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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 4: The Age of Criminal Responsibility Looking at the difference in ages of criminal responsibility across the UK, and a consideration of the reasons for Scotland’s increase. The lesson includes a documentary on Jamie Bulger, which students write a report about. If this is watched, this lesson could be stretched over 3 lessons. I however teach this over a double and make the report a homework task. Depends on your curriculum time. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L8/L9: The Nature of Criminality

L8/L9: The Nature of Criminality

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 8/9: The nature of criminality in the UK I have put together these two lessons as Lesson 8 requires IT. There is a small amount of input on recorded crime statistics and the issues with them, students then research the current picture of crime in the UK. They can do this by sharing the worksheet electronically and students populate it using the link. Equally they could hand write it. Lesson 9 is not essential, however, it is a good contrast to the Summer riots of 2024. This lesson focuses on a documentary about the UK riots of 2011, students then write a report on the reasons for it starting. I have them start this in lesson, and finish as homework. If this was all completed in lesson, there is over 3 hours of learning in this bundle. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L5 The Role of the Police

L5 The Role of the Police

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 5: The role of the police Whilst this is planned for GCSE, it would be suitable for PSHE/Careers based lesson, as I use this as an opportunity to embed careers. The lesson looks at the different routes into the Police, followed by an overview of the Police Comissioner and a hierarchy of the different roles within the police force. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
AQA Social Stratification- Power Relationships (14/15)

AQA Social Stratification- Power Relationships (14/15)

Planned for 9-1 specification. This is the last lesson, number 15 is an assessment that is taken from a past paper so i cannot upload this as it is property of AQA. This lesson looks at feminism and patriarchy. The main crux of the lesson is to learn about the Key Thinker Sylvia Walby and her theory of the six patriarchal structures. Please leave a review if you download.
AQA Social Stratification- What is Poverty? (8/15)

AQA Social Stratification- What is Poverty? (8/15)

Planned for New 9-1 Specification Lesson looking at absolute and relative poverty. Lots of UK statistics for class discussion around what they believe constitutes poverty, causes and consequences of poverty. Students then look at Peter Townsends (1979) study into relative poverty, critique it and answer 2x 3mark questions.
19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Making a change. Looking at case studies that link to active citizenship. This lesson looks at Marcus Rashford, Justice for Hillsborough and Fathers4Justice. This is the final lesson in this unit. Students will then sit a past paper Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
18. NGOs

18. NGOs

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. NGOs- Oxfam, The Red Cross/Crescent, specific work in Syria and a debate question on UK spending on foreign aid with peer assessment and teacher model Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. International Disputes- Sanctions and Force. Lesson looks at the Iraq war, The Chilcot Enquiry, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
03. The UK and Identity

03. The UK and Identity

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Lesson 03. The UK and identity. What are the characteristics of being British? Devolution. National Identity. Teacher model answer Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
02. What does it mean to be British?

02. What does it mean to be British?

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Lesson 02. What does it mean to be British? Lesson covers the different types of identity, nature vs nurture, teacher model for exam questions Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
01. Principles and Values in British Society

01. Principles and Values in British Society

AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Lesson1: Life in Modern Britain. What are the principles and values that underpin British Society. Introduction lesson to the GCSE, look at British Values, British Citizenship Test and the Equality Act. Teacher model to exam question Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
06. Values in a democratic and diverse UK

06. Values in a democratic and diverse UK

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Lesson 06. Values in a democratic and diverse UK. Multiculturalism and integrationist views. Looks at case studies to consider the impact of these viewpoints. This lesson looks at multiculturalism in the UK, integrationist approach of France, Paris Terror attacks, London Bridge terror attacks, Summer Holiday riots of 2024. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
09. The Role of the Media

09. The Role of the Media

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Lesson 09. The rights, responsibilities and the role of the media. Looking at the different types of media, class discussions on the different roles of the media, video clips on live debates, BBC impartiality, political debates, considering if the Prince Andrew documentary was in the public best interest. Case Study question looking at the BBC. Can be extended to a triple lesson if you watch the Prince Andrew Documentary that can be found on BBC Iplayer Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
13. The Commonwealth

13. The Commonwealth

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. The Commonwealth. Lesson looking at the role of the Commonwealth and debates if it has any real power. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889