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Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages. I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.




Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages. I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.
AQA A-level Chemistry - glossary and mind map activity for atomic structure and amounts of substance

AQA A-level Chemistry - glossary and mind map activity for atomic structure and amounts of substance

Mind maps linking key definitions for new specification AQA A-level Chemistry Unit 3.1.1 Atomic Structure Unit 3.1.2 Amount of substance Cut and stick a comprehensive glossary onto a pre-prepared mind map showing the connections between the concepts and definitions in the topic. How many marks do your students lose because they cannot correctly interpret the question or use the incorrect terminology in the definitions? This activity is best printed A3 so the definitions can be easily read. Students can then prepare their own mind map definitions sheet by cutting and sticking the relevant definitions onto the mind map. Make it more or less difficult by adjusting the mind maps to contain more or less information to help them.
AQA GCSE introduction to ethanol, ethanoic acid and esters powerpoint and workbook - foundation tier

AQA GCSE introduction to ethanol, ethanoic acid and esters powerpoint and workbook - foundation tier

A simple introduction to functional groups, ethanol, ethanol acid and esters. Straightforward powerpoint accessible to foundation tier that can be co-taught with the work book to support students in their first introduction in functional group organic chemistry. Workbook and powerpoint both cover: Part 1 – Organic chemicals and functional groups Part 2 – Alcohols Part 3 – Carboxylic Acids Part 4 – Esters Success criteria covered You should know what a functional group is and know what the functional group for an alcohol, a carboxylic acid and an ester is You should be able to interpret information about alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters You should be able to recognise alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters from their names or formulae You should be able to give examples of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters and explain their uses
AQA GCSE Chemistry Introductory Workbook on Alcohols, Carboxylic acids and Esters

AQA GCSE Chemistry Introductory Workbook on Alcohols, Carboxylic acids and Esters

10 page introductory workbook introducing alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters Part 1 – Organic chemicals and functional groups Part 2 – Alcohols Part 3 – Carboxylic Acids Part 4 – Esters Success criteria covered by this booklet: You should know what a functional group is and know what the functional group for an alcohol, a carboxylic acid and an ester is You should be able to interpret information about alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters You should be able to recognise alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters from their names or formulae You should be able to give examples of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters and explain their uses
AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 5 Energy Changes, Exothermic, Endothermic, PPTX

AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 5 Energy Changes, Exothermic, Endothermic, PPTX

These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount. These 3 printable A3 mats cover unit 5 - Energy Changes Mat 1 Definitions of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions Uses of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions Particle model and activation energy Relative energies of reactants and products in exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions Energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions Changes in temperature for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions Mat 2 Energy profiles to show activation energy and overall energy change Bond energies Using bond energies to calculate overall energy change Calculating bond energies Drawing molecules to show all the bonds present Improving experiments to measure changes in temperature Comparison of energy needed to break bonds with energy released making them Mat 3 Chemical cells and the factors affecting voltage Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells identification Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells advantages and disadvantages Hydrogen fuel cell advantages and disadvantages Equations in a hydrogen fuel cell overall and at each electrode Designing a lemon clock
AQA chemistry - unit 5 - full workbook and required practical for exothermic, endothermic and cells

AQA chemistry - unit 5 - full workbook and required practical for exothermic, endothermic and cells

Save time by avoiding the need for your students to write out lengthy sets of notes or draw diagrams. The complete unit work book includes spaces for marking and feedback including checked by teacher and verbal feedback given. Also leaves space to stick in improvement work or complete on the page. Could substitute for class books providing evidence for progress over time linked to success criteria. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom and try to make the resources compatible with a lot of the ways in which we are currently being asked to teach science including feedback and improvements and redrafting. The new specifications are intensive on time, and I am testing out moving towards workbooks and away from ordinary class books. These could be differentiated towards your own students. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 3 Bond energies and energy changes in reactions

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 3 Bond energies and energy changes in reactions

