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Robbot Resources

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Welcome to my TES shop! I am a subject leader for ICT & Computer Science, creating and sharing resources to support teachers in delivering ICT, Computer Science, Computational Thinking and the Digital Competence Framework. For more resources, visit robbotresources.com email: robbotresources@outlook.com




Welcome to my TES shop! I am a subject leader for ICT & Computer Science, creating and sharing resources to support teachers in delivering ICT, Computer Science, Computational Thinking and the Digital Competence Framework. For more resources, visit robbotresources.com email: robbotresources@outlook.com
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science: KS4 Algorithm Design

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science: KS4 Algorithm Design

Introduce your students to key algorithm design techniques with this resource! Within this unit of work your students will: Learn how to write algorithms using both symbols (flowchart) and written notation (pseudocode). Learn how to write algorithms using structured techniques including: * Sequencing * Selection * Iteration (looping) Gain understanding of the need for accuracy when writing algorithms. Practice debugging your code. This resource includes explanations of each algorithm design technique as well as clear structured examples of how to write them using both flowchart and pseudocode. After each technique has been explained, students have the opportunity to apply their understanding within an activity which includes higher ability expectations. A final Rookie, Pro and Beast algorithm design challenge has also been included as well as suggested solutions for each activity.
Computational Thinking Starter Puzzles

Computational Thinking Starter Puzzles

Get your students into the right mindset from the off with these fantastic starter activities! With 20 different puzzles for your students to try and solve, there are enough activities to cover a full 8 week term! This resource includes a range of puzzles such as code breaking, symbol grids, number pyramids, understanding algorithms and many more! Solutions included!
Computer Science: What's Inside a Computer?

Computer Science: What's Inside a Computer?

This poster was created to accompany the KS3 computer systems work, however is also applicable for primary computing. I have identified the key components of a computer and presented them along with real life image examples of the internal components of a computer. Please feel free to download and display on your classroom walls!
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Revision Pack

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Revision Pack

10 Resources
This bundle has been created to support students in their revision for their GCSE Computer Science Exams. It contains the following: GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Flash Activity Sheets GCSE Computer Science Vocabulary - Interactive Booklet GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Knowledge Organiser: Computer Systems GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: Impact of Digital Technology on Society GCSE Computer Science: Revision Clock
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Vocabulary - Interactive Booklet

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Vocabulary - Interactive Booklet

This comprehensive resource covers all the key areas of study for Computer Science, with particular focus on the AQA exam board, however, the concepts are applicable to all. This resource contains a comprehensive range of keywords and terms as well as definitions, explanations and diagrams to support student understanding within the following areas of the curriculum: Computational Thinking Algorithm Design Data Types Programming Concepts 1 Programming Concepts 2 Arithmetic Operations Relational & Boolean Operations Data Structures String Handling Operations Classification of Programming Languages Number Bases Units of Information Character encoding Data Representation Data Compression Computer Systems 1 Computer Systems 2 Storage Computer Networks 1 Computer Networks 2 Cyber Security Social Engineering Malicious Code Prevention of Cyber Security Threats Impact of Digital Technology on Society This resource contains: an interactive PDF vocabularly booklet (includes navigation links for quick access to different topics) an interactive ppt for teachers to use for whole class discussion a standard ppt to be used to create paper copies of the booklet a vocabulary list Please Leave a Review!
Graphic Design and Animation with Fireworks

Graphic Design and Animation with Fireworks

Introduce your students to key graphic design and animation techniques using these two resources! No prior experience needed, the aim of these tutorials is to introduce complete beginners to using Fireworks graphic design software! Start your students on learning the basic concepts of graphic design. In this tutorial they will learn how to: create a new canvas and edit it add vector shapes layering using creative shape fills using filters group shapes and images add an external image onto Fireworks use the magic wand tool transform an image use the brush tool add text use the eraser zoom in and out Challenge tasks to demonstrate the use of each skill have been included. Once your students have grasped these skills, introduce them to frame-by-frame animation. In this tutorial they will learn how to: prepare a document for animating use states use the onion skin tool create frame-by-frame animation save an animation project convert an animation into a gif create a new scene An animation challenge and extension task has been included within this tutorial too.
Computational Thinking for KS3 & KS4

