This excel file has been created to contain 32 adaptable Bingo boards. Bingo makes a great starter or plenary activity. It also works well as a game which then requires the player to explain the meaning of the key words on their board.
It is currently set up for Buddhism Bingo but can be easily adapted for other faiths.
A one hour, fully resourced lesson providing a basic yet comprehensive introduction to the Ontological Argument. Suitable for beginners.
This pack includes a worksheet, a student answer for peer marking purposes, and a powerpoint which has useful prompts for discussion.
This resource has been designed to be engaging, detailed and yet easy to follow for beginners to the philosophy of religion . All resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes).
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This is a double sided A4 (or A3) printable page from my full Reflection / Mental health / Wellbeing journal (Version B).
There are three sections:
Reflecting on me
Academic reflection
strategies for the coming week
This can be copied as and when required to support students to evaluate and reflect on their personal progress through school.
Perfect for Tutor/Form time or as an engaging activity for a Friday afternoon.
This Black History Month Bundle moves you beyond the basic ‘assembly’ and allows you to support your curriculum with a diverse story plus activities.
Daddy and Me is a book that provides a positive representation of a Black father - this can be challenging to find in children’s literature. The original picture book and activity book are available on Amazon for £7.99 each so this bundle represents a significant saving.
The accompanying resources are great for free flow and have also been specially adapted for use in the classroom enabling you to photocopy activity sheets easily for your pupils.
You will receive:
A powerpoint version of the story Daddy and Me! for use on the school whiteboard,
A planning document with ideas about how Daddy and Me! can be used as part of continuous provision/topic work in your class/school,
A 54 page activity book with a wide range of worksheets, colouring-in and curriculum challenges all based around the original picture book Daddy and Me!
This Father’s Day Bundle moves you beyond the basic ‘assembly’ and allows you to support your curriculum with a diverse story plus activities.
Daddy and Me is a book that provides a positive representation of a Black father - this can be challenging to find in children’s literature. The original picture book and activity book are available on Amazon for £7.99 each so this bundle represents a significant saving.
The accompanying resources are great for free flow and have also been specially adapted for use in the classroom enabling you to photocopy activity sheets easily for your pupils.
You will receive:
A powerpoint version of the story Daddy and Me! for use on the school whiteboard,
A planning document with ideas about how Daddy and Me! can be used as part of continuous provision/topic work in your class/school,
A 54 page activity book with a wide range of worksheets, colouring-in and curriculum challenges all based around the original picture book Daddy and Me!
The Reflection / Mental health / Wellbeing journal with 112 pages is designed to last a full academic year. See Version A for an alternative design with different activities.
It will help you to to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
There are 5 sections:
A simple Zones of Regulation recap/overview
Reflecting on me
Academic reflection
Strategies for the coming week
Calming doodle pages
It promotes growth mindset and develops reflective skills in your learners. Embedded Zones strategies support students with regulating their behaviour.
This journal can be used on its own or to accompany my Zones of Regulation lessons.
It is perfect for embedding a healthy reflection and discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Perfect for Tutor/Form time or as an engaging activity for a Friday afternoon.
The Reflection / Mental health / Wellbeing journal with 112 pages is designed to last a full academic year. This is version A. See Version B for an alternative design with different activities.
It will help you to to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
There are 5 sections:
A simple Zones of Regulation recap/overview
Space for students to rate their week
A ZONES question of the week
Calming doodle pages to support well being
Fun quizzes and challenges for students to complete
It promotes growth mindset and develops reflective skills in your learners. Embedded Zones strategies support students with regulating their behaviour.
This journal can be used on its own or to accompany my Zones of Regulation lessons.
It is perfect for embedding a healthy reflection and discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Perfect for Tutor/Form time or as an engaging activity for a Friday afternoon.
The Zones of Regulation: Mental health and resilience Bundle is designed to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
This bundle contains 7 Zones of Regulation: Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing lessons plus **a BONUS student journal **to support students as they progress through each lesson. Perfect for embedding a healthy discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Each lesson includes:
Space for students to rate their week
ZONED reflection questions for students to discuss and respond to
Explicit reference to the Zones of Regulation language e.g., expected and unexpected behaviour, tool box strategies, size of the problem etc. This is designed to support the use of Zones terminology across school on a daily/weekly basis.
A direct link to a journal (included) that students can use to record their thoughts and reflections.
Each reflection lesson is designed to last approx. 15-20 mins.
Created for KS3, easily adapted for KS2
The Zones of Regulation: Mental health and resilience Bundle is designed to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
This bundle contains 7 Zones of Regulation: Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing lessons plus **a BONUS student journal **to support students as they progress through each lesson. Perfect for embedding a healthy discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Each lesson includes:
Space for students to rate their week
ZONED reflection questions for students to discuss and respond to
Explicit reference to the Zones of Regulation language e.g., expected and unexpected behaviour, tool box strategies, size of the problem etc. This is designed to support the use of Zones terminology across school on a daily/weekly basis.
A direct link to a journal (included) that students can use to record their thoughts and reflections.
Each reflection lesson is designed to last approx. 15-20 mins.