Powerpoint lesson linked to workbook for the lesson with spaces for students to write answers, example examination questions and a mark scheme for the workbook. Save time by avoiding the need for your students to write out lengthy sets of notes or draw diagrams. The work book includes spaces for marking and feedback including checked by teacher and verbal feedback given. Also leaves space to stick in improvement work or complete on the page. Could substitute for class books providing evidence for progress over time linked to success criteria. Success criteria covered in this lesson are: I understand that an exothermic reaction is one that transfers energy to the surroundings so the temperature of the surroundings increases. I understand that an endothermic reaction is one that takes in energy from the surroundings so the temperature of the surroundings decreases. I can explain and evaluate uses of exothermic and endothermic reactions I can investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions such as neutralisation reactions. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom and try to make the resources compatible with a lot of the ways in which we are currently being asked to teach science including feedback and improvements and redrafting. The new specifications are intensive on time, and I am testing out moving towards workbooks and away from ordinary class books. These could be differentiated towards your own students. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 2 Energy Profiles for Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 2 Energy Profiles for Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

Powerpoint lesson linked to workbook for the lesson with spaces for students to write answers, example examination questions and a mark scheme for the workbook. Save time by avoiding the need for your students to write out lengthy sets of notes or draw diagrams. The work book includes spaces for marking and feedback including checked by teacher and verbal feedback given. Also leaves space to stick in improvement work or complete on the page. Could substitute for class books providing evidence for progress over time linked to success criteria. Success criteria covered in this lesson are: I can draw simple reaction profiles for exothermic and endothermic reactions to show their relative energies. I can annotate the reaction profiles to show the activation energy and overall energy change I can explain whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic using reaction profiles I can explain that activation energy is the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom and try to make the resources compatible with a lot of the ways in which we are currently being asked to teach science including feedback and improvements and redrafting. The new specifications are intensive on time, and I am testing out moving towards workbooks and away from ordinary class books. These could be differentiated towards your own students. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 1 Exothermic and Endothermic Chemical Reactions

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 5 - Lesson 1 Exothermic and Endothermic Chemical Reactions

Powerpoint lesson linked to workbook for the lesson with spaces for students to write answers, example examination questions and a mark scheme for the workbook. Save time by avoiding the need for your students to write out lengthy sets of notes or draw diagrams. The work book includes spaces for marking and feedback including checked by teacher and verbal feedback given. Also leaves space to stick in improvement work or complete on the page. Could substitute for class books providing evidence for progress over time linked to success criteria. Success criteria covered in this lesson are: I understand that an exothermic reaction is one that transfers energy to the surroundings so the temperature of the surroundings increases. I understand that an endothermic reaction is one that takes in energy from the surroundings so the temperature of the surroundings decreases. I can explain and evaluate uses of exothermic and endothermic reactions I can investigate the variables that affect temperature changes in reacting solutions such as neutralisation reactions. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom and try to make the resources compatible with a lot of the ways in which we are currently being asked to teach science including feedback and improvements and redrafting. The new specifications are intensive on time, and I am testing out moving towards workbooks and away from ordinary class books. These could be differentiated towards your own students. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids - Unit 4 Chemical Changes, Metals, Electrolysis, Acids PPTX

AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids - Unit 4 Chemical Changes, Metals, Electrolysis, Acids PPTX

These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount These printable A3 mats cover unit 4, Reactivity of Metals, Reactions of Acids, Titrations, Electrolysis Mat 1 Formation of positive ions when metal atoms react Observations when alkali metals react with water Tendency to form positive ions and the reactivity series Inclusion of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series Observations when metals react with acids Placing metals in order of reactivity by observation of their reactions The meaning of displacement Mat 2 What is a metal ore Examples of metals that can be found natively in the Earth Reduction to form metals Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons Equations for the extraction of metals using carbon Metal displacement Ionic equations for displacement reactions Comparisons of cost of titanium extraction vs iron extraction Mat3 Reaction of metals with acids to produce salts and hydrogen Formation of hydrogen and hydroxide ion in solution Indicator Neutralisation and salt formation Names and formulae of common laboratory acids Names and formulae of common laboratory alkalis Charges on common ions Soluble and insoluble hydroxides Metals and acids as redox reactions Mat 4 Formation of soluble salts by evaporation and crystallisatiion pH scale and neutralisation Indicators vs. pH probes Titrations Calculations for titrations Ionic equation for neutralisation Mat 5 Strong and weak acids Ionisation of acids Difference between the terms strong and weak and concentrated and dilute The meaning of the pH scale Mat 6 The process of electrolysis Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds Using electrolysis to extract metals Electrolysis of aqueous solutions Representation of reactions at electrodes as half equations
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 6 Acid and Alkali Titrations and Calculations

