A 40 slide PowerPoint giving an overview of the writing part of paper 2.
The following are included:
Key facts
Exemplar work
Texts included in exam - letter, speech, review etc.
Impressing your examiner
Example questions
Language techniques - with a modern song
Sentence starters
Writing tasks
Two functional reading exams (one for Level 1 and one for Level 2) that I have adapted using the theme of Derren Brown.
Both have marks schemes and I have also included a PowerPoint with some assistance for some of the questions. The students love this theme!
A full lesson on how to write a formal letter. All resources provided. The PowerPoint has a proof reading fun starter activity and goes through the process step-by-step in a fun way.
The following are included:
language techniques
capital letter
sentence structure
sentence starters
Fun starter to show the importance of proofreading. The students need to read a review of Derren Brown's stage show and find 20 Errors. I have put it on a PowerPoint and on Microsoft Word with the answers included on a separate sheet.
The mistakes include the following:
- spellings
- capital letters
- basic grammar
- punctuation
A collection of resources for paper 2 using Derren Brown as its theme. The following are included:
- Letter writing lesson
- Proof reading activity
- Lots of different questions focusing on the reading exam
- Fun images
- Group activities
A PowerPoint and resources on how to write a grade 9 narrative. The students really love this lesson as it' s modern topic they all have an opinion on. The following topics/resources are included:
- grade 9 structure
- character
- dialogue
- exemplar material
- adjectives, adverbs & verbs
- sentence starters
- figurative language
- sensory language
- dialogue tags
- show, don't tell
A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 100% on the second question in the exam. This is the IMPRESSIONS question.
This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire. This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 10/10 on the last question in the exam i.e. the EVALUATION question.
This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire. This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 10/10 on the third and fourth question in the exam. This is the language question which both begin with 'HOW...'
This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire. This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 5/5 on the first question in the exam. This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire.
This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
An 'outstanding' lesson on the language question in paper 1. This fantastic lesson uses the exam question,'How does the writer use language to describe effects of the storm?'
The resource includes the following:
- Model answer
- Language analysis
- Examiner insight
- Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.
- Connotation advice
- Answer structure
A fantastic and benficial PowerPoint lesson on handwriting. The following are included:
- What is handwriting?
- Progression in handwriting
- Main issues that may arise
- Strategies that can support/help
- Where to find further advice
An 'outstanding' lesson on Figurative Language. The following is included:
Fun metaphor or simile Catchphrase starter
Sarah Close music activity (great song for teens!)
Jigsaw learning task
Group activities
Celeb writing activity
Bad similes fun task