Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
This is a single sheet revision resource, that when enlarged to A3, will provide your students with an overall view of every topic they need to revise for the main part of Crime and Punishment in a clearly organised format. I have used this with my lower ability students who like the idea that they can begin their revision using this sheet as their starting point.
Please make sure you understand that this is a single sheet resource that hopefully you can preview here.
Hopefully you can appreciate the amount of time that was spent producing this resource, hence the price I am asking.
Hopefully this will be a resource that can last many years.
I also have similar sheets for Nazi Germany, Elizabeth and the American West.
Save a lot of time by simply using this outline for a Curriculum Plan. Everything is ready for you to add in your topics, assessments, assessment objectives, school logo and more to fit your school’s curriculum needs.
It includes an example of a completed History Curriculum Map (colour), an editable outline/generic version (colour) and editable version (black and grey).
I have included instructions about how to edit where needed.
Hopefully, this can really help you out when being asked to produce something which is quite time consuming.
This is a new and updated series of 29 fact sheets spread over 29 power point slides. I have taken key information from a variety of text books such as Pearson and Hodder to produce these for teachers or parents who may wish to use them for revision, classroom learning or home learning. They cover all aspects of the Edexcel specification for GCSE History and are a suitable replacement for the text books.
These have taken many, many hours to complete and I hope that you can find them useful for your students.
2023 UPDATE: Please kindly note that all images including clipart, vectors, illustrations etc are in the public domain and classed as Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise stated in the notes below each slide. If you see any errors, please email be directly in the first instance.
NEW 2025/6 Spec In this lesson, students examine the reasons for the Elizabeth I’s execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1587 and its significance.
This lesson has been updated in line with the amended specification and exam questions ready for the 2025/6 examinations.
The lesson pack includes:
1 x fact sheet - The reasons for Mary, Queen of Scots’ execution (PDF & PPT)
1 x sample exam paper for students to practice questions linked to this topic.
1 x main PowerPoint
The main 11 slide PowerPoint contains:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Mary, Queen of Scots recap questions with answers
Slide 3: Starter Task - The reasons for and against Mary’s execution discussion and table fill with answers
Slide 4: Starter Task - Analysis of a painting of Mary’s execution.
Slide 5: Links to video clips covering the execution
Slide 6-7: Task 1 - Why was Mary executed sorting task with instructions.
Slide 8: Follow up questions
Slide 9-10: Practice exam/assessment questions
Slide 11: Fact sheet
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**In this lesson, students will go on the explain the main economic, social, religious and political causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536. **
This is a fully resourced lesson which includes a printable fact sheet as well as worksheets, discussion tasks, engaging background information, warm up tasks and learning reviews.
The downloaded lesson includes the following:
1x A4 printout worksheet - Sorting Task 1
1x A4 printout worksheet – Explaining the reasons Task 2
1x A4 printout – Basic Comprehension using the fact sheet.
1x main Power Point:
Slide 1: Title slide – The Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace
Slide 2: Main Lesson Aims
Slide 3: As You Enter Warm Up 1: What do we mean by a ‘revolt’, ‘rebellion’ or ‘uprising’?
Slide 4: As You Enter Warm Up 2: Thought provoking discussion questions about modern day protests.
Slide 5: Recap Activity: Why were the people of England angry and upset with the Dissolution of the Monasteries? Answers provided in a diagram.
Slide 6-8: Background Information: The initial events of the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Slide 9: Starter Task 2: Think and discuss question about the people involved in the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Slide 10: Task 1: Students use the A4 worksheet included in the resource to identify the main reasons for the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Slide 11: Task 2: Students write in the first person to explain why certain individuals and groups in society took part in the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Slide 12: Follow Up Challenge Questions.
Slide 13: Example exam questions.
Slide 14-15: Learning Review Activity – True or false? Answers provided.
Slide 16: Lesson Fact Sheet
I would be grateful if you could leave a review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you. Many thanks if you spend some of your valuable time doing this as feedback is highly valued.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This lesson is specifically created for Edexcel GCSE History (1-9) British Depth Study – Henry VIII & his Ministers. However, it can easily be adapted as a stand alone lesson to teach students about the structure and hierarachy of Tudor society and government for KS3/4/5.
This lesson (re-) introduces students to the historical figure of Henry VIII. Students then examine how early Tudor society was structured in the countryside and towns. It then examines how Henry VIII’s government was structured and the roles of the groups within this structure.
This is a fully resourced lesson which includes a printable fact sheet based on the GCSE Edexcel specification as well as worksheets, discussion tasks, engaging background information, warm up tasks and learning reviews.
The lesson includes the following:
Slide 1: Title slide – The features of Tudor Society and Government by 1509.
Slide 2-3: As You Enter Warm Up – What do you already know about Henry VIII? Includes a printable worksheet and hints.
