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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 3: 3D shapes maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 3: 3D shapes maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, week 9. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Geometry – Shape Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including: 3-D shapes (for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres).
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 3: Sort 3D shapes maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 3: Sort 3D shapes maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, week 9. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Geometry – Shape Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including: 3-D shapes (for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres).
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare statements (1) maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare statements (1) maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations and missing number problems.
Guided Reading Dice

Guided Reading Dice

These attractive dice are designed to help children to reflect on what they have read. At the end of a reading session, they can use them to generate a question about the text for a written or oral response.
Y1 Summer Term – Block 1: Number: Multiplication & Division – Count in 10s

Y1 Summer Term – Block 1: Number: Multiplication & Division – Count in 10s

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Multiplication and Division Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens. Maths Focus Children will be introduced to counting in 10s, using pictures and number lines to support their understanding. Maths Mastery Children can count in 10s from any number. Children can identify number patterns when counting in 10.
Y1 Summer Term – Block 1: Number: Multiplication & Division – Making Doubles

Y1 Summer Term – Block 1: Number: Multiplication & Division – Making Doubles

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Multiplication and Division Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. Maths Focus Children will explore doubling with numbers up to 20, using pictorial representations to decide whether there is double or not. Maths Mastery Children can record their workings using stem sentences such as ‘double __ is __ ’. Children can work out how to find an original amount when they are given a doubled amount.
Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Time to the Half Hour

Y1 Summer Term – Block 6: Measurement: Time – Time to the Half Hour

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Measurement Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. Maths Focus Children are introduced to telling the time to the half hour and understand the movement of the minute hand in comparison to telling the time to the hour. Maths Mastery Children understand that, for half past, the minute hand has traveled half way around the clock to the six. Children understand that, for half past, the hour hand is just between the hours.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count backwards maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count backwards maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Count to ten, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count one less maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count one less maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Given a number, identify one more or one less.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Compare numbers maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Compare numbers maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Introduce  and = maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Introduce and = maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using pictorial representations, including the number line, and the use of the language: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Order numbers maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Order numbers maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Number bonds to 10 maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Number bonds to 10 maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Count & write numbers to 20 maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Count & write numbers to 20 maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Count to twenty, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, from any given number.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Numbers from 11 to 20 maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Numbers from 11 to 20 maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Count, read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Order numbers maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Order numbers maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Count , read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Compare numbers maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Compare numbers maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare statements (2) maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 2: Compare statements (2) maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 5-8. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations and missing number problems.
Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 4

Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 4

This set of four bright, attractive posters display the additional grammar and punctuation vocabulary that children are required to learn and understand by the end of the Year 4 curriculum. Ideal for use as part of a working wall, they can be referred to as the teaching points arise; discussed for revision; and added to over the course of the year with example of the children’s own work, and those they may spot in, for example, their shared reading.
Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Webs

Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Webs

Encourage children to explore more powerful vocabulary when writing with this fun synonyms activity, suitable for Years 2-6. Ideal as a lesson starter, as part of any writing task or for home learning, word webs are also a brilliant way of keeping classroom displays purposeful and interactive.