Jewish people in Germany.
Students follow a flow diagram of events with questions posed throughout. There is also a case study of the Warsaw Ghetto and its uprising.
They are then introduced to the Einsatzgruppen, what their key aims were and the possible actions they carried out in a true or false quiz. Further information, including whether the group were ‘ordinary men’ or ‘willing executioners’ is examined before students complete a quiz to check their understanding and consolidate their learning.
There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the extent of resistance and opposition to the Nazis in Germany.
Students begin the lesson by giving reasons for opposition and how it might vary across different sections of German society.
A number of tasks are completed on different types of opposition to the Nazis, from youth groups, Churches, the elites and the army.
For each opposition group there are key questions, source analysis, links to video footage and a requirement to discuss and debate.
The plenary exemplifies this discussion and debate with a talk like an expert task.
The lesson may be delivered over two lessons. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end with the challenge that opposition methods were too varied and fragmented to be effective against the Nazis. There is a markscheme provided if required.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the reasons behind the systematic persecution of minority groups and undesirables in German society.
Whilst the Nazis aimed to create a unified and homogeneous national community by promoting a sense of collective identity among “racially pure” Germans, students will find that this idea was based on the exclusion of those deemed “racially inferior” or politically undesirable.
Students are introduced to the Nazi policy of eugenics and the significance of this theory when applied to this persecution.
Students learn about the policies towards different minorities including Roma and Sinti peoples, disabled, homosexuals, religious groups and the Euthanasia programme set up in Berlin.
There are tasks to complete throughout including prioritisation exercises, key questions and source analysis.
The lesson is quite literacy heavy and may have to be delivered over two lessons.
There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit if required.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the success of Nazi efforts to coordinate the Churches and religion in Germany.
This lesson is split into two. The first part focuses on the Catholic Church and students begin by being given the context to Hitler’s Catholic background, Catholicism in Germany pre-1933 and why he believed the Catholic Church proved a threat to the Volksgemeinschaft.
Students then have to analyse Nazi policies towards the Catholic Church, such as the Concordat and rank them in order severity. They also have to decide how these policies weakened the power and influence of the Catholic Church in Nazi Germany.
There are case studies which investigate the Pope’s actions and responses to Hitler as well as the significance and the resistance of Cardinal Galen
This section concludes with some source analysis, focusing on the tone used in the language of two sources before the students have to decide the successes or failings of these coordinating policies.
The second half of the lesson introduces students to the importance and history of the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany.
Students identify which Nazi policies might align with Protestant Church interests. before completing a chronological task on the policies introduced by the Nazis and their attempt to create a Reich Church.
There are case studies on Martin Niemoller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, their actions and opposition to the Nazis as well as the setting up of their Confessional Church.
Students can then complete some exam question practice on Church-State relations with a comprehensive markscheme to help if required.
An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work.
The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs.
It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
AQA GCE 2O A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45
The aim of this lesson is to assess the impact of the ‘neue Sachlichkeit’ in Weimar Germany and question to what extent this ‘Golden Age’ was welcomed by all groups in German society.
The lesson begins with an introduction to how tolerance and a reduction of censorship brought with it a new cultural and political freedom with experimentation in the arts.
Students then have to prepare a essay practice question using images and information on how Germany was changing and challenging old norms.
A summary diagram and some links to today are made to show how far reaching some of the cultural changes and new ideas were, such as the arts, architecture, cinema, expressionism and cabaret and nightlife.
There is also some source practice as well to complete for homework if required, complete with a planning sheet and generic markscheme.
The plenary uses the octagon technique to check learning and understanding from the lesson on this cultural liberalism and these Weimar Golden Years under Stresemann.
There is a enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work.
The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit.
The lesson is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
The Holocaust
The aims of this lesson are to explain how discrimination and persecution of Jewish people within Germany led ultimately to their extermination and genocide.
Therefore this lesson must be delivered with care; it is also recommended that it is taught and delivered over two lessons.
The first part of the lesson is to explain the increasing persecution of the Jews within Germany as students analyse the events of Kristallnacht and evaluate its significance as a prelude to the holocaust.
There are worksheets to accompany and excellent video footage explaining the carnage that followed.
The second part of the lesson focuses on the Nazis change of direction on the Jewish question as war prevails and the Jews are rounded up and put into Ghettoes.
Students study the Human Rights Act of 1998 and prioritise which are the most significant and meaningful rights to them. They then apply these right to what happened in the ghettoes and focus on which rights were taken away from the Jews living in them, much to their horror and anger.
The final part of the lesson looks at the Wannsee Conference and the different ways the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jews.
The central enquiry of this and subsequent lessons in the bundle is to ask who was to blame for the holocaust?
Students will map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around a lightbulb) and build up a picture of how difficult it is to blame a single individual or event for this catastrophe.
There is an accompanying source task and more excellent video links to life in the ghettoes and the Wannsee conference of 1942.
The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated.
I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
This 40 page revision guide is tailored to the Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 specification for GCSE.
It is broken down into 4 main sections: The Weimar Republic, Hitler’s rise to power, Nazi control and dictatorship and life in Nazi Germany.
This revision guide includes 21 GCSE practice exam questions throughout on the 6 main questions and gives examples on how to answer each using model answers.
This will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades required by the exam board, including the skills of explanation, inference and interpretation as well as source utility.
The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students in their revision programme. I have also included some useful mnemonics for specific areas of study which have really helped in the past to remember subject content.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and come in PDF format. It can be used for revision, interleaving, homelearning as well as class teaching.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of my Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany revision summary guide if you do.
Edexcel GCSE, Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91
This 22 page Revision Guide is tailored to the above Edexcel specification for GCSE 9-1.