Slide 4-5: Starter – Tudor Society Multiple Choice Quiz (with answers and explanations revealed).
Slide 6: Task 1 – Ordering the Tudor Social Hierarchy
Slide 7: A large and engaging diagram explaining the Tudor social hierarchy.
Slide 8: Printable worksheet
Slide 9: Follow Up Challenge Questions
Side 10-12: Practice Exam Questions with a model answer
Slide 13-14: Learning Review Quiz – With answers revealed
Slide 15: Lesson Fact Sheet – Based on the GCSE Edexcel Specification
Slide 16-18: Editable diagrams for each of the social hierarchies.
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you. Many thanks if you spend some of your valuable time doing this as feedback is highly valued.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This is the first of 10 lessons which cover the Historic Environment of the Paper 1 Unit Migrants in Britain c.800 - Present Day. The lesson provides an introduction to the unit as well as useful practice tasks which focus on the use of sources.
This is a free resource which will hopefully introduce you to the rest of the resources which are available for this topic.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This is a 29 page revision pack/home learning pack for the Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2 topic Early Elizabethan England’. Each slide contains all the information needed to study or revise for the exam paper in line with the Edexcel specification.
2023 Update - Please note that all images (clipart/vectors/illustrations) are in the public domain and are Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise attributed in the notes underneath each slide. If you believe there to be any errors, please email me in the first instance to resolve the issue.
Please be kind enough to leave positive feedback if you feel these are effective resources. Thank you.
This bundle includes all the lessons, resources and fact sheets you will need to teach Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain. The lessons cover the period 18th and 19th century which forms Unit 3 of the course.
Lesson 17 - The key individuals of the 18th & 19th century.
Lesson 18 - Pasteur’s Germ Theory
Lesson 19 - Robert Koch & his study of microbes
Lesson 20 - The work of Florence Nightingale
Lesson 21 - Improved hospital care
Lesson 22 - James Simpson & Anaesthetics/Chloroform
Lesson 23 - Joseph Lister & Antiseptics
Lesson 24 - The 1875 Public Health Act
Lesson 25 -Edward Jenner and Smallpox Vaccination
Lesson 26 -Cholera in London 1854
Lesson 27 - Explaining the developments of the 18th & 19th century.
This is the bundle for Unit 2 of the Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain topic. It includes all the resources you will need to deliver the unit.
Lesson 9: The causes of disease in the Renaissance
Lesson 10: Causes of Medical Progress
Lesson 11: Prevention and Treatment of Disease
Lesson 12: Care in Hospitals and Community
Lesson 13: Improvements in Medical Training
Lesson 14: Case Study: Andreas Vesalius
Lesson 15: Case Study: William Harvey
Lesson 16: Case Study: The Great Plague in London 1665
This is a bundle for the Unit 2 GCSE History Edexcel. The lesson bundle includes:
Lesson 10: The Homestead Act (1862)
Lesson 11: The Transcontinental Railroad
Lesson 12: Homesteaders and improved farming methods
Lesson 13: Increasing lawlessness in the American West
Lesson 14: The growth of the cattle industry
Lesson 15: The changing role of the cowboy
Lesson 16: Rivalry between Homesteaders and Ranchers
Lesson 17: The impact of cattle ranching, gold mining and the railroad on the Plains Indians
Lesson 18: Government Policies (Peace Plan and Indian Appropriations Act)
Lesson 19: Conflict of the Indian Wars - Little Crow’s War, the Sand Creek Massacre and Red Cloud’s War.
This bundle includes all of the lesson content and resources needed for the teaching of the American West Unit 1. Each lesson contains a fact sheet and printable worksheets. This means that no other resources are needed.
Lesson 1: An introduction to the American West
Lesson 2: Plains Indian Lifestyle and Beliefs
Lesson 3: The importance of the buffalo & horse
Lesson 4: Reasons for migration into the West
Lesson 5: The experiences of the Mormons & Donner Party
Lesson 6: US Government Policy towards the Plains Indians
Lesson 7: The problems of farming the Great Plains
Lesson 8: The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851
Lesson 9: Lawlessness & the Gold Rush
This bundle is for Edexcel GCSE History and includes all of the lessons and resources you will need for the teaching of Unit 3.
Lessons included:
Lesson 20: Further improvements to Farming
Lesson 21: The end of the Open Range
Lesson 22: The Exoduster Settlement
Lesson 23: The Oklahoma Land Rush
Lesson 24: Lawlessness - Billy the Kid and Wyatt Earp
Lesson 25: The Johnson County War
Lesson 26: The Battle of Little Bighorn
Lesson 27: The Wounded Knee Massacre
Lesson 28: The Extermination of the Buffalo
Lesson 29: Life on the Reservation
Lesson 30: The Dawes Act
This bundle contains all the lessons and resources you will need to teach the first unit for the Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1 topic, Migrants in Britain.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the skills and knowledge for the topic
Lesson 2: Why did migrant groups migrate to England between c.800 - c.1500?
