Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
**5 Austrian-based resources: **
Austria - 67-slide PowerPoint + Activity Booklets.
The River Danube - 7 pages of activities.
A European Activity Challenge.
A map of Europe.
UK and Western Europe - Maps.
Real-life superheroes!
When the children think of superheroes, they might think of Superman, Superwoman, Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Thor and people like that. People with super powers.
In real life though, people can’t fly and they don’t have x-ray vision. But some real-life people are VERY special and are real-life heroes because they do amazing things, they have amazing talents or they do incredible things for other people. These people could be called, ‘REAL LIFE SUPER HEROES’ … Special people who do special things.
Attached are 3 great activities:
Activity 1: To learn about an amazing SUPER SPACE HERO called Neil Armstrong. There is a video to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 2: To learn about an amazing lady called Mother Teresa. When she was alive, she was a SUPER KIND PERSON and she gave her life to helping the poor and sick. There is a cartoon to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 3: To learn about A SUPER SPEEDY HERO called Usain Bolt. He is the fastest man on Earth! There is a cartoon to watch and a few questions to answer.
Each activity booklet is 6 pages long and contains information about the character, a video link and questions.
Answer sheets included.
Ideal for 6+
Learn to spell and read using these great resources for KS1 and Early Years.
11 resources attached:
PowerPoint Presentations.
CVC words.
Spelling Test Sheets.
High Frequency Words.
*** Fully editable Resources!**
A lovely bundle of resources about FAMILY.
A creative writing task focusing on family topics.
A 6-page booklet about families AND a poster to display some family information.
A 6-page booklet about pets.
Why is your family special slide.
A BIG WRITE called 'My Sister’s Birthday!
A 4-page booklet about Islam.
How do Muslims express their beliefs through practices? This unit outlines the key beliefs and practices in Islam, emphasizing current practice in addition to providing children with opportunities to learn about the historical foundation of the religion. 8 pages, ideal for Key Stage 2
A 13-slide PowerPoint about why Mosques are special to Muslims and a 2-page activity booklet.
A 26-slide PowerPoint about Islam, the Muslim population, beliefs and practices.
An important Islamic Festival.
A great bundle of ADDITION resources!
Adding onto Negative Numbers.
Adding & Subtracting single digit numbers - TIMED TEST!
Adding - 5 ‘stepped’ activity worksheets.
Adding 4 Numbers - Calculate the total.
Adding Decimals.
Adding Numbers (with & without carrying).
Adding Worksheets (5 different activities).
Everything you need to teach a great unit of work.
All resources attached.
12 weeks worth of plans.
Fully editable.
Age range: 5 - 9 years.
To describe a holiday.
To describe different types of holiday.
To discuss jobs associated with holidays.
To find out more about the role of a pilot.
To act out a holiday.
To write and perform a play script.
To interview a pilot.
To draw an aeroplane.
To write a super sentence.
To identify features of a campsite and experience a camping adventure.
To write a letter of thanks.
To plan and write a camping adventure story.
Kick start the school year with this bundle of fully editable activities…
Introductory letters to your class.
3 ‘Getting to know YOU’ worksheets.
A Homework activity for your student’s to complete about themselves.
A summer holiday storyboard.
A classroom jobs list - to display.
Name Necklace.
Me in a BAG activity.
Team Building Games.
4 great resources:
UK Seasons & Months worksheets.
UK Climate Regions - PowerPoint + Worksheet.
Weather Around the World - PowerPoint.
Weather Poetry.
LEAF ART (great for Autumn).
Fully editable.
Assess and track your student’s reading progress …
Reading rubrics
Self assessment
Question cards
Reading analysis sheet
Paired reading assessment
Key questions to ask
What makes a good reader?
5 great resources:
ASIA - PowerPoint and Activity Booklet.
INDIA - PowerPoint and Resources Pack.
CHINA - Unit of Work and PowerPoint.
MAPS - Europe and the world.
WORKSHEET - Where we live in our world worksheet.
Please view each resource to explore further.