Each lesson has a PowerPoint with audio clips, so that the lessons can be taught by non-Spanish speakers.
You will get a folder with an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file for each lesson:
1- Likes and dislikes with sports in Spanish
2 - Reasons for preferences in sports (gender agreement) in Spanish
3 - Sports verbs in Spanish
4 - Singular, plural, masculine and feminine in Spanish
5 - Venues for sports in Spanish
6 - A review and assessment of the material covered
All of these lessons can also be previewed and / or purchased separately in our TES store.
You can also find other Spanish units, lesson plans and teaching resources in our TES store.
Note: The lessons use European Spanish, as opposed to Latin Spanish (there may not be a difference for some lessons, but for some there will be).
Each lesson has a PowerPoint with audio clips, so that the lessons can be taught by non-Spanish speakers.
You will get a folder with an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file for each lesson:
1- Understanding culture
2 - The Spanish-speaking world
3 - Spanish greetings
4 - Classroom instructions in Spanish
5 - Asking for and giving names in Spanish
6 - A review and assessment of the material covered
All of these lessons can also be previewed and / or purchased separately in our TES store.
You can also find other Spanish units, lesson plans and teaching resources in our TES store.
Note: The lessons use European Spanish, as opposed to Latin Spanish (there may not be a difference for some lessons, but for some there will be).
Each lesson has a PowerPoint with audio clips, so that the lessons can be taught by non-Spanish speakers.
You will get a folder with an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file for each lesson:
1- How are you? in Spanish
2 - Days of the week in Spanish
3 - Days of the week and Times of the day in Spanish
4 - Months of the year in Spanish
5 - Dates in Spanish
6 - A review and assessment of the material covered
All of these lessons can also be previewed and / or purchased separately in our TES store.
You can also find other Spanish units, lesson plans and teaching resources in our TES store.
Note: The lessons use European Spanish, as opposed to Latin Spanish (there may not be a difference for some lessons, but for some there will be).
Each lesson has a PowerPoint with audio clips, so that the lessons can be taught by non-Spanish speakers.
You will get a folder with an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version and a PDF version of each file for each lesson:
1- Spanish numbers 1 to 12
2 - Spanish names and ages
3 - Spanish numbers 13 to 31
4 - Spanish birthdays
5 - Spanish name days and birthdays
6 - A review and assessment of the material covered
All of these lessons can also be previewed and / or purchased separately in our TES store.
You can also find other Spanish units, lesson plans and teaching resources in our TES store.
Note: The lessons use European Spanish, as opposed to Latin Spanish (there may not be a difference for some lessons, but for some there will be)
3 weeks (12 lessons) of planning and resources for teaching Recount Texts to Year 2 or Year 3. All of the resources needed for the lesson plans are included.
A PDF and an editable version of each file is also included.
Week 1 Day 1 - Giving a verbal recount
Week 1 Day 2 - Recount comprehension (on a recount of a holiday)
Week 1 Day 3 - Sequencing a recount
Week 1 Day 4 - Connectives as sentence openers
Week 2 Day 1 - Writing the beginning of a recount
Week 2 Day 2 - Time connectives
Week 2 Day 3 - Writing the middle of a recount
Week 2 Day 4 - Recount comprehension (on a recount of a school trip)
Week 3 Day 1 - Writing the final part of a recount
Week 3 Day 2 - First and third person
Week 3 Day 3 & 4 - Writing an entire recount
(The Save Teachers’ Sundays logo can be quickly and easily deleted from the editable files once purchased)
Please note: the planning refers to VCOP. If you do not use VCOP, the planning will need some adjustments, but the resources can be used with any system or strategy for teaching writing.
You can find more English lesson plans and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Year 5 Living Things and Their Habitats planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Parts of a Flower
Lesson 2) Process of Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Lesson 3) Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Lesson 4) Wind Pollination and Insect Pollination
Lesson 5) Self-Pollination and Cross Pollination
Lesson 6) Sexual Reproduction in Animals
Lesson 7) How an Embryo and a Foetus Develop
Lesson 8) Comparing Different Animal Life Cycles
Lesson 9) Researching and Presenting on Different Animal Life Cycles
Lesson 10) Famous Naturalists and Animal Behaviourists
- 10 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more Year 5 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 16th August 2022.
