This mini monster activity book is perfect for those doing the topic Monsters. The differentiation in this pack makes it an excellent purchase. There is something for everyone and it is cross-curricular.
Hey! It's that time of year again...
Grab this freebie and save yourself some time!
5 designs, different fonts and 'kind of' ink friendly ;)
Be sure and only print the page you need.
Each banner is the length of 3-4 A4 pages :)
This bundle consists of lots of flashcards for the Tolsby Frame.
Get started with Colour and Number Recognition, Number Bonds to 10, Phonics and Table Group Names!
Purchase the bundle and save over 40
These colour recognition cards show the colour name and an object/animal to match the colour.
These colour recognition cards fit the IKEA Tolsby Frames.
A collection of Games and Quizzes for End of Year. Includes my best selling Transition Day Fun Pack.
See each individual resource for information.
Difficulty levels vary on quizzes.
Massive End of Year Bundle! Includes Quizzes, Certificates, Memory Books and more!
Please see each individual resource for more information!
Save over 35% on this bundle today!
Well, it’s almost time to think about wrapping up for Summer! It’s time to take our foot off the ignition and start slowing down.
This little activity pack is great to start winding down with students.
If you want to keep your foot on the pedal, you can send these home for Summer as gifts! Ink friendly and parents may be glad of them for those rainy days!
Suitable for EYFS/KS1
The colouring book is a 20 page booklet in black and white.
It covers tracing, writing and colouring.
File is PDF Format!
I am offering this freebie to celebrate the re-branding of tes!
Have a browse of my shop by clicking on my username or by searching pollypuddleduck (all one word via the search)
Please help us to make tes a great site! That means, we need your feedback!
The task cards are in high resolution and can be enlarged if needed.
All images are in png format.
Please note, all images are copyright and cannot be used for commercial use.
This workbook includes 3 worksheets per colour.
It's an excellent collection of worksheets that can easily be used as part of a workbook to introduce colours to EYFS without overloading them with information.
A fun, black and white colouring book for EYFS.
-Colour the crayons the appropriate colour.
-Trace the colour words
Ideal for the start of year to tackle colour recognition or at the end of the year for revision!
The malleable properties of play dough make it fun for investigation in EYFS, however, what the little ones don't realise is that playing with play dough secretly builds up strength in all the tiny hand muscles and tendons. This makes those little hands ready for pencil and scissor control later on.
This pack not only allows children to 'play' but it also has specific tasks that they should complete while 'playing'.
The boards are beautifully illustrated!
As this is a Winter Play dough Activity Board Pack, everything is Winter related!
-Make a scarf
-Make some mittens
-Make 5 snowballs
-Make some buttons for the snowman
Children will not only have the chance to build up little hand muscles but you can also check how good they are at following instructions!
Over 40 Play dough winter themed specific tasks.
A huge bundle of resources to keep you going through Autumn.
This bundle includes my top selling Autumn and Halloween Resources for EYFS and KS1.
Please see each individual resource for content descriptions.