Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
This resource looks at the field of working with children and young people and includes preliminary survey on Forms, Ppt with discussion areas and printable discussion sheet in addition to teaching notes. It is a complete lesson, intended for post 16 students, so could be part of the PSHE or Careers programme, to widen awareness as they think about their post-18 options.
This lesson includes teaching notes, PowerPoint, preliminary and plenary quizzes on Forms and built in discussions to get students thinking about the cost of living and what they need to bear in mind when planning their career from a financial point of view and weigh up the pros and cons of university and apprenticeships, but also consider the value of job satisfaction. The presentation includes links to support further reading and research to help students consider their choices.
This session is ideal for a post-16 assembly but could also be used as a lesson (PSHE/ PD/ tutor time/ history, as a Holocaust intro). It explores the Holocaust via the implications of prejudice and discrimination and from the perspective of ‘ordinary people’ (this year’s theme for Holocaust Memorial Day). It could be delivered around HMD but also could be used as Holocaust education at another time of year.
This resource was designed for sixth form students but is also suitable for younger years. The pack includes an adaptable power-point including optional discussion points and detailed notes for the presenter. There are also teacher notes and a pre-session and post-session quiz to enable you to measure students’ understanding.
This presentation includes all you need to broaden student awareness of careers with animals, teaching notes with links to introductory and plenary quiz, Powerpoint presentation with focus on particular roles, discussion points and links to support further research.
Test your student’s awareness of Women in STEM through a FORMS quiz, to get the discussion going. This resource includes an adaptable Powerpoint presentation, teaching notes with a link to a quiz to duplicate, and photpcopiable Exit Ticket to ascertain understanding and allow for follow-up. This is designed to get students thinking about equality in the workplace and remind them of the achievements of women, to help inspire them to achieve and for all to accept this as the norm.
For Pi Day, this adaptable powerpoint lesson highlights the reasons for Pi Day, while also raising awareness of maths in our everyday lives, including in careers. The teaching notes include a link to a brief introductory quiz on Forms and the presentation includes opportunities for discussion and optional video links.
This resource begins with a survey to ascertain prior understanding of apprenticeships, then moves to the apprenticeship Ppt. The Ppt is adaptable and there is a follow-up quiz to check understanding. It also includes links to relevant sites for further information
As part of our careers literacy resources, this presentation discusses the real prospect of workplace conflict, how to prepare to find out more about a company ethos, who to talk to in case of difficulty and the value of tackling problems. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a quiz on Forms to prepare students for the session and to gauge their prior understanding. THe presentation includes optional discussion elements and links to further information.
Assembly or teaching resource for sixth form / post-16 students on International Women’s Day. Includes a pre- and post-session quiz to measure student understanding. The session deals with the history of IWD, women’s rights globally and women’s rights in the UK. Students also have the opportunity to consider the difference between equality and equity and to think about how they can promote gender equality.
This presentation raises awareness of gambling, understanding addiction and how to get help. The Teaching Notes include links to 2 quizzes on Forms, an introductory one to introduce the topic and a plenary quiz to check understanding and give the opportunity for further questions. The presentation includes optional discussion points and videos with timings to help you work out what will fit your session.
Support your students and sixth form/college teachers to kick off sixth form with strong organisational habits. Use this pack to set the tone for all departments to set out expectations and help students to step up to sixth form. This pack is also available as part of our Sixth Form Induction Pack.
This pack includes, PowerPoint which can be adapted to any subject setting out expectations for organisation, a front of folder guide to How to Study, tips and Reminders and an editable front of folder Organisation Guide, including an index, guidance on how to use it and table for regular folder checks, as well as a Cornell Notes template sheet.
This PowerPoint presentation is an opportunity for students to expand their awareness of where studying Biology A level or related level 3 subject could lead them. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary quiz on Forms to get students thinking and the presentation includes opportunities for discussion, but also optional videos to include and links to further reading as well as guidance on how to expand experience. We have another presentation on Working with Animals, so that is not touched on so much here, but the 2 presentations are available as a 2 pack as well as individually from our shop.
This presentation would be suitable for Biology departments to use to promote careers and work towards Gatsby Benchmark 4 (it can be divided into sections), for Biology Week in October or for a sixth form careers session.
With news reports and research commenting on the negative effects of young people viewing pornography, this is a presentation to look at the topic, underline the legal position and discuss healthy relationships and consent. It comes with an introductory and a plenary quiz on Forms (links to duplicate in the Teaching Notes) to ascertain understanding before and after the presentation. There are optional discussion points and sources are credited in the Notes and final Sources slide.
This is part of our Making Safe and Healthy Choices series.
Hospitality and Tourism offer many possibilities and can be accessed from numerous academic backgrounds. This presentation introduces students to possibilities in these sectors, while looking at the LMI for the food and beverage industry. It begins with a quiz on Forms to gauge student interest and awareness (the link to duplicate is in the Teaching Notes). The presentation includes optional discussion points and videos, so can be adapted to fit your time allocation.
It is part of our Exploring Job Sectors series, so please take a look at our shop for what else is on offer.
Our students are preparing for leaving home and facing all kinds of challenges, so this presentation is designed to help them to understand more fully the implications of drinking alcohol. It includes a PowerPoint presentation with optional discussion points and a video exercise with accompanying worksheet. The Teaching Notes include links to a preliminary and plenary quiz to duplicate on Forms to ascertain perceptions and ascertain the effectiveness of the lesson, as well as ascertaining what follow-up would be suitable.
This is part of out Making Safe and Healthy Choices series, so please check out our shop for other lessons on the topic and bundle deals.
This revisits material students have probably seen at school, but considers the scenarios of starting university and leaving home. It includes advice on spiking and dealing with being offered drugs. The teaching notes include links to a preliminary and plenary quiz to duplicate on Forms. There is also a worksheet to think about the different classes of drugs and the presentation looks at what this can mean in terms of possession, production and distribution.
This is part of our Making Safe and Healthy Choices series https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/making-safe-and-healthy-choices-12819104 - please have a look at what other presentations are on offer.
This lesson is designed with International Day of Families in mind, but raises questions and includes discussion points which would fit any discussion of families, so is easily adapted to fit with PHSE/RSE/Lifeskills topics. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary quiz on Forms to get students thinking about some of the issues to be discussed. The presentaiton includes links to optional videos, with timings so you can decide which to include (or use later for a follow-up). The plenary allows you to review what has been discussed. The final slide includes links to further reading.
This presentation is a complete lesson with optional discussion points, but can easily be adapted to be used for an assembly by taking them out. It outlines some of the King’s history and education, his particular interests and looks at the pomp and ceremony of the day. There are links to a couple of videos - the Crowning of his mother, giving some idea of what to expect and how to make the royal quiche.
It allows opportunities to discuss the line of succession and the cost and benefits of such a momentous event, while also looking at the community events and impact. There is a worksheet to accompany the discussion.
This topic has been under discussion lately and this lesson allows for a fuller understanding of the term and the implications it can have for men and society, while reflecting on how to reset and make positive choices. The presentation includes various discussion points and links to videos - all can be adapted to your time slot. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary quiz on Forms to gain an insight into current perspectives and for students to take stock of their current stance.
This is part of our Making Safe and Healthy Choices Series and goes well with the lesson on Friendship.
‘Off the peg’ presentation that could be used as an assembly or a lesson about Martin Luther King Day (17 January 2023). Pre-session quiz and exit ticket quiz included to measure students’ learning and power-point presentation with detailed teacher notes. Designed for sixth formers but also suitable for younger years. Can be adapted for your own needs.