A presentation display pack on Growth Mindset for Students.
Can be useful at this time of year when children are starting to struggle, remind them that struggling means they are learning!
Included in this download is also a PDF Format with 10 posters to encourage a Growth Mindset in your classroom.
30 Maths Challenge Cards, perfect for Maths Working Areas.
These can be used for Early Finishers and or as an extension exercise.
Laminate for long term durability.
Addition and Subtraction
Basic Multiplication
Simple Mathematical Word Problems
Ideal for KS1 but advanced EYFS may be able to use these if read to them.
Check out the preview!
This is a 20 Page Booklet for EYFS/KS1 covering the concepts of counting, number recognition and formation.
20 worksheets PLUS 10 Flashcards with words and numbers that can be used for Circle Time!
Check out the preview!
This resource consists of:
16 Number Bond Worksheets (number bonds only up until 10)
6 Write 'n' Wipe Number Bond Cards
44 Number Bond Flashcards for Math Games
1 A4 Number Bond Poster
Suitable for Children aged 5-7 or those who are older but are weak and may need extra help.
Check out the preview!
4 People Who Help Us Board Games, perfect for stations or centres. These games are suitable for children aged 5-11 and will encourage speaking and listening between young students.
Encourages students to understand the difference between biased and balanced arguments.
Helps encourage understanding on how to develop a formal balanced argument, verbally and in writing.
Project based tasks encourage students to look at a wider variety of connectives to present opposing viewpoints.
Suitable for Upper KS2 and KS3
**can be used ALL year round!
It's Winter, NO, that does not mean you should be searching for indoor activities - of course, yes, there needs to be indoor learning but PLEASE, make sure you take your students outside in Winter.
I have compiled 110 task cards and games for Winter Outdoor Learning!
The cards are split - yellow are TASKS and green are GAMES.
You can laminate these and loop them with a key ring hoop for extra durability or you can use a plain old grip.
I have them in a big bin and the children choose one card every week for the following week (just incase prep is needed!)
These task cards cover ALL areas of the curriculum. They include; science, geography, understanding the world, literacy, art and maths.
110 Task Cards - you can choose ONE a day!! :)
-mix n match
Suitable for emerging writers and those who are ready to be introduced to digraphs. late eyfs/ks1
Assessment is changing- yes,again!
The NEW NC is being assessed for the first time in May 2016.
The KS1 SPAG 2016 ASSESSMENTS are currently still 'in design'.
The content of the tests is being drawn up from the statutory appendices that are already in place from 2014.
The test will consist of three parts; a short written task, it has been suggested that stimulus and prompts may be given. The second section will be themed questions, they may be represented in a number of ways and the third section will focus on Spelling.
All pupils at the end of key stage 1 will be expected to take all three papers. These will be marked 'in house'.
I've put together a 20 page 'mini assessment' covering all three areas.
File has been updated and now includes 29 pages.
This is the Second Workbook / Mini Assessment Book. You can find the first one below.
Included in this download are over 70 task cards ranging from ‘story prompts to writing lists’.
Students will absolutely adore these tasks!
Excellent for Early Finishers and perfect to use as digital learning task cards.
The cards do include Christmas and Winter tasks. They mainly focus on a general ‘Winter’ setting rather than Christmas based activities. This resource is appropriate for KS1 and KS2.
Laminate to finish if using in a classroom setting.
Other Christmas and Winter Resources can be found in my shop.
Included in this download are 4 ‘All About Me’ board games.
These board games make excellent games for centres and/or stations. Children enjoy playing these games in pairs or as a group- they work well in EFL/ELL classrooms and encourage speaking and listening.
4 Animal Board Games, perfect for stations or centres. These games are suitable for children aged 5-11 and will encourage speaking and listening between students. These board games are great for EYL and ELL.
Five year olds may need a little extra help with the words on the board!
This phonics workbook is based on Halloween related vocabulary. Every page has a picture that matches the sound/word and three letters to trace per page. 26 pages in all. Please note, this only has single sounds and pages are in alphabetical order. Ideal for Early Years / Nursery.
You can obviously remove what you don’t want to use. It isn’t 'too scary!'
Suitable for EYFS / KS1
This download consists of different number lines from 0-10
The first number line contains all the numbers from 0-10, the next a few numbers missing and finally finishing with 0 numbers only dots. Children must count up the line without the use of numbers. This worked really well with a Year 1 class that I had. They were a competitive bunch and they all wanted to 'try' the different number lines. The download is 15 pages and will need to be copied in colour and laminated. Please note; these number lines do NOT have pictures like so many that you can find online. They are plain and simple but bright.
Learn to count to 100 with these flashcards.
Each flashcard has the number in numeric form, there are no numbers in word form included on any of the flashcards.
There are four flashcards per A4 page.
A 67 page download is packed full of no-prep printables!
-23 worksheets (add -s, -es, -ies)
-52 Singular and Plural Cards for Centre/Station Activities
-1 Set of Spelling Rules (8 slides)
Check out the Preview!
This resource is excellent for emergent readers and writers.
This download includes-
-Writing Activities focusing on Full stops and Capital Letters
-Sentence and Word Order worksheets
-Basic sentence building blocks for emergent readers
-90 sentence builders
Check out the preview!
File is 31 PAGES of NO PREP!
Ideal for KS1.
This resource has just got a revamp for September 2017! It now contains over 15 posters! If you purchased this resource before, you can download again for FREE!
These can be used for No Bullying Week which is taking place this year between the 16th - 20th November. Display around school and/or use for discussing Anti-Bullying with your students.
Posters encourage students to 'SPEAK OUT', 'STAND UP' and 'STAND TOGETHER'.
If you require worksheets and writing activities, I have a BUMPER pack for Anti Bullying in my shop.
You can find it here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/anti-bullying-pack-11153557