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 6 Acid and Alkali Titrations and Calculations

Resources to support teaching acid and alkali titrations, calculations and the GCSE assessed practical on neutralisation Success Criteria I can describe the steps involved in doing a titration I can identify the useful facts in titration questions I can calculate calculate the concentration of an unknown acid or alkali I can carry out a neutralisation practical to determine the concentration of an unknown acid or alkali. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 6 and 7 Titrations and Strong and Weak Acids

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 6 and 7 Titrations and Strong and Weak Acids

This is a pack of two lessons to teach titrations and strong and weak acids with an introduction to the meaning of pH. It has two powerpoints and worksheets in word and pdf format with answers to the worksheet as well. Titration methodology Calculations A3 grid Resources for the neutralisation assessed practical differentiated for higher and foundation tier students The meaning of strong acid in terms of complete ionisation of acid molecules in water The meaning of weak acid in terms of partial ionisation of acid molecules in water Comparison of the terms concentrated and dilute with strong and weak and an explanation of how a weak acid can still be concentrated and a strong acid could still be dilute. Grid to test understanding of key vocabulary in the ppt file. Meaning of pH in terms of the change in 10x each time you go down a pH unit - does not include logarithms it is described in an accessible way that allows students to calculate changes in concentration as pH unit changes. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 8-10 Electrolysis, extraction, plating, half equations

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 8-10 Electrolysis, extraction, plating, half equations

This is a sequence of lessons to teach the topic of electrolysis. It contains three powerpoint presentations, a worksheet on ionic and half equations and the worksheets for the required practical on electrolysis. It could cover three lessons of teaching with another 2 to complete the required practical and so is resourced for 5 lessons in total. Lesson 1 Powerpoint 1 The process of electrolysis REDOX and loss and gain of electrons Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds Lesson 2 Powerpoint 2 Using electrolysis to extract metals Electrolysis of aluminium oxide Electroplating with copper Half equations and Ionic Equations Set homework: worksheet on ionic and half equations to be completed for homework here - mark scheme provided Lesson 3 Required Practical 3 Lesson 4 Completion of booklet for required practical 3 Lesson 5 Powerpoint 3 Electrolysis in aqueous solution Mixtures of ions Electrolysis of brine Competing reactions at electrodes Electrolysis of acidified water I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson7 Strong and Weak Acids and understanding pH

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson7 Strong and Weak Acids and understanding pH

This is a lesson to teach strong and weak acids with an introduction to the meaning of pH. It has a ppt and worksheet in word and pdf format with answers to the worksheet as well. The meaning of strong acid in terms of complete ionisation of acid molecules in water The meaning of weak acid in terms of partial ionisation of acid molecules in water Comparison of the terms concentrated and dilute with strong and weak and an explanation of how a weak acid can still be concentrated and a strong acid could still be dilute. Grid to test understanding of key vocabulary in the ppt file. Meaning of pH in terms of the change in 10x each time you go down a pH unit - does not include logarithms it is described in an accessible way that allows students to calculate changes in concentration as pH unit changes. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 4-6 Reactions of Acids with metals and making salts

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 4-6 Reactions of Acids with metals and making salts

This is a well resourced sequence that should cover three lessons on the reactions of acids with metals and making soluble salts. It includes worksheets for the first assessed practical for GCSE chemistry - making copper sulfate crystals and the principals of making soluble salts. Reactions of Acids PPT Making salts table of information to share with students Fact pack of key information to learn about acids and their reactions Differentiated simple sheet of questions for foundation level acids and salts Large revision mat style resource on making salts as an A3 grid Copper sulfate method that can be laminated and used during the practical Section 1 of the practical skills handbook - the making salts practical which includes questions to deepen students understanding of the practical to enable them to answer question on the examination papers which explore their understanding of the practical. I write Professor Bunsen resources to teach and test in my own classroom. I hope that I manage to make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time! The accompanying worksheet allows students to practice and for you to give feedback and help them to improve. Fully resourced with Powerpoints, worksheets and lesson activities and key facts and opportunities for improvement and redrafting throughout.
AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 1-3  Reactivity of metals powerpoints and worksheets

