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Mr Morton Science

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Full time science teacher, taught science in the UK and abroard for 13 years at many schools and universities. Currently teaching Chemistry in Qatar.




Full time science teacher, taught science in the UK and abroard for 13 years at many schools and universities. Currently teaching Chemistry in Qatar.
Risks and Variables

Risks and Variables

This worksheet challenges pupils to think about the risks involved with their investigations and to prioritise them as if they were producing a risk assessment. I will be updating this later as I have some ideas for a more engaging challenge for the pupils to complete. Controlled Assessment, CA, risks, variables, hazards, risk assessment
Why do we see rainbows?

Why do we see rainbows?

Activities related to light and colour. Includes literacy exercise as well as white board exercises related to remembering the colours of the rainbow. Also includes stroop test. Rainbow, prism, stroop, colour, light, diffraction, dispersion, literacy *Updated with new files to fix broken links
Investigation of Reflection

Investigation of Reflection

Pupils have an investigation written for them and will follow the instructions to produce their version of the experiment. This can be used as an introduction to the practical or after they have carried out the practical themselves. Depending on how you use this it can take from 15 minutes to 45. Also suitable for homework as everything is included. literacy, method, practical, experiment, reflection, graph, conclusion
Socrative Quizes: Common Science Misconceptions

Socrative Quizes: Common Science Misconceptions

In this activity plan you will find the SOC codes to import my quiz to your Socrative room. This is a great revision activity that you can use with the whole class as starters, plenaries, or to consolidate learning on 'making cars&'! If you are not familiar with Socrative, I explain the key steps of this great interactive teaching tool. Includes Misconceptions and literacy questions.
XKCD Plenarys & Homeworks; science comics

XKCD Plenarys & Homeworks; science comics

UPDATE: 20 more slides added in 2nd presentation. Use these popular webcomics (open source) to spice up your plenary or homework activities, these multifaceted comics are great for stimulating further learning or emphasising a certain point of your lesson. Includes two different activities described and nearly 100 different science related cartoons ranging from KS3 to A-level and beyond. Covering topics as varied as genetics, elements, forces and the scientific method.
Investigating the Strength of a Magnet Circus

Investigating the Strength of a Magnet Circus

Equipment is distributed around the room as per the equipment on each of the activities. Pupils are split into groups and given 5-10 minutes at each station to carry out the experiment as per the instructions and evaluate how good it is at testing the strength if magnet. Pupils will be able to talk about ( in their own words) judgement, reliability, accuracy and wether or not these are fair tests - all whilst reinforcing their experiences with magnets. I print and laminate the sheets and add my own diagrams with marker to suit the equipment available in the particular school/lesson.