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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Feelings & Emotions - Worksheets, PowerPoint & Emotion Fans

Feelings & Emotions - Worksheets, PowerPoint & Emotion Fans

3 feelings and emotions resources. Suitable for 5+ Resource 1 (fully editable): A 3-page activity booklet. Match up the feeling with the correct picture. Construct 10 sentences explaining what each character is happy/sad about. Activity 3: With a partner, verbally describe a situation when you feel happy, sad, scared etc. E.g. I feel happy when… Resource 2 (fully editable): A 21-slide PowerPoint. As a class, look through the slide show and discuss the emotions on each slide. Think about times when you expressed these emotions, at home or at school. There is also a writing task on the last slide. Resource 3: A set of emotion fans for the children to make and show when expressing an emotion.
Questions to ask a PILOT!

Questions to ask a PILOT!

A useful resource for your student’s to complete if you interview a pilot. The children can create their own questions (or choose a some from the list provided) and record their answers on the sheet. Links well to  ‘WRITING TO EXPLAIN’. Fully editable.
Acting out Holidays

Acting out Holidays

Acting out Holidays! Activity: In small groups, students’ must prepare and perform a short play about the holiday type given to them. There are 4 plays in total. In each play, students’ may choose any characters from the list provided (or they can create their own characters!) Once they have performed their short play, they must transfer it (all or part of it depending on ability) onto the play script attached. Fully editable.


TREASURE ISLAND - Take your class on a real pirate adventure! Attached is 56-slide Treasure Island PowerPoint. PowerPoint contents: Characters. Setting. Transport. Tricky words in the story. Treasure Island - the story. Script template. Pirate pictures. Heroes and Heroines. Treasure Maps and Treasure Chests Character profiles. Writing your own pirate story. Also attached is a 3-week unit plan (fully editable), play script templates, Treasure Island - the story (a Robert Louis Stevenson adaptation),a short story example and a writing assessment. Fully editable.
Camping Holiday Gone Wrong - BIG WRITE!

Camping Holiday Gone Wrong - BIG WRITE!

Title: Camping Holiday Gone Wrong. Topic: Holidays. Task: Imagine going on a camping trip with your family … what would you pack? Describe your journey and the campsite … what could go wrong? Planning sheet and story template provided. Age range: 5 -11 years. Fully editable.
Weather Poetry

Weather Poetry

Focus: Weather Poetry. Ideal for 5+ (depending on ability). 3 fully editable resources attached: A weather poem (written by Lucy Coates). A selection of weather words to use when writing weather poems. 2 writing templates.
BROCHURES - Year 2 or Year 3 - PowerPoint + Worksheets

BROCHURES - Year 2 or Year 3 - PowerPoint + Worksheets

This set of resources is for teaching BROCHURES to a Year 2 or Year 3 class. The attached PowerPoint has 54 slides. There are 18 worksheets (16 task sheets + 2 brochures). There are also 3 differentiated ‘blank’ brochure templates. Brochure themes: Thailand and England. Duration of unit: 4 weeks. The unit ends with an independent writing task/assessment. Every resource is fully editable. Planning time saved: Over 40 hours! . Learning Objectives covered: . To review and write basic facts about Thailand. To review and write basic facts about England. To write sentences using correct grammar and punctuation. To learn what a brochure is. To design the front cover of a brochure. To identify and describe features of a brochure. To design and write 1 section of a brochure. To make a brochure. To construct and group sentences under specific headings. To read and find information in a brochure. To write paragraphs. To write lists using commas and bullet points.
Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases - Worksheet & Guidance Sheet

Adverbs & Adverbial Phrases - Worksheet & Guidance Sheet

A simple worksheet for your student’s to practise adding adverbs and adverbial phrases to a sentence. 1 page. Ideal for 6+ (depending on ability). Fully editable. Also attached is a guidance sheet for your student’s to follow when completing the worksheet AND a useful list of adverbs.
Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases - 5 Resources

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases - 5 Resources

5 useful adverbs and adverbial phrases resources (fully editable): Resource 1: Posters showing how to add adverbs AND adverbial phrases. Resource 2: A simple adverbs worksheet. Resource 3: A 5-page adverbs activity booklet. Resource 4: A 5-slide PowerPoint showing what adverbs and adverbial phrases do (with a simple activity on the penultimate slide). Answers provided. Resource 5: A handout showing lists of adverbs.
Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses - Worksheet

Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses - Worksheet

Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses - Worksheet Task 1: In the table provided, students have to tick the correct subordinating conjunction to join the sentences together. Task 2: Students have to complete each sentence with an appropriate subordinate clause. . Ideal for 7 to 11 years (depending on ability). 2 pages - fully editable. Answer sheet included.
The Christmas Tree Chainsaw Massacre

The Christmas Tree Chainsaw Massacre

Have you ever wanted to write a Christmas story with a twist? Attached is a short Christmas story called, ‘The Christmas Tree Chainsaw Massacre’. It’s about a selfish Christmas tree who wants to be all alone on a Christmas tree farm. He hatches a plan to do this… but does his evil plan work? 2 pages - 273 words Could be used as a modelled or guided reading text. Fully editable. 10+
Year 1 and Year 2 Key Words (186 slide PowerPoint)

Year 1 and Year 2 Key Words (186 slide PowerPoint)

Every key word Year 1 and Year 2 children need to learn on a lovely 186 slide PowerPoint. 175 words in total. 12 sets of words + days of the week, months of the year, numbers 1 to 20 and colours. 4 certificates to print off and award to each child as you go along. Fully editable and currently used at an ‘Outstanding’ rated Primary School. Please note: When you preview the PowerPoint, the images may appear distorted/squashed. Once purchased, the images will be completely normal.
Aesop's Fables - PowerPoint

Aesop's Fables - PowerPoint

A collection of Aesop’s Fables on 29 slides. The PowerPoint includes: The Ant and the Dove. The Jealous Camel. The Caged Bird. The Clever Dog. The Lion and the Lost Meal. The Parrot and the Cat. The Lion’s Share. The Selfish Horse. The Too Fat Fox.