I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This is a set of money worksheets relating to working out change from €5 and €10 notes and answering money word problems. You can use these worksheets as an extension to your lesson, as worksheets for early finishers or for group work.
Updated May 17, 2022
I have now included two versions of the original worksheets which you can still download. Worksheets versions 2 and 3 show the different ways euros and cents are written.
Teacher Notes
Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from €5/5€
Students deduct the price of the item bought from €5/€5.
Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from €10/10€
Students deduct the price of the item bought from €10/10€.
Worksheet on doubling money and associated word problems
In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. doubling the price of each item.
In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1.
Worksheet on halving money and associated word problems
In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. halving the price of each item.
In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1.
All worksheets come with Answer Sheets and there are black and white duplicates of colour images.
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This resource relates to column subtraction using place values Hundreds Tens and Ones/Units by subtracting 2 digits from 3 digits and subtracting 3-digit from 3-digit equations with no grouping. If you are introducing 3 digit column subtraction and/or you want your students to practise column subtraction incorporating place value knowledge then these worksheets are ideal to your math lessons.
Information/Anchor Sheets (Option to laminate)
Write and Solve Column Subtraction Worksheets A to C
Subtraction 2-digit from 3-digit Column Subtraction (4 pages)
Subtract 3-digit Column Subtraction Practice (5 pages)
Column Subtraction Match Up (8 pages)
PDF Fillable Worksheets – Students use the Highlight Text pen and Arrow tools.
You can use the worksheets in small or large group settings. You may want to start your students off by re-writing conventional subtraction equations into columnar form. They can then progress on to subtracting 2 digits from 3 digit columnar subtraction and then subtracting two 3-digit equations.
The subtraction match up activity involves two skills:
Students solve each equation/sum.
Draw a line to match up their answers to the correct number word.
Answers are included.
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This resource relates to column addition using place values Hundreds Tens and Ones/Units by adding 3 digits to 2 digits and two 3-digit equations with no grouping. If you are introducing 3 digit column addition and/or you want your students to practice column addition and place value (how to write horizontal addition sums correctly in columnar form) then you can add these worksheets to your maths lessons.
Information/Anchor Sheets (Option to laminate)
Write and Solve Column Addition Worksheets A to C
Add 3-digit to 2-digit Column Addition (4 pages)
Add 3-digit to 3-digit Column Addition Practice (5 pages)
PDF Fillable Worksheets for adding 3-digit to 2-digit and 3-digit to 3-digit sums
Column Addition Match Up – Add two 3-digit sums (5 pages)
Column Addition Match Up – Add 3-digit and 2-digit (3 pages)
You can use the worksheets in small or large group settings. You may want to start your students off by re-writing conventional addition equations into columnar form. They can then progress on to adding 2 digit to 3 digit column addition and then adding together two 3-digit equations.
The addition match up activity involves two skills:
Students solve each equation/sum.
Draw a line to match up their answers to the correct number word.
Answers are included.
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You may be interested in Column Subtract 3 Digits No Borrowing
This product relates to 2D apple shapes and contains 4 sets of worksheets/activities and teachers notes. You have the option of printing the worksheets in colour or b/w. Students are not always sitting at their desks as there is a write the room activity to get them moving around.
Match up 2D apples shapes to 2D shapes with Answer Sheets
Write the room activity: Worksheets A-D and 2D apple shape cards to cut out and laminate
Crack the code vowels activity: Naming the 2D shapes with Answer Sheets
Counting 2D apples shapes with Answer Sheets
Black and white worksheets and 2D shapes cards included
The shapes are: circle, semi-circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, heart, crescent, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, parallelogram and rhombus (diamond).
Write the Room with 2D apple shape cards
Worksheets A to D (differentiated) with guidelines, without guidelines and trace over shape words.
Direction: Laminate the 2D shape cards (17) and cut out. Place the cards around the classroom. Ensure each student has the same worksheet letter, e.g. Worksheet A, with clipboard and pencil. As students move around the class individually or as a pair, they find the matching shapes that are on their worksheet and write the name of the shapes. When they complete a worksheet, you can give out the next worksheet and repeat the activity.
As well as counting 2D apples shapes on trees, there is a crack the code vowel activity. In place of vowels are autumn pictures which students work out using the code table to write the name of the shapes.
This is a lovely autumn product which you can also use all year round to review shapes. You can extend the activities by asking students to count the sides of the shapes and which shapes have curved and/or straight sides.
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This resource contains a variety of fun apple dice related addition and number sense worksheets.
