An 138-slide PowerPoint on how to get a grade 9 on the GCSE English Language based on the summer 2018 reading exam paper. Other more general revision PowerPoint included.
A 66 slide PowerPoint (& examiner podcast) on how to get a grade 9 on the GCSE English Language based on the summer 2017 reading exam paper. The resource also includes specific slides focusing on grade 9 examples on Q1-Q6 as well as all extracts. PowerPoint as a whole as well as 5 specific PPs for each question.
A collection of resources focusing on terminology needed for the exam. The following is included:
Verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs
Metaphors and similes
Figurative language
A great Powerpoint outlining the questions in component 2 (reading and writing) into the following areas:
how many marks
how points should you make?
how many quotes should you use?
what are the marks given for?
what do you need to avoid?
Very clear, concise and helpful for the students.
A great PowerPoint for revision of the paper 2 reading exam. Each question is looked at separately and in detail. Each question has an example, a structure, a sample answer and a chance for the students to have a go themselves. Works really well with my groups.
I have also included three other PowerPoints. 1) focusing on questions on paper 1 2) focusing on questions on paper 2 3) looking at exam terminology.
I have included model answers for the EDUQAS GCSE English Language paper 2 writing. For each one I have provided grade 9 answers for your students’ revision. Very clear and informative.
The following are covered:
An in-depth Powerpoint for revision for the GCSE Nov exam. This for the paper 1 reading fiction exam. I teach EDUQAS but could be used for any board. The PowerPoints includes the following:
**exemplar marking
student work
top tips
real exam answers
interactive images**
81-slide PowerPoint and 32 minute video on Q1-Q5 on the EDUQAS paper 1 reading exam. The resource is focused on a EDUQAS mock exam on an extract from the book, Normal People. The following are included:
**Mock exam paper
81-slide PowerPoint
32 minute video by an EDUQAS examiner
Starter activity
Exam advice
Model answers
All extracts
Hightlighted extracts
Connotation activites
Fun & modern images**
Two great Powerpoints outlining the questions in component 1 & 2 into the following areas:
how many marks?
how points should you make?
how many quotes should you use?
what are the marks given for?
what do you need to avoid?
Very clear, concise and helpful for the students.
An in-depth revision pack covering all the EDUQAS exams. I have included two versions. One is a Word document and the other is a PDF with annotations/comments from an EDUQAS examiner and teacher. The pack is split into four sections:
a) Paper 1 Reading exam - fiction
b) Paper 1 Writing exam - short story
c) Paper 2 Reading exam - non-fiction
d) Paper 2 Writing exam - transactional tasks e.g. letter, speech, report, review etc.
A huge amount of resources on the fiction reading paper. This exam looks at the Obed extract. All of the 5 questions have an individual PP and lecturer podcast. All resources included!
Two separate revision workbooks on the reading exam on paper 1 and paper 2. The following is included:
Paper 1 and 2 overview
Reading tips and strategies
Real EDUQAS sample exam
Each question (1-6) has its own section
Exemplar work
Sample paragraphs
Sample extracts / exams
Student tasks
Final exam tips
A 70-slide PowerPoint on the GCSE English Language paper 2 reading exam. I have created an exam paper, extracts and PowerPoint based on the climbing documentary, ‘Free Solo’. The film follows climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock … the 3,200-foot El Capitan in Yosemite National Park…without a rope! I have included the trailer link below. The students love it!
The resource also includes the following:
Specific slides on Q1-Q6
Model answer
Answer structure
Exemplar answers
Language analysis
Group activities
Examiner insight
Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.
Free Solo trailer is on YouTube.
A 70-slide PowerPoint on how to get a grade 5-9 on the GCSE English Language based on the June 2019 reading exam paper. The resource also includes specific slides focusing on grade 5-9 examples on Q1-Q6 . The resource includes the following:
Model answers
Answer structure
Language analysis
Group activities
Examiner insight
Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.
This resource comes with PowerPoint, extracts, exemplars, grade 9 answers and a fantastic podcast by an EDUQAS examiner. The resources analyses a real EDUQAS reading exam and looks how to get a grade 9 on each question. This is for all abilities and is very colourful, informative and modern. The students love it!
A 129-slide PowerPoint on the GCSE English Language exams. The quiz is split into each paper and all questions have answers, PEEs, structure, exemplar work, images and other revision activities. For the EDUQAS exam board.
Paper 1 Reading - 15 questions
Paper 1 Narrative Writing - 11 questions
Paper 2 Reading - 15 questions
Paper 2 Writing - 21 questions.
A great 100-slide PowerPoint on every reading question in paper 1. There are a huge number of real exam questions, with key quotes and model answers. This really helped my students.
A fantastic PowerPoint looking at all the tasks in the writing exam e.g. letters, speeches, reviews etc.
Each text type has a structure, teacher tips and a sample paragraph.
The following topics are also covered in the resource:
Capital letters
How to write a great intro
Writing devices
Sentence starters
Final exam tips
Three separate revision PowerPoints on the IMPRESSIONS question on the paper 1 reading exam. I have included the PowerPoint, the extract, grade 5-8 model answers and the extract annotated. Very helpful for students. The following extracts are looked at:
Starter for Ten - David Nicholls
The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
Jamaica Inn - Daphne Du Maurier
A 132-slide PowerPoint on how to get a grade 9 on the GCSE English Language based on the Nov 2018 reading exam paper. The resource also includes specific slides focusing on grade 9 examples on Q1-Q6 as well as all extracts. There is a also an excellent examiner podcast that really benefits the students. PowerPoint as a whole as well as 5 specific PPs for each question. The resource includes the following:
Model answer
Answer structure
Exemplar answers
Language analysis
Group activities
Examiner insight
Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.