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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Relative Clauses – Y5 SPaG Challenge Mat

Relative Clauses – Y5 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using relative clauses. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Hyphenated words – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

Hyphenated words – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using hyphenated words. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
A or An – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

A or An – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using ‘a’ or ‘an’. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Ordering Decimals: Y5 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Ordering Decimals: Y5 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal place. These ordering decimal numbers worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 5 children. A variety of decimal problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
Commas in Lists – SPaG Challenge Mat

Commas in Lists – SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using commas in lists. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Adverbs – SPaG Challenge Mat

Adverbs – SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using adverbs. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Noun and Pronoun Choices – SPaG Challenge Mat

Noun and Pronoun Choices – SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using nouns and pronouns. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Expanded Noun Phrase SPaG Challenge Mat

Expanded Noun Phrase SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using expanded noun phrases. The worksheets are divided into 5 different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Coordinating Conjunctions – Y2 SPaG Challenge Mat

Coordinating Conjunctions – Y2 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using a subordinating conjunctions. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Comparing and Ordering Fractions: Y6 Fractions – Maths Challenge

Comparing and Ordering Fractions: Y6 Fractions – Maths Challenge

Compare and order fractions, including fractions >1. These comparing fraction worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 6 children. A variety of fraction problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Y6 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Y6 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions. These adding and subtracting fraction worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 6 children. A variety of fraction problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
Choosing Units of Measurement: Y2 – Measurement – Maths Challenge

Choosing Units of Measurement: Y2 – Measurement – Maths Challenge

Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels. These units of measurement worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 2 children. A variety of measurement problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
Fractions of Numbers: Y2 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Fractions of Numbers: Y2 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Write simple fractions for example, 1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2. These fraction worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 2 children. A variety of fraction problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
"Interactive SPaG Displays: Key Stage 2 – Expanded Noun phrases, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice and More

"Interactive SPaG Displays: Key Stage 2 – Expanded Noun phrases, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice and More

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains six interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates and display resources enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing examples. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: expanded noun phrases modal verbs passive voice perfect verb form relative clauses subjunctive form
Interactive SPaG Displays: KS2 – Conjunctions, Present Perfect Tense, Pronouns, Conjunctions & More

Interactive SPaG Displays: KS2 – Conjunctions, Present Perfect Tense, Pronouns, Conjunctions & More

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains five interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates and wall display resources enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing ideas. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: Conjunctions Present Perfect Pronouns Conjunctions, Adverbs and Prepositions for Time Conjunctions, Adverbs and Prepositions for Cause Fronted Adverbials
Interactive SPaG Displays: Upper KS2 – Colons to Introduce a List, Parenthesis, Hyphens and More

Interactive SPaG Displays: Upper KS2 – Colons to Introduce a List, Parenthesis, Hyphens and More

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains six interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing examples. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: Colons to introduce a list Parenthesis Hyphens Commas to clarify meaning Semi-colons, colons and dashes Bullet points
Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Conjunctions

Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Conjunctions

Bears of Svalbard. This KS2 grammar teaching sequence for conjunctions has been designed to help children revisit and remember a key grammatical concept from the National Curriculum programme of study. The session provides a motivating and memorable image to stimulate discussion, before introducing the grammar element. Children have time to practise using this feature, before undertaking a short writing task to apply what they have learnt in the context of creative writing. The resource includes teacher notes and a pupil worksheet.
Time Conversions: Y5 – Measurement – Maths Challenge

Time Conversions: Y5 – Measurement – Maths Challenge

Solve problems involving converting between units of time. These time conversion worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 5 children. A variety of time problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.