Computational Thinking for KS3 & KS4

4 Resources
If you teach computer science, you don’t want to miss out on this! This bundle includes both my two most popular Computational Thinking resources: Computational Thinking for KS3 and Computational Thinking for KS4. Includes a combination of informative explanations for each concept of Computational Thinking and activities to give students the opportunity to practice and refine their new skills. Both resources include age appropriate ‘real world’ Computational Thinking mini projects to help refine their logical problem solving skills even further. Also includes my two most popular Computational Thinking poster sets!


16 Resources
This bundle contains all my popular premium Computational Thinking teaching resources as well as all my Computational Thinking posters and activities as seen within my shop. This bundle includes: Computational Thinking for KS3 Computational Thinking for KS4 Computational Thinking Problem Solving Computational Thinking: Create an Interactive Story Computational Thinking: Code Breaking KS3 Algorithm Design: Year 7 KS3 Algorithm Design: Year 8 KS4 Algorithm Design Computational Thinking Starter Puzzles ROB-BOT! Card Game Buy all these resources together and save almost 25% off individual retail price!
KS3 Computer Systems & Networks

KS3 Computer Systems & Networks

7 Resources
This resource bundle includes Robbot Resources Computer Systems for year 7 and 8 and my KS3 Networks & Network Security unit of work. Each resource includes a range of engaging activities, explanations and a final assessment. Answer booklets are also included for each unit of work. Also includes knowledge organisers and revision sheets to help student prepare for their end of unit assessments. Save yourself the hassle of creating your own resources and download my resources today!
KS3 Computer Science: Networks

KS3 Computer Science: Networks

Computer Science: Introduction to Networks for KS3 students The aim of this unit of work is to introduce KS3 students to computer networks. Within this unit of work, students will learn the following: What will you learn? To understand what is meant by a Local Area Network (LAN). Hardware required Methods of connection (WiFi & Ethernet cable) To understand what is meant by a Wide Area Network (WAN). Methods to connect (GPRS, mobile, telephone cables & satellite). To understand how peripheral devices can connect to a computer system using a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). Methods to connect (Bluetooth). Understand the following methods of keeping you computer secure on a computer network: - Firewall - Anti-malware - Passwords - Encryption This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems. Please note two practical activities require the use of rope to create a human networks! A final assessment is also included. Teacher answer PowerPoint also included. **Please leave a review!
KS3 Computer Systems Bundle

KS3 Computer Systems Bundle

5 Resources
This bundle includes both my year 7 and year 8 Computer Systems units of work! What you will learn within the year 7 unit of work: To show understanding of the difference between input and output devices with suitable examples. To understand the difference between internal and external devices with suitable examples. To describe the different types of storage: Magnetic, Optical and Solid State. To understand the role and purpose of the CPU and the relationship with RAM (Fetch-Execute Cycle). To show an understanding of an embedded system including suitable examples. What you will learn within the year 8 unit of work: Explain factors affecting CPU performance. Clock Speed Cache Size Number of Cores RAM, ROM and Virtual Memory – understanding of differences between volatile and non-volatile memory. Explain factors affecting secondary storage. Cost Capacity Speed Portability Understand the Fetch – Execute Cycle. Both units of work include a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems. Knowledge organisers, revision sheets and final assessments are also included. Teacher answer powerpoints for both units of work are also included. **Please leave a review!
KS3 Computer Science: Computer Systems Year 8

KS3 Computer Science: Computer Systems Year 8

Introduction to computer systems for year 8 students. The aim of this unit of work is to build upon the knowledge and understanding of computer systems developed within KS3 Computer Science: Computer Systems Year 7. What are we learning? Explain factors affecting CPU performance. Clock Speed Cache Size Number of Cores RAM, ROM and Virtual Memory – understanding of differences between volatile and non-volatile memory. Explain factors affecting secondary storage. Cost Capacity Speed Portability Understand the Fetch – Execute Cycle. This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems. A final assessment is also included. Teacher answer powerpoint also included. **Please leave a review!
KS3 Computer Science: Computer Systems Year 7