Addition doubles
Addition near doubles
Counting on to add apple-themed dice
Drawing missing apples on dice to make sum/equation correct
Drawing missing apples on first dice to make sum correct
Writing addition number sentences (with two dice)
Writing addition number sentences (with three dice)
Number work - Match up number of apples on dice to numerals
Product also includes b/w worksheets and Answer Sheets.
Addition doubles
Objective: To know the same number added together is doubling.
Students will see the same number of apples on each dice which they should add together and write the total.
Near doubles
Students should use their knowledge of doubles to quickly work out the answers to the near doubles sums.
Counting on to add
Objective: To start from any number and count on.
Students will practice counting on from any number by putting the first number in their head and then counting the number of apples on the dice.
Missing apples equation (2 Sets of worksheets)
Students work out how many apples are missing from the dice and then draw them to balance the equation.
Writing addition number sentences (with 2 dice)
Two dice are shown – students write number sentences by looking at the number of apples on each dice. The first sum is completed as an example.
Writing addition number sentences (with 3 dice)
Three dice are shown – students write number sentences by looking at the number of apples on each dice. The first sum is completed as an example.
Number work
Students count all the apples on the dice and then draw a line to match the total number counted to the correct numeral.
If you are doing a topic on apples/fruits or on fall/autumn themes, then this would be an ideal resource to add to your lessons.
Thank you for visiting.:)
This super bundle combines different topics relating to St Patrick’s Day. Other resources will be included as I create more resources relating to St Patrick’s Day celebrations.
Please preview individual resources within the bundles for full description.
Thank you for your interest.:)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!:)
St Patrick’s Literacy Bundle
St Patrick’s Maths/Numeracy Bundle
This growing bundle contains St Patrick’s Day themed maths/numeracy resources. As I make new resources, it will be added to the bundle and the price will increase.
However, any new products added after you have bought the bundle means you can just download the new product with no additional price to pay which is great news if you are looking for a deal.:)
Please check the individual products for content.
Thank you for stopping by my shop!:)
You may be interested in the St Patrick’s Day Super Bundle which contains literacy and more.
This is a St Patrick’s Day themed product and relates to telling time to the hour and half hour using analogue and digital clocks.
• Worksheets: What Time Is It? (2x Differentiated)
• Worksheets A-D: Matching Digital Clock Times (Multiple-Choice)
• Worksheets A – C: Write Matching Digital Times
• Worksheets A – C: Telling Time To The Half Hour Clock Match
• Worksheets 1 – 4: Reading sentences to fill in digital clock times.
Answer Sheets are included together with colour and b/w worksheets.
Learning objectives: To reinforce reading and writing analogue and digital times. To be able to match half hour analogue times to digital clocks.
Thank you for visiting my shop.:)
A4 and US size worksheets
This bundle contains Easter maths activities, worksheets, lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations.
It is a growing bundle and so more resources will be added to it relating to Easter. As I add more resources the price will increase.
Take Advantage of buying a growing bundle early:
Any additional new resources can be downloaded at no extra cost, even when the price has been increased.
Please read descriptions of individual products.
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This product contains 5 sets of cut and paste activities relating to adding up Australian dollars and cents, and sorting the correct amount of money to pay for an item. Students look at how much each item costs, cut out the coins, sort, total the amount and decide which combination of coins to stick below each picture so that they add up to the same price as the item.
Beneficial resource to assess and review student’s knowledge of coins and value and using exact change to pay for items using different denominations.
You can incorporate these worksheets into your lesson and/or use as reviewing money.
Please see preview pane.
Items up to 25c (inc. b/w worksheets)
Items more than 25c to 50c (inc. b/w worksheets)
Items more than 50c to 95c (inc. b/w worksheets)
Items $1.00 to $1.50 (inc. b/w worksheets)
Items more than $1.50 to to $2.00 (inc. b/w worksheets)
Just view the pages you need to print off and hand out to your students.
NB: Only the 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1 and $2 coins are used.
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This product relates to apple-themed data and graphing. Included in the product are worksheets on tallying, reading a pictograph and block graphs together with answer sheets and teacher notes.
Tally chart and interpreting data
Looking at a ready-made pictograph and answering questions
Block graph:
- reading data
- complete a tally chart
- complete a block graph
- answering questions on the block graph
Do Your Own Survey (Optional group activity)
Flash cards of a variety of apples (color/bw) - cut out the individual images
Pictures you can show for the pictograph activity (color/bw) -
Just print out the worksheets.
Optional: print out picture cards, laminate and cut out.