AQA GCSE chemistry - Unit 4 - Lesson 1-3 Reactivity of metals powerpoints and worksheets

This is a well resourced bundle of materials to teach the reactivity of metals. Reactions of metals with oxygen Reactions of metals with water (alkali metals) and acids (group 2) Formulating the reactivity series Alkali metals Description of metals reacting by losing electrons Preparation and differentiated worksheets Metal displacement and redox reactions OIL RIG Includes full lesson powerpoint that should cover approximately three lessons and supporting resources in word and pdf format. Professor Bunsen resources are tested in school and make the new GCSE in chemistry engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time! The accompanying worksheet allows students to practice and for you to give feedback and help them to improve. These resources have been prepared for the new GCSE science examination specifications that are new for first teaching in 2016. Fully resourced with Powerpoints, worksheets and lesson activities and key facts and opportunities for improvement and redrafting throughout.
AQA Chemistry 9-1 - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 1-3 Differentiated for Foundation Tier

AQA Chemistry 9-1 - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 1-3 Differentiated for Foundation Tier

These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. The sheets are differentiated specifically for foundation tier students. These 4 printable A3 mats cover quantitative unit 3 Mat 1 Elements compounds and mixtures Atomic structure Sub-atomic particles Separating mixtures Isotopes Mat 2 Timeline of the discovery of the structure of the atom Comparative sizes of atoms and nucleus Mat 3 Groups in the periodic table Periods in the periodic table Properties of elements with the same number of outer electrons Mendeleev’s periodic table Mat 4 Group 7 Group 0 Transition metals Group 1 Mat 5 Finding metals and non-metals on the periodic table Ionic, covalent and metallic bonding Metallic bonding diagram Mat 6 Ionic bonding dot and cross diagrams Covalent dot and cross diagrams Mat 7 Properties of covalent substances Properties of ionic compounds Mat 8 Properties of metals and ions How substances conduct electricity The particle model and states of matter Mat 9 Diamond’s properties and structure Graphite’s properties and structure Mat 10 Fullerenes structure and properties Graphene structure and properties Mat 11 The law of conservation of mass Understanding coefficients Understanding subscripts Mat 12 Calculations of relative formula mass Calculations of mean, range and uncertainty Changes in mass in reactions involving gases Mat 13 Concentrations in grams/dm3 Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams.
AQA GCSE Chemistry Unit 3 - End of unit test on quantitative chemistry, moles, yield, concentration

AQA GCSE Chemistry Unit 3 - End of unit test on quantitative chemistry, moles, yield, concentration

This is an end of unit test for unit 3 chemistry for the new specification AQA syllabus. Provided as editable word file - include your own school's logo Also viewable as pdf Full mark scheme provided. The test is designed to fit in a 1 hour lesson with time for distribution and collection and is provided with a MS. Tested in the classroom it differentiates well for students aiming for grades 4-9 for the new specification. Part A - recall of facts and equations Part B - application to examination questions Covers... 1) Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and quantitative interpretation of chemical equations 2) Use of moles 3) Maximum theoretical mass and use of moles to calculate this 4) Concentration of solution 5) Percentage yield 6) Atom economy 7) Volume of gas.
AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 3 Quantitative, Mass, Moles, Concentration,  PPTX

AQA Chemistry GCSE - Revision Mats/Grids for Unit 3 Quantitative, Mass, Moles, Concentration, PPTX

These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Now with typed and handwritten suggested answers. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount These printable A3 mats cover quantitative unit 3 Mat 1 1) Conservation of mass 2) Balanced chemical equations 3) Relative formula mass 4) Mass changes when a reactant or product is a gas 5) Chemical measurements including mean, range and uncertainty Mat 2 1) Moles 2) Avogadro 3) Amount of substances in equations 4) Using moles to balance equations Mat 3 1) Limiting reactants 2) Percentage yield 3) Yield 4) Atom economy of chemical reactions Mat 4 1) Concentrations of solutions 2) Changing the subject of an equation 3) Using concentrations of solutions in mol/dm3 4) Use of amount of substance in relation to volumes of gases Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams. All other units available separately and bundled.