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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
GCSE Sociology Bundle

GCSE Sociology Bundle

7 Resources
Mini Introduction to Sociological theories Mini introduction to Research Methods Families Education Crime & Deviance Social Stratification
BHM 2021

BHM 2021

Our department contribution for Black History Month 2021. This powerpoint includes 3x starter activities, and a homework task. Given to each year group (10-13) throughout October. Lesson 1 Starter: Statistics on immigration in the NHS Lesson 2: Reading on the Windrush generation contribution to the NHS and comprehension questions Homework: Research Mary Seacole Lesson 3: Match up and explain key points on Mary Seacole, with a video clip of her statue unveiling.
AQA Family- The symmetrical Family (11/18)

AQA Family- The symmetrical Family (11/18)

This lesson looks at Young and Willmott’s Symmetrical Family theory (Key Thinkers). It is evaluated using Oakley and several other sociologists. Students then plan and answer a 12 mark essay question. I have then included the progress checkpoint (low-stakes, open book mini assessment) that follows in the next lesson.
Crime & Deviance (9-1)

Crime & Deviance (9-1)

10 Resources
These are all my Crime & Deviance lessons bundled together. This covers all of the theory content. This bundle does not include the final 5 lessons that are looking at patterns and trends. I no longer teach this unit, so haven’t completed the unit, but I have had several requests to put the lessons into a bundle to make it cheaper for you. Please review if you purchase :) (I will get round to completing the bundle at some point!)
Self Examination

Self Examination

100 minute lesson that looks at raising awareness about Cancer, having a health lifestyle and how students can check their bodies to keep themselves safe. Video clips and content is aimed at Year 9-10 content. No printing required so ideal for online/distance learning, cover or non-specialist lessons.
Political Parties

Political Parties

A KS3 lesson (aimed at Year 7) for students to have a basic understanding of the political spectrum and the 3 main political parties.
Online Relationships

Online Relationships

I can identify how to avoid dangerous online situations I can inform students in Year 6 how to stay safe online Aimed at KS3, particularly Year 7. Lesson is 100 minutes long. Lesson doesn’t require any printing so is suitable for non-specialists and online learning.
AQA Crime & Deviance- Merton Strain Theory (5/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Merton Strain Theory (5/15)

Lesson 5 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson focuses on Merton’s Strain Theory and briefly touches on Cohen’s theory (but this is covered in more detail later in the unit) The lesson uses my Key Thinker Template and students evaluate the theory. Please leave a review
AQA Crime & Deviance- Functionalism (4/15)

AQA Crime & Deviance- Functionalism (4/15)

Lesson 4 on AQA 9-1 Specification Crime & Deviance This lesson looks at the functions of crime based on the Functionalist perspective. I have found video clips to support each of the functions of crime. Students also complete a gap filler and differentiated exam questions Please leave a review
Personal Finance

Personal Finance

7 Resources
This is a KS4 PSHE/Citizenship/Life Skills unit aimed at Year 10/11. The unit of work aims to inform students about the world of money, so they can make informed choices about spending and where to invest their money. The lessons look at costs associated with moving out, food shopping, having the right bank account, the importance of a pension etc. Included is the learning journey and confidence tracker. As it is not an assessed subject in my school, students use a confidence tracker and the start and end of the unit to demonstrate their progress. Please review if you download as it has taken a lot of time planning and researching.
R.S Theme A

R.S Theme A

Bundle of lesson resources aimed at Theme A delivery (AQA Spec). Knowledge Organiser included
CA1- L2 Physical Development Gross Motor Skills

CA1- L2 Physical Development Gross Motor Skills

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 1: Child Development of the new specification -1.1-1.1.4 Lesson 2: Physical Development Gross Motor Skills
CA1- L4 Cognitive Development

CA1- L4 Cognitive Development

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 1: Child Development of the new specification -1.1-1.1.4 Lesson 4: Cognitive Development
CA2 L1 Nature Vs Nurture

CA2 L1 Nature Vs Nurture

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 2: Factors that influence a child’s development Lesson 1: Nature Vs Nurture