Students will:
complete a tally chart and answer 7 questions
look at a pictograph to interpret the information and 11 answer questions
complete a block graph from data supplied and 12 answer questions
Teacher notes outline each of the above and suggests how you can start the lesson to create interest. You could bring in a variety of apples and/or use the pictures of apples.
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This product is included the Apple Bundle.
This activity pack contains telling the time and clock resources for practical activities to reinforce learning of time and having fun at the same time.
Just print out bingo cards - whole page size ready to use
Ideally print off the other resources onto cardstock, laminate and cut apart - use again and again.
Editable Call out cards
6 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock times
20 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock and half past times
40 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock, half past, quarter before/after times
5 sets of Domino cards – print off, laminate, cut out - (analog/digital)
Set of clocks - to print off and ideally laminate - can use for time snap and/or sequencing time activity
Practical Activities you can set up for students to play:
Time bingo (analog clocks) use with non-permanent dry-erase pens
Clock sort – e.g. mix up the clocks and students sort clockwise the times from 1 o’ clock to 12 o’clock.
Children can play time snap – Print the larger clocks several times.
Match-up activity - Say a time and the children pick either the word card or the clock that matches that time.
Play clock dominoes (analog/digital)– reinforce reading the time.
Resources are editable.
All resources contained in a folder within a zip file - right click with mouse to open zip file and then open the folder.
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This activity pack contains telling the time clock resources for practical activities to reinforce learning of time and having fun at the same time.
Bingo cards are whole page size - print and laminate
Ideally print out the other resources onto card paper, laminate and cut out - use again and again.
Editable Call out cards
6 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock times
20 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock and half past times
40 Clock bingo cards – showing o’clock, half past, quarter before/after times
5 sets of Domino cards – print off, laminate, cut out - (analogue/digital)
Set of clocks - to print off and laminate - can use for time snap and/or sequencing time activity
Practical Activities you can set up for students to play:
Time bingo (analogue clocks) use with non-permanent dry-erase pens
Clock sort – mix up the clocks and students sort clockwise the times from 1 o’ clock to 12 o’clock.
Children can play time snap – Print the larger clocks several times.
You can say a time and the children pick either the word card or the clock that matches that time.
Play clock dominoes (analogue/digital)– reinforce reading the time.
Resources are editable.
All resources contained in a folder within a zip file - right click with mouse to open zip file and then open the folder.
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This is a growing Thanksgiving bundle which will contain worksheets, activities, presentations relating to Thanksgiving/harvest.
Thanksgiving assembly - PowerPoint presentation and worksheets
Thanksgiving mixed math
Pumpkin Pie Faces Emotions/Feelings worksheets
CVC Words Rhyming Pictures Trace Write Worksheets
Please see descriptions of individual products for more information.
Thank you for your interest and visiting my shop.:)
Christmas-themed resource relates to counting, reading and writing numbers in figures and words and simple tallying work to 5 and then 10 and extension work to complete a simple block graph (5 columns). Also includes matching numbers to number words and cut and paste activities.
Consolidate and assess student learning in previous weeks - counting and reading and writing numbers in words and figures.
Optional: Laminate the activity worksheets that are in colour - Counting presents under the Christmas trees and ‘How many baubles on the reindeer?’ - for repeated use with dry-wipe pens.
Content and description:
Worksheets A-C: Counting baubles on the reindeer numbers up to 5 and
Worksheets D-I: Counting baubles on the reindeer numbers 6 to 20
Worksheets A -I: Counting presents under the Christmas tree numbers up to ten. (Answer Sheets included)
Worksheets 1 and 2: Counting baubles on wreaths – Students count the baubles and then circle the correct number or number word.
Activity Sheets 1 to 14: Cut and Paste activity - Students read the number word and then cut out the same number of presents to glue under the tree.
There is a separate sheet with presents to cut out and glue onto Activity Sheets. Numbers go up to 20 - Ideal for early finishers.
• Please Help Santa worksheets (7 pages)
Matching numbers to number word activity - students draw a line from each house number to match the number word on Santa’s sack so that he can deliver the presents to the correct house- numbers up to 20
Beginning to tally to 5 and then 10 (Answers included)
• Worksheet 1: Students count the different baubles up to 5 and do tally marks.
• Worksheet 2: Students count the Christmas pictures and tally up to 10.
• Worksheet 3: Students answers questions about the tally chart
• Worksheet 4 - Extension: Complete a block graph based on the data on Worksheet 2.
For US version:
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Christmas-themed resource relates to counting, reading and writing numbers in figures and number words and simple tallying work to 5 and then 10 and extension work to complete a simple block graph (5 columns). Also includes counting and matching numbers to number words.