KS3 Computer Science: Computer Systems Year 7

Introduction to computer systems for Year 7 students. The aim of this unit of work is to introduce year 7 students to the basic concepts of computer systems. What are we learning? To show understanding of the difference between input and output devices with suitable examples. To understand the difference between internal and external devices with suitable examples. To describe the different types of storage: Magnetic, Optical and Solid State. To understand the role and purpose of the CPU and the relationship with RAM (Fetch-Execute Cycle). To show an understanding of an embedded system including suitable examples. This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems. A final assessment is also included. Teacher answer powerpoint also included. **Please leave a review!
Effective  Feedback for Students

Effective Feedback for Students

How do you use feedback in your classroom? Effective provision of and use of feedback is a key element towards developing both independent and confident learners. Aimed towards KS3 classes, this resource includes both an effective feedback poster as well as an accompanying introductory lesson. Suitable for all subjects!
What does your Digital Footprint say about you?

What does your Digital Footprint say about you?

This poster was created to promote awareness of digital footprints to my students. Within it I include information on both active and passive ways of generating a digital footprint which is always an eye opener for my students! Suitable for promoting digital citizenship and digital competence. Feel free to use this within your own classroom!
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code

This handy poster is a great revision tool to help your GCSE computer scientists prepare for their computational thinking problem solving paper! Although focused around Edexcel specification, it is also easily applicable for others. This poster will help your students to both understand what the pseudo code means within exams as well as help them write their own, well structured pseudo code. Update: High Resolution 1440x2560 in both PNG & JPEG Please leave a review
Computational Thinking in Drama

Computational Thinking in Drama

Download my poster which includes example task ideas on how to apply computational thinking problem solving skills to Drama. The poster includes a range of tasks and classroom ideas that use key computational thinking skills! *Computational Thinking is a skill set that can be used across the curriculum, not just within computer science! The logical approach to solving a problem means that it’s application can be used to develop and improve students ability to deal with difficult problems in a more rational way. The aim of my posters is to make you realise that many of the brilliant tasks that teachers facilitate week in, week out actually include computational thinking. It’s just a matter of making it more explicit! * Update: High Resolution 2560x1440 in both PNG & JPEG Please leave a review!!!
Computational Thinking in Music

Computational Thinking in Music

Download my poster which includes example task ideas on how to apply computational thinking problem solving skills to Music. The poster includes a range of tasks and classroom ideas that use key computational thinking skills! *Computational Thinking is a skill set that can be used across the curriculum, not just within computer science! The logical approach to solving a problem means that it’s application can be used to develop and improve students ability to deal with difficult problems in a more rational way. The aim of my posters is to make you realise that many of the brilliant tasks that teachers facilitate week in, week out actually include computational thinking. It’s just a matter of making it more explicit! * Update: High Resolution 2560x1440 in both PNG & JPEG Please leave a review!!!
Computational Thinking in Art

Computational Thinking in Art

Download my poster which includes example task ideas on how to apply computational thinking problem solving skills to Art. The poster includes a range of tasks and classroom ideas that use key computational thinking skills! Computational Thinking is a skill set that can be used across the curriculum, not just within computer science! The logical approach to solving a problem means that it’s application can be used to develop and improve students ability to deal with difficult problems in a more rational way. The aim of my posters is to make you realise that many of the brilliant tasks that teachers facilitate week in, week out actually include computational thinking. It’s just a matter of making it more explicit! Update: High Resolution 2560x1440 in both PNG & JPEG Please leave a review!!!
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science: Impact of Digital Technology on Society

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science: Impact of Digital Technology on Society

Has technology improved our lives or has it actually made our lives worse? This poster was created to promote debate within the classroom within my year 11 students to prepare them for their computer science exams. I have included a range of topics with positive, negative and thought provoking questions for students to consider. The topics covered are also suitable for GCSE ICT exams. Please leave a review!