Year 4 Electricity planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Sources and Consumers of Power
Lesson 2a) Classify Items as Being Mains or Battery Powered
Leeson 2b) Conductors and Insulators
Lesson 3) Safety with Electricity
Lesson 4a) How Power Stations Generate Electricity
Lesson 4b) Electricity Terminology
Lesson 5) Changing Circuits
Lesson 6) Investigation on Electricity 1
Lesson 7) Investigation on Electricity 2
Lesson 8) Names of Components and Circuits That Will Not Work
- Bar graph frame - 5 items on x-axis and 10 numbers on y-axis (small square paper)
- Line graph frame - 7 numbers on x-axis and 10 numbers on y-axis (small square paper)
- 8 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more Year 4 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 12th August 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date.
Year 1 Everyday Materials planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Objects and the materials they are made from
Lesson 2) Properties of materials
Lesson 3) Online activities
Lesson 4) Waterproof investigation
Lesson 5) Transparent and opaque
Lesson 6) Strength of material
Lesson 7) Absorbent Materials
Lesson 8) Why we use different materials
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more Year 1 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 9th August 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date.
Year 1 Seasons planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Types of weather.
Lesson 2) Clothes for winter and for summer.
Lesson 3) Activities for each season .
Lesson 4) How an apple tree changes with the season.
Lesson 5) Animals in winter.
Lesson 6) Data handling on seasons.
Lesson 7) Hours of daylight throughout the year.
Lesson 8) Seasons activities.
- Other season lesson ideas
- 8 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 1 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 4th June 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ folder.
Year 3/4 Adventure Stories planning and resources. The unit is aimed at Year 3/4, but is set at a challenging level, so it may be suitable for older children too.
Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Comprehension.
Lesson 2) Understanding figurative language.
Lesson 3) Describing settings to create mood.
Lesson 4) Using its and it’s correctly.
Lesson 5) Describing characters.
Lesson 6) Comprehension.
Lesson 7) Showing characters feelings’ through actions.
Lesson 8) Writing a scene from a different view point.
Lesson 9) Punctuating direct speech.
Lesson 10) Planning an adventure story.
Lesson 11) Comprehension.
Lesson 12) Writing the opening, build up and problem of an adventure story.
Lesson 13) Adverbs.
Lesson 14) Writing the resolution and ending of an adventure story.
Lesson 15) Writing an adventure story in one lesson.
- 3 weeks of plans and resources.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more KS2 English lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Year 3/4 Myths and legends planning and resources. The unit is aimed at Year 3/4, but is set at a challenging level, so it may be suitable for older children too.
Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Comprehension.
Lesson 2) Researching myths and legends and creating a poster.
Lesson 3) Presenting the poster to the class.
Lesson 4) Irregular verbs.
Lesson 5) Describing mythical characters.
Lesson 6) Comprehension.
Lesson 7) Describing mythical settings.
Lesson 8 - 12) Writing an extended myth/legend.
Lesson 13) Punctuating direct speech.
Lesson 14) Comprehension.
Lesson 15) Using ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly.
Lesson 16) Writing a short myth about a God plotting the downfall of a hero.
Lesson 17) Comprehension.
Lesson 18) Writing a short myth about a slave becoming a gladiator.
Lesson 19) Identifying word families.
Lesson 20) Writing a short myth assessment.
- 3 weeks of plans and resources.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file.
You can find more KS2 English lesson plans, worksheets and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Living Things and Their Habitats Year 4 planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Classifying Animals in Carroll Diagram and Venn Diagram.
Lesson 2) Online Activities on Classifying Animals.
Lesson 3) Comparing Vertebrate Animal Groups .
Lesson 4) Classifying Invertebrates.
Lesson 5) How Development Impacts on Wildlife .
Lesson 6 & 7) Endangered Species .
