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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
Component 3- LAB- BMI

Component 3- LAB- BMI

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 3: Health & Wellbeing. External Examined Unit. New Spec 2022 All lessons in this examined unit focus on retrieval from Component 1 & Component 2, with a lot of exam question practice. Interpreting health indicators B1 Physiological indicators 1x 60 minute lesson on BMI
Component 1 PSA Walking Talking Mock

Component 1 PSA Walking Talking Mock

These resources are planned to support students with a walking, talking mock of the Component 1 PSA. This is not used with students who are sitting the PSA as you obviously cannot guide students through these tasks. Each bullet point of the task is explained and suggestions given with regards to which content to include. Students are talked through how to attempt each task, and then given the directed time to complete each task. This Walking Talking Mock is for the January 2024 release. Students given their feedback on a highlighted grid, which allows them to see where they would have scored. This can be found here- free download, please review: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12921061 Component 1 Lesson Resources can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12898517
04.05 Impact of immigration in the UK

04.05 Impact of immigration in the UK

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Lesson 04.05. How has immigration impacted the UK’s population. This is planned for a double lesson, which is 100 minutes at my school. Timeline of immigration patterns and population changes in the UK, refugee/asylum seeker, immigration/emigration, push and pull factors. Teacher model answer for exam statement Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Making a change. Looking at case studies that link to active citizenship. This lesson looks at Marcus Rashford, Justice for Hillsborough and Fathers4Justice. This is the final lesson in this unit. Students will then sit a past paper Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
18. NGOs

18. NGOs

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. NGOs- Oxfam, The Red Cross/Crescent, specific work in Syria and a debate question on UK spending on foreign aid with peer assessment and teacher model Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
Life in Modern Britain EOU Revision

Life in Modern Britain EOU Revision

GCSE AQA Citizenship End of Unit Homework booklet I print the Student copy version as a booklet, which is completely adaptable, I then use the teacher copy for students to mark their homework before we sit the June 2021 past paper for the remainder of the lesson. If you download please review. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
L1: Fundamental Principles of Law

L1: Fundamental Principles of Law

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 1: Fundamental Principles of Law [will take a double lesson if you do the shipwreck task] Retrieval grid links to last lessons from Life in Modern Britain. Lesson starts with an activity where students consider life on Island where there are no rules and they debate how their society will operate. Lesson looks at rules, law, The rule of law, presumption of innocence looking at those accused of sexual offences and their “right” to anonymity (or not) using Jimmy Saville and Cliff Richard as examples. The lesson also considers Foreign National Offenders and uses the example of Abu Qatada Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L2: Rights & Laws overtime

L2: Rights & Laws overtime

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 2: Rights & Laws over time Looking at the importance of law, police and courts. Input on Statute law (Common vs civil law), Magna Carta and looking at specific examples of laws that have changed over time including LGBTQ rights & the introduction of the Equality Act. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L3: Global Differences in Law

L3: Global Differences in Law

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 3: Global Differences in law Looking at the differences in laws globally. There is a deep study into Human Rights and considering countries such as Poland and Norway and their different approaches to laws/life. The european arrest warrant is covered briefly, and the main contrasts studied are gun laws and the death penalty. If the documentary is watched at the end, the lesson would be over 2 hours long Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 4: The Age of Criminal Responsibility Looking at the difference in ages of criminal responsibility across the UK, and a consideration of the reasons for Scotland’s increase. The lesson includes a documentary on Jamie Bulger, which students write a report about. If this is watched, this lesson could be stretched over 3 lessons. I however teach this over a double and make the report a homework task. Depends on your curriculum time. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
Component 1- Emotional Factors

Component 1- Emotional Factors

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1-Task 2 1x 60 minutes lesson looking at emotional factors that impact development Task 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12868599 Task 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12879899 Task 3a: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881469 Task 3b: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12895543
Component 1- Formal Support

Component 1- Formal Support

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1- Human Lifespan Development- Task 3b 1x 60 minutes. Formal Support Task 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12868599 Task 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12879899 Task 3a: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881469 Task 3b: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12895543
Component 3- LAA- L3 Physical Factors

Component 3- LAA- L3 Physical Factors

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 3: Health & Wellbeing. External Examined Unit. New Spec 2022 All lessons in this examined unit focus on retrieval from Component 1 & Component 2, with a lot of exam question practice. A1 Factors affecting health and wellbeing 1x60 minute lesson looking at Physical Ill Health- cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity
Component 3- LAA- L5 Lifestyle Factors

Component 3- LAA- L5 Lifestyle Factors

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 3: Health & Wellbeing. External Examined Unit. New Spec 2022 All lessons in this examined unit focus on retrieval from Component 1 & Component 2, with a lot of exam question practice. A1 Factors affecting health and wellbeing 1x60 minute lesson looking at Lifestyle factors, this includes, smoking, underweight, overweight, substance abuse, alcohol and smoking
Component 1 Bundle- Lessons &  Walking Talking Mock

Component 1 Bundle- Lessons & Walking Talking Mock

6 Resources
Complete bundle for delivery of lessons and a practice run through of a Component 1 PSA This bundle includes: All lessons to deliver content input for Task 1-3b A guided walking talking mock, that provides students with instructions and writing frames for the Component 1 PSA An editable student feedback grid.
Component 3- Pre-Exam Booster/Talk

Component 3- Pre-Exam Booster/Talk

BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care- Component 3. This will be used as my pre-exam booster, before the exam. I have approx 30 minutes. This could be extended as a revision session, if you print the Sample paper, and then use the slides to guide students through the answers. I use this by guiding students through the question, using mini whiteboards they bullet point the content they would include, and I show them a model answer. Please review if you purchase.
BTEC Tech Award HSC- Complete PSA Bundle

BTEC Tech Award HSC- Complete PSA Bundle

11 Resources
Everything you need to teach and practice the BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care PSAs (60%) of the course Bundle includes: Component 1: Lesson input for Task 1-3b Student marking grid Walking Talking mock Component 2: Lesson input for Tasks 1-5 Student marking grid (1 per sheet, not spread over two pages like the BTEC one) Walking talking mock When purchased separately it would cost £88.50
Component 3- LAA- L6 Social & Cultural Factors

Component 3- LAA- L6 Social & Cultural Factors

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 3: Health & Wellbeing. External Examined Unit. New Spec 2022 All lessons in this examined unit focus on retrieval from Component 1 & Component 2, with a lot of exam question practice. A1 Factors affecting health and wellbeing 1x60 minute lesson looking at both social and cultural factors impacting health and wellbeing
17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. International Disputes- Sanctions and Force. Lesson looks at the Iraq war, The Chilcot Enquiry, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
BTEC Tech Award- Component 1- Task 2

BTEC Tech Award- Component 1- Task 2

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1- Human Lifespan Development- Task 2. These lessons are for the input of of Task 2, looking at factors that impact development. There are homework tasks and a mock PSA with feedback highlighting grid included. 10x60 minute lessons (can be extended to 12 if documentaries are watched in full), plus a mock of task 2 with a teacher highlighting sheet Task 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12868599 Task 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12879899 Task 3a: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881469 Task 3b: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12895543