It is broken down into 4 main sections: Origins of the Cold War, Increasing tensions, Détente and the end of the Cold War.
I have been inspired to write this Revision Guide on account of the students I teach struggling with the course content of this unit and applying the skills in how to answer the GCSE questions.
This Revision Guide therefore includes 21 GCSE practice exam questions and gives examples on how to answer each, using model answers.
This guide will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them.
The questions target consequence, significance and analytical narrative with a focus on analysing events and finding connections that explain the way in which the events unfolded.
The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students.
The guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History has a copy assigned to them on a google drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments such as revision for assessments.
This Revision Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit in Microsoft Word and PDF format.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth up to £3.50 if you do.
AQA GCSE Britain: Power and the People, c.1170 to the present day
The aim of this Revision Guide is to help students with their revision for the GCSE History exam.
This 33 page Revision Guide is broken down into four sections: challenging authority and feudalism, challenging royal authority, reform and reformers and equality and rights.
The Revision Guide starts by explaining the 4 questions types asked in the exam and gives suggestions and tips on the easiest way to tackle these.
The Revision Guide gives over 20 typical exam questions asked on each topic (from significance, to how useful, to similarities and differences to factors) and how to put these questions into practice with model answers.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be adapted and changed to suit with PDF and Word formats attached.
This Revision Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, within the classroom as well for homework purposes.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated.
AQA GCSE Elizabethan England 1568-1603
This Revision Guide is aimed to help students prepare fully for their GCSE exam in this unit of study
Within this 40 page Revision Guide, there are 18 GCSE exam questions and guidance of how to answer them throughout.
At the start of the Guide, there are tips on how the students can access the four main questions and advice on how to put this into practice with model answers given from the exam board.
There are also four pages in the Guide dedicated to the 2026 Environmental Study, Hardwick Hall with a focus on knowledge and understanding and second order concepts.
A couple of possible exam questions have been included which AQA could ask focusing on the main themes from the AQA guidance given.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed, easy to follow and allows the students to access the higher grades in the examination.
It comes in PDF and Word format and can be adapted and changed to suit.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated.
AQA GCSE 9-1 Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship
This 33 page Revision Guide is broken down into 3 main sections: Germany 1890-1918, the Weimar Republic 1918-1933, Nazi Dictatorship 1933-1945
This Revision Guide includes practice exam questions and gives examples and tips on how to answer each.
It will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them. The questions target the main questions in the exam from interpretations and source analysis, cause and consequence, change and continuity, significance and evaluation.
The Revision Guide also gives the students some useful mnemonics to remember some of the key details such as the Treaty of Versailles, problems in the Weimar, recover under Stresemann and Hitler’s consolidation of power for example.
The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students. This Revision Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History in my school has a copy assigned to them on the school's drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments, such as homework and revision for assessments.
This Revision Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit, It comes in both Word and PDF format.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth £3.00 if you do.
I have also made similar revision resources for AQA GCSE 9-1 include Britain: Health and the People c.1000 to the present day, Elizabethan England c,1568-1603, Conflict and Tension and Power and the People.
Edexcel GCSE Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present.
The aim of the Medicine Revision Guide is to help students with their revision for the History GCSE exam.
This 42 page Revision Guide is broken down into 5 main sections: Medieval Medicine, Renaissance Medicine, Medicine in 18th and 19th Century, Modern Medicine and the Historic Environment, British sector of the Western Front .
This revision guide includes 29 GCSE practice exam questions throughout on the main questions and gives examples on how to answer each using model answers.
This will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades required by the exam board, including the skills of description, explanation, interpretation, change and continuity, source utility and cause and consequence.
The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students in their revision programme.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and comes in Word and PDF format if there is a wish to change.
It can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated.
Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth up to £3.50 if you do.
AQA GCSE Conflict and Tension 1918-1945
This 28 page revision guide is tailored to the above AQA specification for GCSE. It is broken down into 3 main sections: Peace Keeping, the League of Nations and the Road to War.
This Revision Guide includes practice exam questions and gives examples on how to answer each. This revision guide will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them. The questions target the four main questions in the exam from source analysis, chronology, cause and consequence, significance and evaluation.
The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students. The Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History in my school has a copy assigned to them on the google drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments, such as homework and revision for assessments.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit, It comes in both Word and PDF format.
Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth £3.00 if you do.
AQA GCSE Britain: Health and the People c1000 to present
This 29 page Revision Guide sets out the four main types of questions to be asked from the start and gives ideas and easy ways of how to answer them.
The course starts with the Greek ideas of the four humours and Galen’s contribution before tackling medieval medicine through to the present day.
Each topic is set out in a clear and easy format for students to learn, remember and help them in their revision programme.
The Revision Guide gives 18 typical exam questions asked on each topic (from significance, to how useful, similarities and the factors) and how to put this into practice with model answers.
Furthermore it shows how the highest marks can be achieved, which can be different from other Revision Guides which focus more on content than skills for this course.
This Revision Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, within the classroom as well for homework purposes.
This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be adapted and changed to suit using PDF and Word formats.
Any reviews would be gratefully received.
AQA GCSE Conflict and Tension 1918-1939
This series of five lessons introduce the first part of the AQA Conflict and Tension course 1918-39 and focus on peacemaking after World War One.
Lessons come complete with suggested teaching strategies and differentiated learning tasks.
I have included many of the typical GCSE questions AQA have so far supplied, from source analysis, write an account, source opposition to the longer 16+4 mark questions.
The lessons are broken down into the following:
L1: Aims of the Peacemakers
L2: Compromise
L3: Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
L4: Satisfaction with the Treaty
L5: The Wider Peace Settlement (free resource)
Lessons also include some retrieval practice activities and come in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Any reviews would be gratefully received.