Consolidate and assess student learning in previous weeks - counting and reading and writing numbers in words and figures.
Optional: Laminate the activity worksheets that are in color - Counting presents under the Christmas trees and ‘How many baubles on the reindeer?’ - for repeated use with dry-wipe pens.
Worksheets A-C: Counting baubles on the reindeer numbers up to 5
Worksheets D-I: Counting baubles on the reindeer number 6 to 20
Worksheets A -I: Counting presents under the Christmas tree numbers up to ten. (Answer Sheets)
Worksheets 1 and 2: Counting baubles on wreaths – Students count the baubles and then circle the correct number or number word.
Activity Sheets 1 to 14: Cut and Paste activity - Students read the number word and then cut out the same number of presents to glue under the tree. There is a separate sheet with presents to cut out and glue onto Activity Sheets. Numbers go up to 20 - Ideal for centers.
• Please Help Santa worksheets (7 pages)
Matching numbers to number word activity - students draw a line from each house number to match the number word on Santa’s sack so that he can deliver the presents to the correct house- numbers up to 20
Beginning to tally to 5 and then 10 (Answers included)
• Worksheet 1: Students count the different baubles up to 5 and do tally marks.
• Worksheet 2: Students count the Christmas pictures and tally up to 10.
• Worksheet 3: Students answers questions about the tally chart
• Worksheet 4 - Extension: Complete a block graph based on the data on Worksheet 2.
For UK version:
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This bundle contains all the materials on 2D and 3D shapes.
Lesson Plans
PowerPoint Presentations
Properties of shapes
Learning about repeating patterns
Themed subjects - relating solid shapes to objects in the environment.
Word Searches
2D and 3D Jigsaw Puzzles
There is a lot of opportunities for children to explore shapes in all the products.
<strong>Please see individual product descriptions.</strong>
Also included is a Christmas-themed resource on 3D shapes.
Thank you for taking an interest.
This product is covers 3D shapes that students might see in the shops during the Christmas period. Resource includes matching shapes and cut and paste activities. Updated with additional new worksheets and picture cards.
PowerPoint Presentation - displays 3D shapes and a chart detailing their properties and pictures of 3D objects.
There is a very short text on Len who is excited when he sees all the shapes he’s been learning about. There is a whole class activity on matching shapes and objects.
Lesson Plan - (Learning objectives set out in the plan) - Lesson starter on quick review of 2D shapes and then the main activity on 3D shapes, referring to PowerPoint Slides, and a plenary.
Worksheets - Activity 1 - cut/paste to decorate a Christmas tree with 3D objects, Activities 2 and 3 - Matching objects to 3D shapes with Answer Sheet.
Please see preview pane for new worksheets added and pictures cards for practical matching activities.
File type: PowerPoint, Word and pdf on Activity.
US Version available
I hope you enjoy using this resource.
This product relates 3D shapes that students might see in the stores during the Christmas period. Resource includes matching 3D shapes and cut and paste activities. Now updated with additional worksheets and picture cards.
PowerPoint Presentation - displays 3D shapes and a chart detailing their properties and pictures of 3D objects.
There is a very short text on Len who is excited when he sees all the shapes he’s been learning about. There is a whole class activity on matching shapes and objects.
Lesson Plan - (Learning objectives set out in the plan) - Lesson starter on quick review of 2D shapes and then the main activity on 3D shapes, referring to PowerPoint Slides, and a summing up of the lesson.
Worksheets - Activity 1 - cut/paste to decorate a Christmas tree with 3D objects, Activities 2 and 3 - Matching objects to 3D shapes with Answer Sheet.
Please see preview pane for additional new worksheets and pictures cards for matching activities. The lesson plan has also been updated.
File type: PowerPoint, Word and pdf .
UK Version
I hope you enjoy using this resource.
This bundle of math resources contains a variety of Christmas-themed worksheets for counting, number tracing, tens frames, geometry and fun activities. There are posters and flash cards for hands-on which you can incorporate into your lessons, and PowerPoint presentations for whole class interaction.
Picture cards for counting
Digit cards up to 20
Using Tens Frames and Number tracks
Cut and Paste Activities
3D Shapes
Christmas Repeating Patterns
Please see full descriptions of individual products.
Advantages of purchasing early:
In time, more resources will be added to this bundle, so it is cheaper if you purchase now. For each new product that is added, the bundle price will increase, but if you purchased the bundle before new products are added, you do not need to pay for new products - just download whatever is added to bundle!:)
You may be interested in UK Version:
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