Lesson 3: The experiences of Migrant groups in Medieval England
Lesson 4: The Impact of Migrant groups in Medieval England
Lesson 5: CASE STUDY - The Vikings in York
These lessons contain at least one fact sheet about the topic to replace any need for a text book.
This bundle contains everything you need to teach Unit 2 (Migration in Early Modern England). With all of these lessons there is no need for any additional text books as fact sheets for each lesson are included (they have been adapted from both Pearson and Oxford GCSE History text books).
Lesson 6: What changes were there in English society?
Lesson 7: Which groups migrated to England and why?
Lesson 8: What were the experiences of the migrant groups?
Lesson 9: What impact did the migrant groups have on England?
Lesson 10: Case Study - The Flemish and Walloon weavers in Sandwich and Canterbury
Lesson 11: Case Study - The success of Huguenot migrants in Soho and Spitalfields, London.
This is the final set of lessons needed to teach Unit 4 of the Edexcel GCSE History Migrants in Britain. Each lesson contains a variety of tasks and activities aimed at all levels along with example exam questions, discussion tasks and learning reviews. In addition, you will also find a fact sheet for each lesson which is based on information from all GCSE text books. Therefore, there is no need for any other resources such as text books.
Lesson 18: The changes to society in the period c.1900-present
Lesson 19: The impact of both world wars on migration to Britain
Lesson 20: Migration to Britain after 1945 to the present day
Lesson 21: The experiences of migrants in Britain during the world wars.
Lesson 22: The experiences of black and Asian migrants to Britain after the world wars
Lesson 23: The impact of migration on Britain in the modern period.
Lesson 24: Case Study - Caribbean migrants to Bristol
Lesson 25: Case Study - Asian migrants to Leicester
This bundle provides you with the first 8 lessons needed to teach the topic USA Home & Abroad. It has a focus on the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s. The lessons included in this bundle all include facts sheets based on the Edexcel specification which means no other resources/text books will be needed.
Lesson 1: Discrimination and Racism in the 1950s
Lesson 2: The work of civil rights organisations such as CORE and NAACP
Lesson 3: The Brown vs. Topeka Case (1954)
Lesson 4: The events at Little Rock High School (1957)
Lesson 5: The causes and events of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Lesson 6: The Impact, Court Case and Consequences of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Lesson 7: The Civil Rights Act (1957) and SCLC
Lesson 8: Opposition to Civil Rights and the murder of Emmett Till
This bundle contains all of the resources and lessons you will need to teach Edexcel GCSE History Migration in Britain Historic Environment about Notting Hill (c.1948-c.1970). Each lesson comes with its own information sheet which means there is no requirement for any additional text books. Each lesson also contains practice exam questions, exam answer guides, printable worksheets as well as a number of varied learning activities. The lessons you will receive will be:
Lesson 1: An introduction to the knowledge and skills of the Historic Environment
Lesson 2: The impact of the war on life in Britain and Notting Hill
Lesson 3: The reasons why Caribbean migrants came to Britain and Notting Hill
Lesson 4: Housing conditions in Notting Hill
Lesson 5: The impact of Caribbean cultures in Notting Hill
Lesson 6: Racism and the police in Notting Hill
Lesson 7: The Notting Hill Race Riots (1958)
Lesson 8: The murder of Kelso Cochrane (1959)
Lesson 9: Black Activism - Claudia Jones (West Indian Gazette/Caribban Carnival) and the British Black Panthers
Lesson 10: Black Activism - Frank Crichlow and the trial of the ‘Mangrove Nine’.
This bundle of lessons includes all of the resources you will need to teach Unit/Key Topic 2 of the Paper 3 Home & Abroad topic. This second unit has a focus on the campaign for civil rights from the 1960s to 1975.
The lessons in this bundle are:
Lesson 9: The Greensboro Sit in, Freedom Riders and James Meredith
Lesson 10: Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights Campaign in Birmingham
Lesson 11: The Freedom Summer, Mississippi Murders and Selma
Lesson 12: The role of President Kennedy & Johnson with the Civil Rights Act (1964) and Voting Rights Act (1965)
Lesson 13: Malcom X and the Black Power movement
Lesson 14: The Stokley Carmichael and the Black Panthers
Lesson 15: The Watts Riots and Kerner Report
Lesson 16: The Assassination of Martin Luther King and the Progress of Civil Rights by 1975.
Each lesson includes two different fact sheets based on the Edexcel specification. Therefore, you will not need to use or need any other resources alongside these lessons.
Please be kind enough to leave a review if you have found the lessons useful.