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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Interactive SPaG Displays: Lower KS2: Commas after Adverbials, Possessive Apostrophes, Direct Speech

Interactive SPaG Displays: Lower KS2: Commas after Adverbials, Possessive Apostrophes, Direct Speech

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains six interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing examples. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: Commas after adverbials Possessive apostrophes Direct speech
Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Time to the Hour

Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Time to the Hour

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Measurement Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. Maths Focus Children are introduced to the language associated with telling the time to the hour. Children understand what the hour and minute hands mean. Maths Mastery Children demonstrate that when they are drawing hands for o’clock that the minute hand faces the 12 and the hour hand faces the number.
Add by counting on activities - Y1, Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction

Add by counting on activities - Y1, Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction

Description Y1 activities for Add by Counting On. Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction. Weeks 1-4. These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction • Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero. Maths Focus • Children will add numbers by counting on from one another. • Children will know where to start the count and when to stop the count. Maths Mastery • Children can solve an addition with a total of up to 20 by counting on, including where additions cross. • Children can decide which number to count on from.
Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using a possessive ‘s’. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Multiplying Decimal Numbers: Y6 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Multiplying Decimal Numbers: Y6 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers. These multiplying decimal numbers worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 6 children. A variety of problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
Subtraction Crossing 10 (2) activities: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4

Subtraction Crossing 10 (2) activities: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero. Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete and pictorial representations, and missing number problems. Maths Focus Children will partition numbers and use this to help them subtract when crossing the 10. Children will build on their experience from Crossing 10 (1). Maths Mastery Children can use part-whole models, bead strings and ten frames to reason and explain their methods. Children can confidently use a number line to count back more than one, crossing the 10. Children can use their knowledge of number bonds to support their learning and solve problems more rapidly.
KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

This KS2 model text pack contains three Norse legends. These can be used to familiarise the children with characters from Norse mythology. The stories included in this pack are: The Building of Asgard’s wall How Thor regained Mjölnir The Mead of Poetry
Represent Numbers to 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

Represent Numbers to 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Number and Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Maths Focus Children will explore different ways to represent numbers to 50, using objects such as counters and Base 10 equipment, and mathematical models such as the part-whole model. Maths Mastery Children can represent numbers up to 50 in different ways, including the part-whole model. Children are beginning to understand how the position of a digit in a number impacts its value.
Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Comparing Time

Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Comparing Time

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Measurement Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: Time (for example, quicker, slower, earlier, later). Maths Focus Children will compare time using ‘faster’, ‘slower’, ‘earlier’, ‘later’ whilst applying their knowledge of writing and measuring time. Maths Mastery Children will be able to combine the language in one sentence, ie ‘a mouse is faster than a turtle but slower than a cheetah’.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Order objects maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Order objects maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Order groups of objects maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Order groups of objects maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Compare Objects Within 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

Compare Objects Within 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Number and Place Value Given a number, identify one more and one less. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Maths Focus Children will compare different numbers of objects to 50 using the less than (<) and more than (>) signs. Maths Mastery Children can count and compare groups of up to 50 objects, presented in a range of different ways, using the < and > signs and the words ‘more’ and ‘less’.
Numbers to 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

Numbers to 50 activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Number and Place Value Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. Maths Focus Children will recognise numbers to 50 and count objects to 50. Children will develop their use of the number line beyond 20 and up to 50 and be able to count forwards or backwards from any number up to 50. Maths Mastery Children can accurately count to 50 in 1s and can count up to 50 objects. Children can find one more or one less than any number up to 50, using a number line and Base 10 equipment to help as needed.
Primary Art Posters – Shading Techniques

Primary Art Posters – Shading Techniques

These three art posters for KS1 or KS2 are a great way of sharing different shading techniques in the primary classroom and helping children learn to draw. The posters include guidance on: Hatching Cross-Hatching Stippling
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: How many left? (1) maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: How many left? (1) maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations and missing number problems.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: One-to-one correspondence maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: One-to-one correspondence maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Part-whole model maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Part-whole model maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare number bonds maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare number bonds maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Subtraction – break apart maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Subtraction – break apart maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (-) and equal (=) signs. Add and subtract one digit numbers to 10, including 0.
Y1 Summer Term – Block 2: Number: Fractions – Find a Quarter (Part 2)

Y1 Summer Term – Block 2: Number: Fractions – Find a Quarter (Part 2)

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Fractions Recognise, find and name a quarter as 1 of 4 equal parts of an object, shape or quantity. Maths Focus Children apply their knowledge of a quarter of shapes/objects to finding a quarter of a small quantity using equal sharing. Maths Mastery Children can divide objects into four equal groups to help them find one quarter. Children can find the whole, when they are given one quarter.