Created for KS3, easily adapted for KS2
The Zones of Regulation: Mental Health and Resilience Bundle is designed to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
This bundle contains 7 Zones of Regulation: Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing lessons plus **a BONUS student journal **to support students as they progress through each lesson. Perfect for embedding a healthy discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Each lesson includes:
Space for students to rate their week
ZONED reflection questions for students to discuss and respond to
Explicit reference to the Zones of Regulation language e.g., expected and unexpected behaviour, tool box strategies, size of the problem etc. This is designed to support the use of Zones terminology across school on a daily/weekly basis.
A direct link to a journal (included) that students can use to record their thoughts and reflections.
Each reflection lesson is designed to last approx. 15-20 mins.
Created for KS3, easily adapted for KS2
The Zones of Regulation: Mental health and resilience Bundle is designed to move the Zones of Regulation programme forward and maintain its momentum with students throughout the year.
This bundle contains 7 Zones of Regulation: Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing lessons plus **a BONUS student journal **to support students as they progress through each lesson. Perfect for embedding a healthy discussion of behaviours/mental health/resilience across school.
Each lesson includes:
Space for students to rate their week
ZONED reflection questions for students to discuss and respond to
Explicit reference to the Zones of Regulation language e.g., expected and unexpected behaviour, tool box strategies, size of the problem etc. This is designed to support the use of Zones terminology across school on a daily/weekly basis.
A direct link to a journal (included) that students can use to record their thoughts and reflections.
Each reflection lesson is designed to last approx. 15-20 mins.
Created for KS3, easily adapted for KS2
**Support your students through their GCSE RS with this series of student workbooks.
Each workbook support students to meet the following outcomes:
show knowledge and understanding of an issue
show knowledge and understanding of sacred text that relates to the issue
show knowledge of two religious views about the issue
apply religious knowledge to a case study about the issue
demonstrate the ability to offer and support a personal opinion on the issue
These workbooks are:
• accessible for less able students, supporting them to access course information
• great for consolidating students’ knowledge or adding depth into your existing programme
• useful as a homework task or for independent work and revision
• a quick and easy cover lesson.
**Support your students through their GCSE RS with this series of student workbooks.
Each workbook support students to meet the following outcomes:
show knowledge and understanding of an issue
show knowledge and understanding of sacred text that relates to the issue
show knowledge of two religious views about the issue
apply religious knowledge to a case study about the issue
demonstrate the ability to offer and support a personal opinion on the issue
These workbooks are:
• accessible for less able students, supporting them to access course information
• great for consolidating students’ knowledge or adding depth into your existing programme
• useful as a homework task or for independent work and revision
• a quick and easy cover lesson.
This bundle contains 7 complete presentations/lessons for use during form time by the whole school.
The themes are based on my theme of the week calendar (also included). This bundle is for Autumn 1. All themes are interchangeable and can be used at different times of the year as desired.
Watch this space, further themes will be developed and new bundles added throughout the year:)
Themes include:
Ready to learn
Black History Month
Sleep to succeed
6 hours worth of lessons introducing Buddhism - perfect for KS3. It is suitable for use with students who know very little about Buddhism but can be easily tweaked to be suitable for more able students.
Each lesson includes a lesson plan, and a range of resources including quizes, writing frames, stories, interview soundbites, quotes from sacred text. The pack is fully editable and easy to follow.
Lessons include:
Buddhism introduction - the life of Siddhartha Gotama
Exploring Buddhist stories
The four noble truths
What Buddhists say about their faith
A final assessment lesson
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Thematic Studies Relationships and Families for Christianity and Sikhism?
These 11 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and/or adapt.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
Origins of the universe
Value of the universe
Use and abuse of the environment
Use and abuse of animals
Origins of human life
Death and the afterlife
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Thematic Studies Relationships and Families for Christianity and Sikhism?
These 9 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and/or adapt.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
peace and justice
forgiveness and reconciliation
violent protest and terrorism
reasons for war
nuclear war and WMD
Holy war and just war
pacifism and peace making
religion as a cause of war
religion and victims of war
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Thematic Studies Relationships and Families for Christianity and Sikhism?
These 7 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and/or adapt.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
good and evil
reasons for crime
types of crime
aims of punishment
prison community service and corporal punishment
death penalty
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Thematic Studies Relationships and Families for Christianity and Sikhism?
These 11 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and/or adapt.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
Heterosexual and homosexual relationships
Sex before and outside of marriage
Contraception and family planning
The nature and purpose of marriage
Same sex marriage and cohabitation
Reasons for divorce and remarriage
The nature of families
The purpose of families
Same sex parents and polygamy
Role of men and women
Gender prejudice and discrimination
Are you looking for a comprehensive bank of lessons to cover all aspects of AQA 9-1 Sikh Practices?
These 9 lessons complement the Oxford University press set text book and include all of the subject content required for this aspect of the course.
All of my AQA GCSE lessons include (as appropriate):
• fully editable powerpoints designed to last a double lesson
• three levels of challenge
• independent study/starter task
• embedded video links
• fully resourced activities/worksheets
• exam practice questions
All resources has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You will find many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: PinkWatermelonTeach
This bundle includes the following fully resourced and amendable lessons:
The Gurdwara
Guru Granth Sahib
Worship in the Gurdwara
Worship in the home
Vaisakhi and Diwali
Birth and naming ceremonies
Pilgrimage to the Golden Temple