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Sazo123's English Shop

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Hi, I'm Sarah, and I've been teaching for over a decade. I graduated in 2006 with a degree in Primary Education, but have taught in both Primary, Secondary and FE settings. My resources are primarily aimed at students aged 9-16+, and are mainly resources to be used in English lessons. I try to make resources that can be easily adapted for all types of abilities and ages. I hope you find my resources useful. Please feel free to leave me feedback on my resources - I'd love to hear your thoughts!




Hi, I'm Sarah, and I've been teaching for over a decade. I graduated in 2006 with a degree in Primary Education, but have taught in both Primary, Secondary and FE settings. My resources are primarily aimed at students aged 9-16+, and are mainly resources to be used in English lessons. I try to make resources that can be easily adapted for all types of abilities and ages. I hope you find my resources useful. Please feel free to leave me feedback on my resources - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Reading Skills - Annotating Poetry

Reading Skills - Annotating Poetry

A PowerPoint and resources to introduce the idea of annotating poetry to upper KS3 and all KS4. This allows whole-class annotation followed by peer work and answering questions to aid understanding. Both poems are freely available on the internet - just look for 'Mirror' by Sylvia Plath and 'Mid-Term Break' by Seamus Heaney.
There, Their and They're - What's the Difference?

There, Their and They're - What's the Difference?

A PowerPoint and Activity to help stuggling students understand the difference between the tricky there, their and they're homophones. The accompanying homework sheet helps the students to demonstrate their understanding independently.
Reading Skills - Visualising Descriptions

Reading Skills - Visualising Descriptions

An activity designed to explore how we all read descriptive passages but see them differently. It requires students to read the extracts from the novels and then draw their interpretation of the description. Both extracts are copyright of their authors.
Reading Skills - Making Predictions

Reading Skills - Making Predictions

A PowerPoint on the skill of predicting what might happen in a book, leaflet, etc. Students are asked to predict the contents of writing using various sources, and are able to identify primary and secondary elements in texts. The Activity 'What does the Cover say?' asks students to say what they think a book may be about from the cover&'s primary and secondary elements. * Image links are included and can be easily found on the internet.
Wallace Hartley Comprehension Activity

Wallace Hartley Comprehension Activity

A comprehension practice activity using Wallace Hartley, the bandmaster of the RMS Titanic, as the topic. The information links to the questions and requires the students not only to read carefully, but to read between the lines and pick out alternative information. * The source of the information is indicated on the information sheet*
Instruction Writing

Instruction Writing

A PowerPoint and activity around the idea of instruction writing. Students are asked to identify why instructions are important and what instructions they have followed - always interesting to see how many realise they are following instruction 95% of the time! The activities concern household chores, so hopefully all students can identify with them.
Unseen Poetry Revision (Island Man - Nichols)

Unseen Poetry Revision (Island Man - Nichols)

A practice exam question for any students undertaking an unseen poem. This particular activity focusses on the poem Island Man by Grace Nichols, and asks the students to complete a planning grid, helping them to focus and note down their ideas. ***The poem is the property of Grace Nichols***
Writing a Letter of Complaint

Writing a Letter of Complaint

A powerpoint talking students through how to write a letter of complaint. This explores a possible structure, and demonstrates how addresses should be correctly presented. Following the information section, there is a task asking students to write a letter of complaint about a mobile phone.
Writing Triplets (Introduction)

Writing Triplets (Introduction)

A powerpoint to explain and demonstrate how writing triplets can be used to identify the purpose of any type of writing. Used with students to introduce the idea and give them an understanding of how they can use them in their writing.
Identifying Meaning (Context)

Identifying Meaning (Context)

An activity designed to help students understand difficult words. The students are asked to try and work out what the word means just by seeing it in a sentence/in context. Can be easily adapted, or students who are struggling can use a dictionary for additional support.
An Inspector Calls - Theme Table Task

An Inspector Calls - Theme Table Task

An activity used by students to help aid their understanding of the themes of the play 'An Inspector Calls' and how the themes affect each character. Can be simplified or made more challenging easily, so suitable for all students.
The Unseen Poetry Question - How to Start

The Unseen Poetry Question - How to Start

A powerpoint explaining an appropriate method for approaching an unseen poetry question in an exam. This shows students a step-by-step simple approach that can be accessed by most students. ***You will need t select a poem for the students to use - possibly one from a previous paper***
An Inspector Calls - What's Happening?

An Inspector Calls - What's Happening?

An activity designed to get students thinking and recapping on their understanding of the plot of 'An Inspector Calls.' The activity gives students quotes from the text and asks them to explain where they fit into the plot.
Word Scramble (English)

Word Scramble (English)

An activity for students that encourages them to challenge themselves to work out words. Great for spelling and remembering key words. This set of words are specifically focused on the subject of English, but the sheet as a template can be easily adapted for different age groups and abilities.
Unseen Poetry Revision (Autumn - Alan Bold)

Unseen Poetry Revision (Autumn - Alan Bold)

A revision exercise for students studying GCSE English Literature, allowing them to practice their understanding of a unseen poem, and also writing an answer to the question in their exam. ***The poem is the copyright of the author***
Harry Potter Comprehension

Harry Potter Comprehension

An activity to revise and test students understanding of a story. Using Harry Potter allows the students to connect to a well known text. ***The extract used is copyright of the author J.K Rowling.
50-Word Story Telling

50-Word Story Telling

An activity template to help students retell a story in just fifty words. Helps them to practice summarising and identifying the most important points of a story.
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Scheme Resources

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Scheme Resources

BSP Powerpoints and Resources. Accompanies the Scheme of Work created by TESEnglish for the text. Brilliant Scheme that has enabled me to adapt and use the activities/tasks with mixed ability groups, and differentiate by outcome. ***The extracts are all copyright of the author, John Boyne.