A single worksheet of 20 questions with answers. The task is to estimate square roots of numbers such as 7, rounding them to the nearest whole number and using the inequality symbol for approximation.
KS2 Worksheets and help sheet. 5 worksheets with answers. Task is to list factors of 2 numbers, and then to identify the greatest (or highest) common factor. There are 10 questions on each worksheet.
3 sets of 5 worksheets with answers. Each worksheet has 10 questions where the pupil has to provide the first 5 multiples of a given number. Each set has a different number range (1-12, 1-20, 1-99), which allows for easy differentiation.
For KS2 pupils working on fractions. 5 worksheets with answers. 10 questions per sheet where pupils are given pairs of numbers and have to find the lowest common multiple. Preparation for addition and subtraction of fractions.
Pupils often find decimal place value difficult even after they have grasped it for whole numbers. These differentiated worksheets give plenty of practice at putting decimals in order.
PDF presentation for KS2 maths. 20 slides in all - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (5 on each operation). 3 colour coded levels on each screen, so that the same topic can be practised in a mixed age or mixed ability setting. Separate zip folders contain questions and answers separately if you don't want them all merged into a single presentation. Use the material as a quick fire test if you like, using the accompanying test sheets.
3 sets of 5 worksheets with answers. Lowest level has numbers to 20 to convert from Roman to Arabic numerals, Level 2 is working with numbers to 100, and Level 3 to 1000. Help sheet included. Suitable for KS2/3.
Two sets of five worksheets. The easier set has just the Celsius scale displayed on the thermometer. The more difficult shows both Celsius and Fahrenheit. In both sets, pupils have to read temperatures in Celsius only. Useful real-world application of negative numbers.
A PowerPoint game to reinforce learning of number bonds to 10. Pupils have to find pairs of numbers that make 10 in order to win a series of toys and place them on a shelf. Wrong answers send them back to the start of the game.
Year 1 objectives:
-solve one-step problems that involve addition
-represent and use number bonds within 20
A thirty minute quiz activity for testing subject knowledge, encouraging discussion, and generating enthusiasm in any classroom. Hardly any teacher preparation is required.
This quiz format can be used for any subject. The teacher makes a list of 20 questions on the topic pupils are working on. These can be delivered orally or typed onto the on screen blackboard. There is an optional one minute timer (with sound effects) to focus thinking. Pupils are divided into four mixed ability teams, with one pupil white board per team for writing answers. Scores for correct answers are added to the on screen display. (They can also be deducted if necessary.
NOTE: You need to ensure that macros are enabled on your computer in order for the on screen blackboard to work. A security warning will appear when you load the file asking if you want to enable content.
KS2 resource. 5 worksheets on equivalent fractions. 20 questions on each, all the same level, with denominators of 2 and 4. Pupils have to find the numerator of one equivalent fraction. Answer sheets provided. Also included is a simple help sheet which could be distributed to pupils as support or used as a classroom poster.
25 fractions worksheets with answers. Suitable for KS2. 2 activities consist of shading given fractions of rectangles. The other three, of identifying the fraction of a rectangle that has been shaded. Each zip file contains 5 versions of the same worksheet. Good for providing lots of practice at same level, or for testing purposes, to make sure pupils work independently.
KS2 Resources. Zip file contains 5 worksheets on equivalent fractions where the task is to supply a missing numerator or denominator. Denominators: 2,3,4,5. Answers supplied. 2 Simple help sheets included.
KS2 resource. Zip file containing 5 worksheets on equivalent fractions. 20 questions on each, all the same level, with denominators of 2,3,4,5. Task is to find the missing denominator of one equivalent fraction. Also included is a simple help sheet which could be distributed to pupils or used as display.
5 worksheets with answers. The task is to find a percentage of a given number under 200 (e.g. 15% of 125). The percentages required are multiples of 5 up to and including 50%. Pupils need to be able to give answers in decimals. Suitable for upper KS2 or KS3.
Differentiated worksheets for KS2/3. Three levels, each with five worksheets with answers. The lowest level has a limited range of easy denominators. The middle level has denominators from 2-12, and the highest level has mixed numbers. Questions and answers presented in lowest terms.
A zip file containing 5 worksheets with answers. The task is to list the prime factors of numbers. The accompanying help sheet shows how factor trees can be used to find prime factors.