- 7 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 4 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated in August 2020. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Year 6 Living Things and Their Habitats planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Comparing Vertebrate Animal Groups
Lesson 2a) Helpful and Hamrful Microorganisms
Lesson 2b) How a Vaccine Works
Lesson 3) Bacteria and Viruses
Lesson 4) Fungi and Protists Carroll Diagram
Lesson 5) Comparing Groups of Plants
Lesson 6) Classification Keys
Lesson 7&8) Carl Linnaeus Biography
Lesson 9) Identify and Classify Real Organisms
- 9 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 6 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 24th August 2022 Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Year 3 animals including humans planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Carnivores, Omnivores and Herbivores.
Lesson 2) The Food Pyramid.
Lesson 3) Nutrients.
Lesson 4) A Fictional Investigation Into Diet
Lesson 5) Human Skeleton.
Lesson 6) Human Muscles
Lesson 7) Animals with skeletons and without skeletons .
- 7 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 3 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 7th February 2021. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Complete Year 1 Phonics Planning and Resources for the Autumn term.
For each lesson, there is:
- 2 alternative lesson plans
- a one-slide story to introduce the grapheme
- a series of slides to introduce the grapheme by asking children to first listen for it and then to spot it in words
- cards with images and words containing the grapheme
- a 'circle the correct word' worksheet
- a 'join the letter to make the word' worksheet
- an 'unscramble the letters to make the word' worksheet
- a word search
- an activity on drawing a line between matching words and images
There is a PDF and an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version of each file.
You can find more Phonics lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Year 4 States of Matter planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Classify Items as Solid, Liquid or Gas
Lesson 2) Evaporation, Condensation, Melting and Freezing
Lesson 3) States of Matter Terminology
Lesson 4) Crispy Chocolate Cakes
Lesson 5) Investigation on States of Matter 1
Lesson 6) Investigation on States of Matter 2
Lesson 7) Investigation on States of Matter 3
Lesson 8) The Water Cycle
8 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
Other State of Matter Lesson Ideas
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 4 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 29th August 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Year 5 Forces planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Gravity
Lesson 2) Investigation on Air Resistance 1
Lesson 3) Investigation on Air Resistance 2
Lesson 4) Buoyancy - Floating and Sinking
Lesson 5) Investigation on Buoyancy 2
Lesson 6) Investigation on Buoyancy 3
Lesson 7) Friction
Lesson 8) Investigation on Friction 1
Lesson 9) Investigation on Friction 2
Lesson 10 ) Explaining Observations About Forces
Lesson 11) Investigation on Water Resistance
lesson 12) Investigation on Levers
- 11 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 5 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 28th May 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Year 5 Properties of Materials planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Properties of Materials
Lesson 2) Testing Properties of Objects
Lesson 3) Investigation on Conductors and Insulators 1
Lesson 4) Investigation on Conductors and Insulators 2
Lesson 5) Investigation on Conductors and Insulators 3
Lesson 6) Investigation on Conductors and Insulators 4
Lesson 7) Reversible and Irreversible Changes and Soluble and Insoluble Substances
Lesson 8) Introduction to Chemical Reactions
- 8 Weeks Plans included for the whole unit.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 5 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated on 30th May 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
Complete Year 1 Phonics Planning and Resources for the Summer term.
For each lesson, there is:
- 2 alternative lesson plans
- a one-slide story to introduce the grapheme
- a series of slides to introduce the grapheme by asking children to first listen for it and then to spot it in words
- cards with images and words containing the grapheme
- a 'circle the correct word' worksheet
- a 'join the letter to make the word' worksheet
- an 'unscramble the letters to make the word' worksheet
- a word search
- an activity on drawing a line between matching words and images
There is a PDF and an editable Word / PowerPoint / Excel version of each file.
You can find more Phonics lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
Year 4 Sound including planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Classify Instruments by How They Are Played.
Lesson 2) Sort Noises by Volume and Match to Decibel Level.
Lesson 3a) How We Hear.
Lesson 3b) How We Speak.
Lesson 3c) Echoes and Sonar.
Lesson 4) Morse Code.
Lesson 5) Making and Explaining Observations About Sound.
Lesson 6) Investigation on Sound 1.
Lesson 7) Investigation on Sound 2.
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 4 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 28th May 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.